We also know how to so

Since this blog is called very generally - "Guests of Planet Earth", the characters and, of course, appear to be the most diverse.
For example, as in this photo. I do not consider myself to be gender chauvinists, however, by the fact of such a pass just can not. Since there is really out of the ordinary. To what extent, do not dare to estimate (I'm afraid to do it elsewhere and specialists a completely different profile) Unfortunately, the more serious the photo could not do that, everything is in motion, so to speak, managed to click with the left foot - and thanks for that. Heartily encouraged a positive attitude towards life avtomobilchika owner. Man looking good in everything and does not hide it. "I'm all such nyasha of childhood" must see not only totally foreign citizens, but, first of all, herself the owner of a unique collection. Therefore, it seems logical exposition is placed on the windshield. Rear - went and wounded hundreds of these on the roads and they rule has not really afraid of traffic participants. But the front - is yes. It's from the heart. It is safe to go to the oncoming lane - I bet turn away everything. Even at the cost of accidents and injuries. Before such a terrible force (in the sense of beauty) can not stand anybody. Well, unless the guardians die-hards will not appreciate this method of self-expression. Or just did appreciate in a very specific amount.
Happiness to you, my dear girl, no rod or nail and nerves of steel to your relatives and friends.
Photo courtesy of co-author blog Roman Nikonets.
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