Sometimes, a woman outwardly looks very feminine, but next to it is impossible to live. And from it strange that such a beautiful woman ...
Femininity is different. Sometimes, a woman outwardly looks very feminine, but next to it is impossible to live. And from it strange that such a beautiful woman. And having been in the shoes of her men, you know why. It is, for all its beauty can be oppressive at home arguing about and no, selfish, not wanting anyone to serve.
And so it is important to talk about the integrity of femininity, in this book I call it mature. That femininity, which is the same inside and outside. This can help us to four levels of human life.
There are:
The physical layer, which is all that is connected with our body.
The emotional level, where all that is associated with the relationship.
The intellectual level, where our knowledge, skills and mental attitudes.
The spiritual level, where the relationship with God, and the direction of life and its meaning.
If we talk about femininity, it is important to approach it comprehensively on all four levels.
1. femininity on a physical level
To start here is how we look externally. And a lot of components.
What we wear? How feminine clothes and underscores our femininity?
How our clothes are chaste? How it retains the feminine energy? Or is it lust, provokes and spills all our accumulated nowhere?
What is the condition of our skin? Do take care of her? We stressed its beauty makeup?
What kind of relationship we have with the hair? Are they healthy? Neat and tidy it? Whether tidy?
Do us jewelry, accessories? Do we know how all this wear and complement their images?
What kind of shoes we wear? Trample shoes or soft shoes (feminine can be not only the studs, there is also a ballerina, and shoes on a small heel)
What is the state of our health? Especially in the female part?
Whether we are for her figure or her long-spit? It is said that most of the female figure - a waist. That is a woman, it should always be. And whether it is with us?
As we move as we go, whether we have the smooth movement?
As we speak? As far as our voice is pleasant to ourselves and to those who spoke with us?
And here is how we create - or create - the space around them:
Do we know how to cook and love to invest in food?
Whether we are able to create an atmosphere in the house?
Whether we are able to create coziness just little things?
Are we able to just get rid of the junk in your life?
Whether we are able to maintain cleanliness and order in the reasonable limits?
Whether able to prosperity for any family in the house to create a feeling of complete bowls?
2. The emotional component of femininity
Since everything here is about the relationship, then there is a lot of work:
Do we understand ourselves? Knowing whether your needs and desires? Whether we are able to report it close?
Do we understand others or totally fixated on yourself? You see, that others do have those same desires and aspirations?
Are we able to see the needs of a loved one? Whether we are able to distinguish between wants and needs? And you give someone what they need?
Do we know how to have fun in a relationship? And we know how to give pleasure to others in relationships?
Are we able to serve close to people or consider it beneath his dignity? We demand from the other we serve?
Are we able to forgive or bear a grudge for years and decades? Fret if your heart such memories or we can let them go and move on?
Do we know how to ask for forgiveness or too proud for that? Do we think themselves right up to the last, even if it causes someone pain and destroys our relationship?
Do we invest in power relations or relations of just trying to get something for yourself?
Are we able to take their families with all their features and drawbacks?
Does creativity and you know how to creatively solve problems and situations?
Are we able to support, inspire loved ones, especially the man? Or just we press, we demand and blackmailing?
Are we able to forgive mistakes? Himself? Close? Around?
As we build a relationship with the world? Whether to attempt to earn the love? Or we believe that we all have something?
We condemn any other, whether complaining, criticizing? Whether in the world to breed negative or increase the amount of goodness and light?
Do we have a strong, warm whether domestic relationship with their parents? Or are we offended them, hate and mstim? We are grateful for the fact that they gave us life, and for all that they gave us?
Do we see individuals in their children or try to assert themselves at their expense, to sell their dreams
Do we have a good relationship with the family, with ancestors, with the generic energy? Or are we offended by everything and everyone, and try to keep contact to a minimum? Do we know their ancestors and you know how to be grateful to them?
We know how to thank you, to speak kind and warm words? We are able to accept any of the other gifts, compliments, thanks? After receiving no less important than giving.
Do we know how to open the hearts of their loved ones? We are able to speak about their feelings so as not to hurt the feelings of the other person?
Do we know how to handle your feelings? Do they know how to live? Or lock the? Or pour whom have? Are we able to understand all that feel?
At the heart of whether we live or the head? Do we know how to feel or just think without interruption?
Do we know how to love? So that it felt like the people we love? And we know how to receive love from those who gives it to us?
How do people feel after talking to us? Topcu whether others in the mud? Or inspire and instill confidence?
What we do develop femininity? For myself? To bloom and smell to anyone? Or to light up someone's life with his love?
3. Intellectual femininity
Will my intelligence and femininity? Often it seems that a woman must be as stupid, and then it will be easier. But this is not true.
True femininity wise. That is her knowledge are applied in nature, it does not just know what to do, how to do, she can do it. He knows what to say and how. He knows when to speak and to whom. And so on.
Good manners. True femininity is able to behave in society. And it is not a mask, not a sham. She just does not ask people to uncomfortable questions, is never vulgar, I apologize, causing someone pain.
It knows how to obey her husband. More precisely, first listen to his father, then her husband, then an adult son. He knows how to delegate responsibility and trust, making decisions.
It says so that it is pleasant to listen. With a good vocabulary. No foul language.
Do not argue. The debate is born truth, disputes destroy relationships. And there is no sense in them. No. Why spend time and energy?
Not clever. Not boasting of his erudition and erudition. Use your knowledge for other purposes.
Do not open other eyes to the truth. It allows others to be as they have.
Studying whether women's art, there tends to master them. Developed as a woman in the women's disciplines - beauty, economics, work, family relations.
Learning the laws of life, seeks to understand how to live. It does not come up with the rules for themselves and learn from their ancestors, studies and analyzes.
It never stops in its domestic growth. Always striving to become even better.
4. Spiritual femininity
Do we understand that we have a piece of a whole? Or we consider that all the happiness created by the hands, and the misery piled themselves according to the law of meanness?
We are grateful for all the higher powers that we have given? Or just ask for something over and over again?
Are we able to trust their fate to higher forces? You see, they know better what we give, and when? Or are fighting all the time and knock out for yourself what else?
Do we know how to pray - sincerely and from the heart? Whether we are able to open your heart to a higher power?
We know how to pray for the family and whether it is done on a regular basis? You see that, instead of concern for someone, it is better to pray for him? And if we have enough inner determination and generosity for such prayers?
Do we understand that most people need love when you least deserve it? And we know how we love in such situations? In sickness, in poverty, in grief, in error?
We do the people around us? Do you understand that God has no other hands, other than ours? We do try to keep others and help them?
Does the charity - at least in some form of it? Although from time to time?
For me personally, this list a lot of work. No end. Grow and grow. To grow up and mature. Open heart, melt it, learn to give and receive love ...
I do not believe in partial femininity. It can only be solid. That which can not be doubted. Harmonious on all four levels. Otherwise - it's just a substitute.
I do not believe in femininity girl with an open body, which is nice. I do not believe in femininity that takes someone else's husband from the family.
I do not believe in femininity, which is all to prove something, and something to teach.
I do not believe in femininity those close to the man who is not a long time - there is no perfect flower useless.
I do not believe in femininity, which is only for itself when it has no intentional continuation of the kids.
I do not believe in femininity, which killed at work for the sake of career and money.
I do not believe in femininity, destroying his family scandals and accusations, betrayals and bad language.
I do not believe that femininity can be indifferent to other people's troubles, or even cruel to another person or creature.
I do not believe in femininity foolish and narrow-minded, who do not try to learn something.
I do not believe in femininity those who simply live it and will measure everything with money and material goods.
I do not believe in femininity those who do abortions.
I do not believe in femininity who crushes under its heel husband.
I do not believe that femininity can be whiners, victims, the complainant, infantile creation.
I do not believe in femininity, which shows all her femininity.
I do not believe. Because true femininity is not in doubt. Whoever it neither looked and whenever it occurred - the effect is the same. See it can only be a woman. Even if she is in a bad mood, or crying. Even if she makes a mistake, or are just learning to respond correctly. Even if it is just starting its way, and he does not come easy to her.
Developing simultaneously on all four levels, we come to wholeness, harmony, maturity.
Olga Valyaeva

Femininity is different. Sometimes, a woman outwardly looks very feminine, but next to it is impossible to live. And from it strange that such a beautiful woman. And having been in the shoes of her men, you know why. It is, for all its beauty can be oppressive at home arguing about and no, selfish, not wanting anyone to serve.
And so it is important to talk about the integrity of femininity, in this book I call it mature. That femininity, which is the same inside and outside. This can help us to four levels of human life.
There are:
The physical layer, which is all that is connected with our body.
The emotional level, where all that is associated with the relationship.
The intellectual level, where our knowledge, skills and mental attitudes.
The spiritual level, where the relationship with God, and the direction of life and its meaning.
If we talk about femininity, it is important to approach it comprehensively on all four levels.
1. femininity on a physical level
To start here is how we look externally. And a lot of components.
What we wear? How feminine clothes and underscores our femininity?
How our clothes are chaste? How it retains the feminine energy? Or is it lust, provokes and spills all our accumulated nowhere?
What is the condition of our skin? Do take care of her? We stressed its beauty makeup?
What kind of relationship we have with the hair? Are they healthy? Neat and tidy it? Whether tidy?
Do us jewelry, accessories? Do we know how all this wear and complement their images?
What kind of shoes we wear? Trample shoes or soft shoes (feminine can be not only the studs, there is also a ballerina, and shoes on a small heel)
What is the state of our health? Especially in the female part?
Whether we are for her figure or her long-spit? It is said that most of the female figure - a waist. That is a woman, it should always be. And whether it is with us?
As we move as we go, whether we have the smooth movement?
As we speak? As far as our voice is pleasant to ourselves and to those who spoke with us?
And here is how we create - or create - the space around them:
Do we know how to cook and love to invest in food?
Whether we are able to create an atmosphere in the house?
Whether we are able to create coziness just little things?
Are we able to just get rid of the junk in your life?
Whether we are able to maintain cleanliness and order in the reasonable limits?
Whether able to prosperity for any family in the house to create a feeling of complete bowls?
2. The emotional component of femininity
Since everything here is about the relationship, then there is a lot of work:
Do we understand ourselves? Knowing whether your needs and desires? Whether we are able to report it close?
Do we understand others or totally fixated on yourself? You see, that others do have those same desires and aspirations?
Are we able to see the needs of a loved one? Whether we are able to distinguish between wants and needs? And you give someone what they need?
Do we know how to have fun in a relationship? And we know how to give pleasure to others in relationships?
Are we able to serve close to people or consider it beneath his dignity? We demand from the other we serve?
Are we able to forgive or bear a grudge for years and decades? Fret if your heart such memories or we can let them go and move on?
Do we know how to ask for forgiveness or too proud for that? Do we think themselves right up to the last, even if it causes someone pain and destroys our relationship?
Do we invest in power relations or relations of just trying to get something for yourself?
Are we able to take their families with all their features and drawbacks?
Does creativity and you know how to creatively solve problems and situations?
Are we able to support, inspire loved ones, especially the man? Or just we press, we demand and blackmailing?
Are we able to forgive mistakes? Himself? Close? Around?
As we build a relationship with the world? Whether to attempt to earn the love? Or we believe that we all have something?
We condemn any other, whether complaining, criticizing? Whether in the world to breed negative or increase the amount of goodness and light?
Do we have a strong, warm whether domestic relationship with their parents? Or are we offended them, hate and mstim? We are grateful for the fact that they gave us life, and for all that they gave us?
Do we see individuals in their children or try to assert themselves at their expense, to sell their dreams
Do we have a good relationship with the family, with ancestors, with the generic energy? Or are we offended by everything and everyone, and try to keep contact to a minimum? Do we know their ancestors and you know how to be grateful to them?
We know how to thank you, to speak kind and warm words? We are able to accept any of the other gifts, compliments, thanks? After receiving no less important than giving.
Do we know how to open the hearts of their loved ones? We are able to speak about their feelings so as not to hurt the feelings of the other person?
Do we know how to handle your feelings? Do they know how to live? Or lock the? Or pour whom have? Are we able to understand all that feel?
At the heart of whether we live or the head? Do we know how to feel or just think without interruption?
Do we know how to love? So that it felt like the people we love? And we know how to receive love from those who gives it to us?
How do people feel after talking to us? Topcu whether others in the mud? Or inspire and instill confidence?
What we do develop femininity? For myself? To bloom and smell to anyone? Or to light up someone's life with his love?
3. Intellectual femininity
Will my intelligence and femininity? Often it seems that a woman must be as stupid, and then it will be easier. But this is not true.
True femininity wise. That is her knowledge are applied in nature, it does not just know what to do, how to do, she can do it. He knows what to say and how. He knows when to speak and to whom. And so on.
Good manners. True femininity is able to behave in society. And it is not a mask, not a sham. She just does not ask people to uncomfortable questions, is never vulgar, I apologize, causing someone pain.
It knows how to obey her husband. More precisely, first listen to his father, then her husband, then an adult son. He knows how to delegate responsibility and trust, making decisions.
It says so that it is pleasant to listen. With a good vocabulary. No foul language.
Do not argue. The debate is born truth, disputes destroy relationships. And there is no sense in them. No. Why spend time and energy?
Not clever. Not boasting of his erudition and erudition. Use your knowledge for other purposes.
Do not open other eyes to the truth. It allows others to be as they have.
Studying whether women's art, there tends to master them. Developed as a woman in the women's disciplines - beauty, economics, work, family relations.
Learning the laws of life, seeks to understand how to live. It does not come up with the rules for themselves and learn from their ancestors, studies and analyzes.
It never stops in its domestic growth. Always striving to become even better.
4. Spiritual femininity
Do we understand that we have a piece of a whole? Or we consider that all the happiness created by the hands, and the misery piled themselves according to the law of meanness?
We are grateful for all the higher powers that we have given? Or just ask for something over and over again?
Are we able to trust their fate to higher forces? You see, they know better what we give, and when? Or are fighting all the time and knock out for yourself what else?
Do we know how to pray - sincerely and from the heart? Whether we are able to open your heart to a higher power?
We know how to pray for the family and whether it is done on a regular basis? You see that, instead of concern for someone, it is better to pray for him? And if we have enough inner determination and generosity for such prayers?
Do we understand that most people need love when you least deserve it? And we know how we love in such situations? In sickness, in poverty, in grief, in error?
We do the people around us? Do you understand that God has no other hands, other than ours? We do try to keep others and help them?
Does the charity - at least in some form of it? Although from time to time?
For me personally, this list a lot of work. No end. Grow and grow. To grow up and mature. Open heart, melt it, learn to give and receive love ...
I do not believe in partial femininity. It can only be solid. That which can not be doubted. Harmonious on all four levels. Otherwise - it's just a substitute.
I do not believe in femininity girl with an open body, which is nice. I do not believe in femininity that takes someone else's husband from the family.
I do not believe in femininity, which is all to prove something, and something to teach.
I do not believe in femininity those close to the man who is not a long time - there is no perfect flower useless.
I do not believe in femininity, which is only for itself when it has no intentional continuation of the kids.
I do not believe in femininity, which killed at work for the sake of career and money.
I do not believe in femininity, destroying his family scandals and accusations, betrayals and bad language.
I do not believe that femininity can be indifferent to other people's troubles, or even cruel to another person or creature.
I do not believe in femininity foolish and narrow-minded, who do not try to learn something.
I do not believe in femininity those who simply live it and will measure everything with money and material goods.
I do not believe in femininity those who do abortions.
I do not believe in femininity who crushes under its heel husband.
I do not believe that femininity can be whiners, victims, the complainant, infantile creation.
I do not believe in femininity, which shows all her femininity.
I do not believe. Because true femininity is not in doubt. Whoever it neither looked and whenever it occurred - the effect is the same. See it can only be a woman. Even if she is in a bad mood, or crying. Even if she makes a mistake, or are just learning to respond correctly. Even if it is just starting its way, and he does not come easy to her.
Developing simultaneously on all four levels, we come to wholeness, harmony, maturity.
Olga Valyaeva
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