Russia is the great and wonderful country!

We are not afraid of heights, wash windows for us - what to drink tea.

On our roads the enemy will never take place. Only we can and know how to ride it.

On our roads will not find anything unusual for a simple Russian man.

Our wit can only envy.

Our children - the happiest.

On our way we met only creative.

Our balconies can paint in oils.

Do you think that our country does not have enough manpower? This is a lie.
We - the most inventive country.

Only on our roads can become a participant of the reality show "Saw».

We are able to repair anything. Or we manage to hire someone who will repair everything and anything you like. Not the essence.

Our girls - best avtolyubitelnitsy.

Our savvy invincible.

Our fishing is the best. Yes, we are fishing with friends.

We know how to cope when you need hot water, and its not like.

Even our police care about the health of those they tamed.

Chelyabinsk - we have it.

We know how to creatively approach the passing games.

Only in our country know the expression "Tear ass but do».
We have the usual inns in the country.

In our country - the most outstanding invention. Patented!

Our grandmothers with the best sense of humor.
Our dads the best default.

We know how to get out of any situation.

For us, nothing is impossible.

For us, there is nothing unusual. Well, it happens.

Our grandmothers. We love them.

Our police are the best!

Chelyabinsk carousel keep up with grandparents, parents and police.

This is what we have won in the Olympics 2014.

That we bear - human friends!

This we are able to adapt to any weather conditions.

We have the best holidays. What viskar what stake?
In Russia safely.

Once we have the wonderful boots.
Our men are the most severe.

What we can do "renovation».