My daughter came home, but instead of helping us, she spent all the money she earned on nonsense.

Any adult knows whether to spend money on short-term desires or invest them in something necessary. Well, almost anyone. As they say, there are exceptions.

If the person himself cannot make the right decision, loving parents can always help him with advice. However, such recommendations are not always useful. Let’s face it: sometimes parents think out of date, stereotyped, and don’t see the whole picture. Is it fair to do what your heart tells you to do, or in spite of everything, to do what you tell you to do?

We sent our daughter to Spain after school. Don't think about it. I went to my sister and did it for several reasons. Firstly, the climate is good, the cuisine, new impressions. Secondly, she studied, say, so herself. To arrange paid training did not see the point, only to waste money. She couldn’t find herself at that time. Instead, it was an option to do some work. With European salaries and language learning.

Again, the sister had an extra room, with Alina she became friends. Why not? And after school, I think it's too early to look for suitors. It is time to get older and more serious.

Every weekend we talked via video. My daughter told me how much she likes to live in a sunny country. That her job is now even less than it was. Which actually sounded kind of hurtful. Well, how much work did she have in the village? Well, she helped a little on the housework, but, believe me, no more than her peers in other families.

She got a job as a waitress in a small cafe. Since the place was a pass, tourist, she would not even need a salary - generous tips covered all costs. As my daughter told me, food and goods in Spain are not much more expensive than in our city stores. With the village, of course, can not be compared. You don’t see oranges on sale very often.

My husband and I are doing some repairs. We have a big house, but everything inside is too simple. What they could, they updated, and there was a line behind the roof. We still had a slate there. Think of it as a barn. We put him there when he was young, when there was no special choice. And now there is an opportunity to buy shingles.

Tile is a great material. Transforms the view of the entire dwelling. Just like a man's haircut. We came to the city, consulted with the sellers and chose, you know, a good one from the pictures. Make it look like it was in old castles. I really liked it. But after calculating the payment for the crew and material, we realized that we do not have such money. Thank goodness my daughter came in a few days.

Before her arrival, I hinted to Alina that my father and I would need some financial help. She responded positively and said she would help in any way she could. But she was home only a week after the scheduled date. Arriving in the capital, she stayed there to heal her teeth and put up some plate for her teeth.

At first I did not even recognize her: my daughter grew up, tanned, completely changed. And with all this nonsense, just like they switched. She brought me and my father all sorts of things, overseas treats and souvenirs. She talked about her life, about her acquaintance with a Spaniard, and showed pictures.

After a couple of days, I called her rested woman to talk about this roof. I mean, tiles need to be laid. But when she found out how much money she needed for everything, her eyes widened. Said she hadn't even thought about such a huge sum. I used to think everything was cheap. And time goes by.

The daughter began to justify that she spent most of her savings in the capital: on a hotel, food and dental services. You know, a young girl, she's ruining her teeth. And she had no problem with that. Well, a couple of teeth are crooked, but it's not a complete absence of them. Girls her age always smile beautifully, whether their teeth are perfect or not.

She started whining, said she'd call her Spaniard, ask him for a loan. All right, so be it, let's go. But please tell me, how can you, as an adult, not know the value of money? Not to help your parents, but to spend everything on your “wants”? Is this the whole generation or just my daughter? To be honest, I'm hurt. But what can you do, the only daughter? We don't have another.


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