We argued with the mother-in-law, whether it is necessary to add soda to the pancakes: the old cook answers

There is hardly a person who does not like pancakes for breakfast. It would seem that such a simple dish is flour, kefir and eggs. But the problem is that lush and air pancakes are not obtained by everyone. So today, "Site" It will tell you what the dough for pancakes should be so that they turn out to be perfect in taste and consistency.

Donkey dough
  1. flour. In order to get cute puffy, flour should be sifted. So we saturate it with oxygen, which makes the dish more airy. It is also worth noting that in the case of replacing flour with buckwheat or oat pancakes will definitely be less lush. But no less delicious!
  2. Freezing. For pancakes on kefir, soda is most often used. But there are some subtleties. First, you can not quench soda with vinegar. Secondly, you should not just throw it in the dough. After all, this way you will not get delicate pancakes, but a viscous rubber gum. For lush, like grandmother, pancake soda with flour should be stirred in a spoon and poured into the dough through a sieve.

  3. sugar. Too much sugar in the dough will cause the pancakes to fall off. So sweets are in moderation. It is better to pour the finished dish with honey or syrup. In addition, unsweetened pancakes can be used as sandwiches, smeared with cottage cheese or meat filling. But in any case, remember: the less sugar in the dough, the more lush the pancakes will turn out.
  4. Temperature.. To get air dough with bubbles, kefir and egg must be warm. Kefir for this can be heated in the microwave. But it is better not to do this with an egg. Slightly warm the egg can be in a water bath.

  5. Procedure for adding ingredients. Often, housewives simply do not pay attention to the order of adding ingredients. No way! After all, if you break it, you will not see the perfect pancakes as your own ears!

    First of all, mix the dry ingredients: flour and soda. How to do this, we wrote above. As soon as they become a homogeneous mass, add the egg whipped in a separate container. The remaining ingredients should be in the bowl only after soda, flour and eggs. It's about kefir, salt and sugar to taste.

  6. Time.. After preparing the test, do not rush to fry pancakes immediately. We need to let the dough brew a little. About 15-30 minutes will be enough. It is also important not to leave a spoon or other kitchen appliances in the test.

  7. Frying pancakes. Never stir the pancake dough before frying, it's a meaningless action. Only splendor is all lost... Lastly, cook pancakes on medium heat under a closed lid. If you notice the bubbles, turn over instantly!

Sometimes I started cooking pancakes, but there is no flour in the kitchen. If you're one of those careless owners who always forget to replenish supplies, you'll definitely need a recipe for flour-free pancakes. They are hearty, tasty, and can also be eaten with tea and soup.


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