Cheese roll "Bounty".
For this we need a roll: 3 eggs
sugar 120g
flour 100g
baking powder 0, 5 tsp
1 pinch salt
cocoa - powder 1 tbsp
Cream we need:
cottage cheese with no grains (you can wet) 200 g
powdered sugar 3 tbsp
butter at room temperature 1 tbsp heaped
coconut 2 tbsp
sour cream 3 tbsp
For the dough whisk the eggs with the sugar and salt. Mix flour with baking powder and cocoa and mix with the egg mixture. Baking tray lay a baking paper, grease, pour the batter, flatten into a rectangle. Put in a preheated 180 * oven for 10-15 minutes. Does not retain moisture.
While cares biscuit, mix all the ingredients for the cream (or beat on low speed of mixer).
Ready cake neatly separated from the paper and immediately roll to roll until hot (you can chat with this paper). Leave on for 5-10 minutes. Next, deploy, oil cream, roll tightly, decorate as desired and put into the refrigerator for 1 hour or more.
Enjoy your tea !!!