How to strengthen the immune system
Colds can catch in any season, especially if it is characterized by rapid changes in weather deceptive warmth and cold wind. Colds easier to prevent than cure, and this is how to do it: Eat vitamins.
A sufficient amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins increases energy and maintains the immune system in a good shape. If you do not eat, your body fills with toxins that make your immune system weak. That waiting for pathogenic microbes. When your body is struggling with a cold or the atmospheric pressure drops, it consumes much more energy. Eat more healthy foods carry vitamins (if you forget to take them) - that you give your body the extra energy he needs. Sleep more.
Son, again, works on the immune system. Lack of sleep it undermines - the body does not have time to replenish energy reserves. Lethargy and apathy - the first sign of shattered immune system. Do not sacrifice their own recreation - all things can wait. Get rid of the common cold.
It is known that the nasal mucosa "settle" pathogenic microbes that try to enter the body. But it can also be a wonderful breeding ground for the same germs. We are often surprised that a week goes by with a slight head cold and already expecting that he was about to take place, sick a long time. Do not treat runny nose lightly. Treat it right, do not expect that it will itself. Drink more water.
How can it help? First of all, the water removes toxins. Also involved in the production of sputum, resulting in the mucous and is a natural barrier to germs. The body uses more fluid, activating resources to guard against the disease, and it is necessary to compensate for the loss. In addition, the lack of moisture can result in pain in the head and joints.
Source: mirfactov.com/