Facts about Eminem

1. Eminem is in the "Guinness Book of Records" as the most sold-out hip-hop artist in the world (approx .: no one before him did not receive such an honor). 2. One of the conditions, before being signed to «Shady Records» - is the participation in Battle against Eminem. 3. During the filming of "8 Mile," Eminem wrote the lyrics for the soundtrack during breaks. When work resumed, the members of the film crew had to literally pull it out of the hands of Marshall notes to somehow draw attention ... 4. Little Eminem was lethargic and would sometimes sing himself some tune under his breath, not knowing that it thus slyshut all around. The habit of muttering to himself he has remained to this day. 5. Eminem present Scottish and Welsh roots. 6. False information about the death of Eminem mentioned 5 times, including four times - was killed in a car accident one time - from a drug overdose. 7. Marshall - a fan of the movie "Spider-Man» («Spider-Man»), but the most favorite movie - is "The Matrix» («The Matrix»), also in the list of favorite movies EM'a include - «How High» and «Orange Country». 8. Eminem on religious affiliation - a Baptist (both his mother and other members of her family), but it is not too religious. Kim (his wife Ema) - Catholic, but it is also not religious. 9. Eminem wears glasses because it short-sighted. 10. My favorite porn actress Ema - Janet Jacme (Janet Dzhesmi). 11. Eminem is the most senior member of the team D12 (1972), Kon Artis - the youngest (1978). 12. Relatives of Eminem as a child his name was Mickey from the fact that the young Marshall had big ears. 13. The first concert, on which he was - the performance of Run DMC, Big Daddy Kane, and Queen Latifah in Detroit. 14. Despite all the rumors, Marshall did not attempt suicide - he took pills to numb depression, but it ended with an overdose. He was happy to wake up the next day. 15. Elton John (Elton John) - wrote the song «Rocket Man» - and dedicated it to Eminem. 16. Favorite song EM'a under which he loves to dance, it - Busta Rhymes - «Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See». 17. Favorite drink Eminem - «Mountain Dew». 18. For his role in "8 MILE» Eminem received 3 000 000 dollarov.

19. Size Clothing worn by Eminem - XXL. 20. Auto EM'a - Purple «FORD MUSTANG-2" 99-year, was sold at auction for 27,900 dollars. 21. For the filming of the movie "8 Mile," Eminem had to lose weight to 76.20 kg to 65.8 kg. 22. Eminem and his daughter Hayley has a cat, whose name is Tigger. 23. Eminem quiet neighbor kids are allowed to play in his yard basketball. 24. Personal Eminem tattoo artist name Mr. Cartoon, he lives in California. Also, this person does this tattoo rap artists like XZibit, Cypress Hill, and many others. 25. Marshall continually reads various dictionaries, that he devotes a few hours and my free time in the evening - so it expands their vocabulary for the rhymes. 26. You can hear the voice of Haley in a track «My Dad's Gone Crazy» (the last track from the album «Eminem Show»). While Eminem has created and mixed the track «Soldier» (all from the same album), his daughter was there and said - «Somebody, Please Help Me». 27. The song playing in the background to the hermitage «Kiss» («Eminem Show»), called «Everyone's Lookin 'At Me». Initially, the track was intended as a soundtrack for the film «The Wash» («Cleaning"), but has not been installed. 28. Dr. The DRE and Jimmi Iovine were backstage during the award ceremony "Oscar" when EM received one of statuettes won. In any case - if Eminem did not attend the ceremony. 29. Eminem recorded all three verses to the track «Lose Yourself» one raz.

30. One of the Grammy Awards won in 2000, Eminem gave his manager - Paul Rosenberg (Paul Rosenberg). 31. Universal and Interscope first make use Ema «Cleanin out my Closet» as the title theme to the "Eight Mile." But then he decided that a very personal thing for this film. Representatives of the company upset because they thought «Cleanin out my Closet» great song and did not believe that GM will be able to write something close. Then Eminem wrote «Lose Yourself». 32. Eminem has a double, his name is Joe Pace (Joe Pace), it ~ 19 years, he was with Eminem on tour «The Anger Management Tour». He also performed with EM'om to «MTV Awards 2002", the song «Without Me», where Joe was dressed in a suit «Rap Boy». But the main task and the work of a twin - a distraction from intrusive media present EM'a. 33. The D12, thought that Proof first to break through to stardom. The fact that GM was the first, it was a surprise to everyone, because at that time it was not the most notable participant, and no it is not "set". 34. The first choice of Eminem and Dr. Dre for the role of Stan in the same clip fell on Macaulay Culkin ("Home Alone"). But later, Dre finally chose Devon Sawa (Devon Sawa), because he looked more organic in that role. Eminem made a test video, where he is portrayed as playing Stan, Devon played exactly the same way. 35. platinum bracelets and rings that EM usually wears the inscription «DAD» - «Papa." 36. Eminem adopt a baby sister - twins Kim. 37. Eminem preferred brand of car «Ford». Nevertheless, his friends say, he does not like to drive. 38. Walks rumor that EM wrote for artists such as - LL Cool J (for its response to diss Canibus'a), co-wrote almost all tracks Dr. Dre on his Albom - «2001» («Chronic. 2001") + to his upcoming album «Detox». He also wrote for "50 Cent» - fifty dollars he says that EM will make some changes in his poetry, to make «flow» luchshe.

39. When Dre first met Em, who was wearing a yellow tracksuit, issued his sponsor because money for normal clothes he was not there. Dre thought that guy like a banana. 40. Louise Presto (Luis Presto) named style works of Eminem's "Classic Hip-Hop" because the EM uses the tools "live" with the minimum sampling.
Source: mirfactov.com/