What mistakes prevent you from making delicious soup
Eating soup regularly is a real tradition that most of us diligently instilled in parents, as well as grandparents. Liquid and hot meals for lunch are considered a necessity, because without them digestive problems can not be avoided. But what if the family does not like soup, no matter how hard you try at the stove?
And today, the editorial board will tell you, How to make delicious soupIt won’t stay in the refrigerator for long. Perhaps you are making popular mistakes that prevent a liquid dish from being truly appetizing.
How to properly cook soup
Now you know, How to properly cook broth for soup. But knowledge alone is not enough, because if cooking for you is more and more like a routine – this is a bad sign. Delicious will be only those dishes that are prepared with energy, love, enthusiasm and good mood.
Therefore, get a pleasing utensils, as well as a good mood, turn on good music for the background and start cooking dishes that will definitely appeal to everyone at home. And you too.
And today, the editorial board will tell you, How to make delicious soupIt won’t stay in the refrigerator for long. Perhaps you are making popular mistakes that prevent a liquid dish from being truly appetizing.

How to properly cook soup
- Meat cooking
How can a soup without meat be delicious? And if a piece of meat for cooking is lowered in cold water, then the broth will definitely turn out good, but if the meat is placed in hot water, then the whole taste will remain in the meat, and the broth will be tasteless. - Fire.
Haste is not the best assistant when cooking. And a great broth will turn out only with prolonged cooking on a slow heat. If you cook on a high heat, the soup will be cooked faster, but the meat will not have time to convey the whole taste. - pencil
Dark foam, which is formed when cooking broth, it is better to remove, since it is formed from blood clotting. But white foam is a cooked protein, which makes the soup more useful, so it is better to leave it. If you do not like the aesthetic appearance of foam, then before cooking, drop a peeled bulb into the broth. - salt
Salt broth is also necessary at the right moments. Meat broth experienced cooks advise salt half an hour before the end of cooking meat, mushroom - at the end, and fish - at the beginning of cooking. - Garlic
As for meat broth, its taste can be made rich by adding a couple of cloves of finely chopped garlic with a calculation for each liter of liquid. - Water.
It happens that the soup is too thick. But if you add cold water, the taste characteristics of the dish will irretrievably deteriorate. Therefore, only boiling water should be added. Although it is best to calculate the correct proportions of all ingredients in advance. - laurel leaf
One of the most popular spices in the kitchen, but you should be careful with it. The fact is that bay leaf can not be left in the soup, otherwise the dish will be bitter. - Fish broth
If the basis of your soup will be a fish, then after cooking fish broth, let it stand for 25 minutes before filtering. This soup will be more saturated. - Persalt
Even if you manage to salt the soup, you can still fix it. To do this, wrap a handful of rice in gauze, dip in a pan and hold on a slow heat for 10 minutes until the rice absorbs excess salt. - The dishes.
Best for cooking soups suitable clay or enameled dishes, but definitely not metal. Do not forget to get rid of pots that have already served their purpose. - Volume
Of course, it is convenient to cook a large pan of soup so that the dish is not enough for one day. But experts believe that the larger the volume of soup, the harder it is to cook it really tasty. Besides, yesterday's soup won't be so appetizing.
Now you know, How to properly cook broth for soup. But knowledge alone is not enough, because if cooking for you is more and more like a routine – this is a bad sign. Delicious will be only those dishes that are prepared with energy, love, enthusiasm and good mood.
Therefore, get a pleasing utensils, as well as a good mood, turn on good music for the background and start cooking dishes that will definitely appeal to everyone at home. And you too.