The influence of the environment on the human immune system
Scientists at the Institute of immunology actively carry out studies of problems associated with the use of immunomodulators, with all types of correction of the immune system and treatment of allergic diseases. This intensification of their activities due to the fact that in recent decades, people increasingly complain of reduced immunity. In communication between them using terms such as "immune and autoimmune diseases".Fifty two million eight hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred twenty
All this was due to the fact that the beginning of the twentieth century to replace the already-known viruses and protozoa have increasingly come new, before unknown to science viruses. Thus a person is forced to accept the changing reality and to live in an environment of more active viruses, bacteria, toxins.
The human environment, it is also habitat, and viral and bacterial microorganisms, which continuously and aggressively attack the person. To defend the same person in such an aggressive environment is required immunity.
Every alien invasion of the human body is responsible for the mobilization of the activity of the immune system. If the body's immune system with any type of infection met before, information about a meeting stored in the memory of the immune system called antibodies. This feature of accumulation by the body's immune memory, scientists were the basis of the principle of vaccination.
IMMUNE STATUS AND IMMUNE RESPONSE – WHAT IS IT?When we hear and read: "immune status", "immune response" of the body, it should be understood that these words we denote the state of the immune system at the moment.
There are special tests to determine immune status. According to laboratory tests of blood taken from a vein and from a finger, set the functional activity of different types of cells and, of course, their number. According to research, experts can judge immunokompetentne cells.
The response of the immune system as a response to every alien invasion, called the "immune response". To protect themselves from the invasion of any foreign substances the body uses the organs of the immune system that are capable of producing immune cells.
Such cells in the human body are phagocytes. The main functional task of the phagocytes is to destroy unwanted and harmful cells, most often foreign cells or cells of the mutants.
Contained only in the blood of special cells, the so-called killers perform a similar phagocytic function.
When you want to stop immune response, the body uses suppressor (to suppress). There are in the body and helpers (to help), which are used in the immune system for the transmission of information.
For the body it is important to preserve and maintain the immune system in the normal range and is achieved through respect between all types of cells of a certain ratio.
Factors THAT WEAKEN the IMMUNE Systemwith many factors which usually occurs the reduction and weakening of the immune system, emphasis should be placed on the stress, which inhibits the production of immunoglobulins. Often encounter, for example, with this event, when one learns that he has cancer. When man learns that he has cancer, under the influence of powerful stressors to its immune system can not cope, and thereby open the path of the disease for further development.
Negative factors a powerful impact on the weakening of our immune system leads to environmental pollution environment.
The abuse of alcohol, Smoking also contributes to the oppression of functional activity of the immune system.
The human environment is so contaminated with toxins that they gradually, by their influence, lead to diseases and disorders of the functional capabilities of the liver. Liver being a vital organ in the body, can not because of the damaging factors to function fully, and thus does not protect the immune system from exhaustion.
We should not exclude such a factor leading to the weakening of the immune system, as higher radiation background.
A significant role in the functioning of each of these systems, in turn, plays the age of the person. As is known in old age and even old age immunity is often lowered.
FACTORS THAT PROMOTE Immunedeficient a person's life determines the level of its vitality, which depends on complex measures, which is called a healthy lifestyle. The corner points defining a healthy lifestyle, will: avoiding harmful habits, physical activity, proper nutrition, healthy habits, healthy sleep.
The above-mentioned thesis about the close connection of physical and mental health, level of fitness proved. Practical implementation opens up opportunities to manage their mood, well-being, improve mental processes through the immune system. The methods of emotional – volitional training as a means of self-education, enhance mental hardening and resistance to unusual extreme situations can be the key to managing the immune system.
And in conclusion that is extremely tempting in this direction will be development of the ability to predict and ability to see the future in bright and vivid colours. Try to educate yourself the vision of the promising ways in which tomorrow will be meeting with joy. Here is the "meeting with the joy of being" into the future and must be an incentive in the circumstances of strengthening the immune system. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru/immunnaya-sistema-pod-natiskom-sredy-obitaniya-i-ne-tolko/
All this was due to the fact that the beginning of the twentieth century to replace the already-known viruses and protozoa have increasingly come new, before unknown to science viruses. Thus a person is forced to accept the changing reality and to live in an environment of more active viruses, bacteria, toxins.
The human environment, it is also habitat, and viral and bacterial microorganisms, which continuously and aggressively attack the person. To defend the same person in such an aggressive environment is required immunity.
Every alien invasion of the human body is responsible for the mobilization of the activity of the immune system. If the body's immune system with any type of infection met before, information about a meeting stored in the memory of the immune system called antibodies. This feature of accumulation by the body's immune memory, scientists were the basis of the principle of vaccination.
IMMUNE STATUS AND IMMUNE RESPONSE – WHAT IS IT?When we hear and read: "immune status", "immune response" of the body, it should be understood that these words we denote the state of the immune system at the moment.
There are special tests to determine immune status. According to laboratory tests of blood taken from a vein and from a finger, set the functional activity of different types of cells and, of course, their number. According to research, experts can judge immunokompetentne cells.
The response of the immune system as a response to every alien invasion, called the "immune response". To protect themselves from the invasion of any foreign substances the body uses the organs of the immune system that are capable of producing immune cells.
Such cells in the human body are phagocytes. The main functional task of the phagocytes is to destroy unwanted and harmful cells, most often foreign cells or cells of the mutants.
Contained only in the blood of special cells, the so-called killers perform a similar phagocytic function.
When you want to stop immune response, the body uses suppressor (to suppress). There are in the body and helpers (to help), which are used in the immune system for the transmission of information.
For the body it is important to preserve and maintain the immune system in the normal range and is achieved through respect between all types of cells of a certain ratio.
Factors THAT WEAKEN the IMMUNE Systemwith many factors which usually occurs the reduction and weakening of the immune system, emphasis should be placed on the stress, which inhibits the production of immunoglobulins. Often encounter, for example, with this event, when one learns that he has cancer. When man learns that he has cancer, under the influence of powerful stressors to its immune system can not cope, and thereby open the path of the disease for further development.
Negative factors a powerful impact on the weakening of our immune system leads to environmental pollution environment.
The abuse of alcohol, Smoking also contributes to the oppression of functional activity of the immune system.
The human environment is so contaminated with toxins that they gradually, by their influence, lead to diseases and disorders of the functional capabilities of the liver. Liver being a vital organ in the body, can not because of the damaging factors to function fully, and thus does not protect the immune system from exhaustion.
We should not exclude such a factor leading to the weakening of the immune system, as higher radiation background.
A significant role in the functioning of each of these systems, in turn, plays the age of the person. As is known in old age and even old age immunity is often lowered.
FACTORS THAT PROMOTE Immunedeficient a person's life determines the level of its vitality, which depends on complex measures, which is called a healthy lifestyle. The corner points defining a healthy lifestyle, will: avoiding harmful habits, physical activity, proper nutrition, healthy habits, healthy sleep.
The above-mentioned thesis about the close connection of physical and mental health, level of fitness proved. Practical implementation opens up opportunities to manage their mood, well-being, improve mental processes through the immune system. The methods of emotional – volitional training as a means of self-education, enhance mental hardening and resistance to unusual extreme situations can be the key to managing the immune system.
And in conclusion that is extremely tempting in this direction will be development of the ability to predict and ability to see the future in bright and vivid colours. Try to educate yourself the vision of the promising ways in which tomorrow will be meeting with joy. Here is the "meeting with the joy of being" into the future and must be an incentive in the circumstances of strengthening the immune system. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dolgo-zivi.ru/immunnaya-sistema-pod-natiskom-sredy-obitaniya-i-ne-tolko/