How tasty to cook the liver
Beef liver is one of the most nutritious foods of animal origin. Easy to prepare and so pleasant to taste, the liver is also useful for health, because it contains many vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids.
There are many ways to prepare this nutritious product, and probably your cookbook has a favorite recipe. We offer you to prepare pancakes from the liver, light and tender, which literally melt in your mouth.
"Site" will tell How to prepare liver pancakesTo spend time with nothing, and get the dish delicious. Such a snack will please even those who do not tolerate the liver! The pancakes are soft, tender, and most importantly, do not harm the figure at all.
Saturated pancakes can be prepared from any liver: beef, chicken or pork. Our editorial board invites you to try one of the easiest and most useful ways to prepare beef liver, which even children will love. And for those who are diligently watching the figure, we have great news: 100 g of ready-made pancakes. It contains only 148 calories.!
The ingredients
These are pancake You'll love it from the first bite! I neglected this incredible by-product, considering it unworthy of attention, but once made these delicate pancakes, and now I prepare a healthy and nutritious liver for the whole family regularly!
Be sure to share with your friends this amazing recipe, and in the comments tell about your secrets of cooking such a valuable product as liver.
There are many ways to prepare this nutritious product, and probably your cookbook has a favorite recipe. We offer you to prepare pancakes from the liver, light and tender, which literally melt in your mouth.

"Site" will tell How to prepare liver pancakesTo spend time with nothing, and get the dish delicious. Such a snack will please even those who do not tolerate the liver! The pancakes are soft, tender, and most importantly, do not harm the figure at all.
Saturated pancakes can be prepared from any liver: beef, chicken or pork. Our editorial board invites you to try one of the easiest and most useful ways to prepare beef liver, which even children will love. And for those who are diligently watching the figure, we have great news: 100 g of ready-made pancakes. It contains only 148 calories.!

The ingredients
- 500g beef liver
- 2 bulbs
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 tbsp flour
- 2 tbsp sour cream
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- salt and pepper

- Before preparing appetizing pancakes, the liver must be washed, cleaned of films, and then soaked for half an hour in milk or water. This will save her from possible bitterness and not the most pleasant smell.
- After half an hour, wash the liver again, and then cut into small pieces.
- Grind it with a meat grinder or blender. Add the chopped onions and grind again to a uniform consistency.
- Add flour, sour cream and eggs to the liver. Stir thoroughly until a thick sour cream mass is obtained.
- Smell it and taste it. If you doubt how much salt to put in order not to oversalt the dish, we recommend 500 g of minced meat to add about 1 tsp of salt.
- Leave the liver dough in the fridge for half an hour. The flour will become more viscous, and the finished pancakes will be lush and will not decay.
- Warm up the pan, pour vegetable oil and roast the pancakes on both sides to a golden crust. By the way, the liver does not like a long fry, so do not overdo it.
- Serve pancakes with sour cream and vegetable salad. Fingers are good!
These are pancake You'll love it from the first bite! I neglected this incredible by-product, considering it unworthy of attention, but once made these delicate pancakes, and now I prepare a healthy and nutritious liver for the whole family regularly!
Be sure to share with your friends this amazing recipe, and in the comments tell about your secrets of cooking such a valuable product as liver.
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