Benefits of prunes for the body
Prunes are dried fruits of domestic plum of different varieties: “Hungarian” (Italian and ordinary), “Stanley”, “Renclode Altana”, “Croman”.
High-quality prunes should be soft, but elastic, not overdried. With proper drying from one kilogram of fresh plums, approximately two hundred grams of dried fruits are obtained.
For the first time prunes were obtained in the VI century BC in the territories located along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Scientists believe that local residents began to tuck ripe plums in the sun, trying to increase the shelf life of the crop.
Prunes are used to make sweets (for example, "prunes in chocolate"), desserts, salads, meat and vegetable hot dishes, as a filling for cakes and an ingredient for compote. Folk healers use dried plums to treat a whole range of disorders in the body.
The vitamin composition of prunes is so rich that not to include these fruits in your diet is just a crime!
Vitamins in 100g of dried plums
In addition, useful compounds such as phylloquinone (vitamin K, content - 59.494 μg per 100 g of product) and betaine (0.399 mg per 100 g) were found in dried plums.
Macroelements in 100 g of dried plums
A medium-sized dried plum weighs 15 g. This means that 1 fruit contains about 36 kcal. A standard 200-milliter glass holds about 250 g of dried plums. The energy value of this portion of the product is 600 kcal.
The concentration of vitamins, trace elements and fiber in prunes is much higher than in fresh plums, so the dried product is much more convenient to use for medicinal purposes.
Prunes are incredibly important for all systems of the human body. Nutritionists often prescribe it as a laxative, as well as to improve the outflow of bile and the release of gastric juice.
If you eat 5 prunes daily, you can forever forget about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lose most of the excess weight. The benefits of prunes for other organs and systems are also obvious.
The use of prunes for weight loss and purification The energy value of dried plum is 256 kcal. Approximately 57 grams are sugars. The product is caloric, but this does not prevent it from being used for weight loss. A number of popular diets are based on the unique qualities of prunes, for example, the diet of Professor Uglov.
Having a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect, prunes help cleanse the intestines from feces, remove excess water from the body.
Another advantage of prunes is the high content of potassium in it. Potassium is indispensable for the normal course of metabolic processes. Everyone knows that excess weight appears due to metabolic disorders. Normal potassium content in the body helps solve this problem.
Rules for the use of prunes for weight loss
Dried fruits are allowed to eat before meals or after it, add to salads, cereals, drinks. As part of a healthy balanced diet, dry plums can be a useful snack between meals to help reduce hunger. Prunes contain a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach.
Unloading day on prunes To cleanse the body, you can spend a fasting day. With its help, get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight, which occurs due to cleansing the body. On this day, it is not recommended to leave the house, it is also worth giving up excessive physical exertion and be sure to drink more fluids.
For unloading you will need 25-30 dried plums and clean water, herbal decoctions, unsweetened tea. Every 2 hours you need to eat 3-4 steamed plums, washing down with plenty of water.
In total, during the day, drink at least 3 liters of liquid. If by the evening you feel a strong hunger, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
Recipe of bacon rolls with prunes as a bonus "Site" Offers you a quick recipe for bacon rolls with prunes and walnuts.
This simple in the preparation of snacks can become your wand for all occasions. After all, make a couple of dozen roulettes in 10 minutes, and after 15-20 minutes of baking in the oven, they can be served to the table.
The ingredients
If you cook various dishes with prunes, then it will be impossible to stop, the main thing is to start, for this, both the body and the figure will thank you. Bon appetit and good health!
High-quality prunes should be soft, but elastic, not overdried. With proper drying from one kilogram of fresh plums, approximately two hundred grams of dried fruits are obtained.

For the first time prunes were obtained in the VI century BC in the territories located along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Scientists believe that local residents began to tuck ripe plums in the sun, trying to increase the shelf life of the crop.

Prunes are used to make sweets (for example, "prunes in chocolate"), desserts, salads, meat and vegetable hot dishes, as a filling for cakes and an ingredient for compote. Folk healers use dried plums to treat a whole range of disorders in the body.
The vitamin composition of prunes is so rich that not to include these fruits in your diet is just a crime!
Vitamins in 100g of dried plums
- ARetinol and equivalent compounds - 38.713 μg
- B5pantothenate - 0.419 mg
- C.ascorbic acid - 0.577 mg
- B1thiamine - 0.049 mg
- B6pyridoxine - 0.203 mg
- Ehalpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent - 0.427 mg
- B2, riboflavin - 0.184 mg
- PPnicotinic acid, niacin equivalent - 1.879 mg
- B9folic acid - 3.904 μg
- B4choline - 10.093 mg
In addition, useful compounds such as phylloquinone (vitamin K, content - 59.494 μg per 100 g of product) and betaine (0.399 mg per 100 g) were found in dried plums.
Macroelements in 100 g of dried plums
- phosphorus 68.773 mg
- Magnesium 40.836 mg
- potassium 731,294 mg
- sodium 1.944 mg
- calcium - 42.106 mg
- fluoride 3.966 μg

A medium-sized dried plum weighs 15 g. This means that 1 fruit contains about 36 kcal. A standard 200-milliter glass holds about 250 g of dried plums. The energy value of this portion of the product is 600 kcal.
The concentration of vitamins, trace elements and fiber in prunes is much higher than in fresh plums, so the dried product is much more convenient to use for medicinal purposes.

Prunes are incredibly important for all systems of the human body. Nutritionists often prescribe it as a laxative, as well as to improve the outflow of bile and the release of gastric juice.
If you eat 5 prunes daily, you can forever forget about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and lose most of the excess weight. The benefits of prunes for other organs and systems are also obvious.
- Osteoporosis.
According to statistics from the Russian Osteoporosis Association, there are 14 million people diagnosed with osteoporosis in Russia, and another 20 million have osteopenia (lowered bone mass).
Prunes help prevent brittle bones. This problem is especially relevant for women during menopause. Scientists from the University of Florida said that daily consumption of 10 dried plums will allow prevent the development of osteoporosis and avoid fractures.
“During my career, I have tested many types of fruit, including figs, dates, dried strawberries and raisins, but none of them have even come close to prunes in effectiveness. In terms of bone health, prunes are exceptional, notes University of Florida professor Bahram Arjmandi. - Constipation.
Dried plums are a mild but effective laxative. In order to cope with prolonged constipation, it is enough before each meal to eat 3 steamed fruit in boiling water or drink half a glass of broth prepared from them. - For the heart.
Polyphenols, potassium and other nutrients that enter the body when eating prunes, give strength and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, strengthen the heart muscle, normalize the heart rate. Due to this, people who regularly include these dried fruits in their diet significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease. - For the kidneys.
Dried plums have a diuretic effect, help to cope with even severe swelling, improve the work of the kidneys, contribute to the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. - For sight.
Prunes are rich in vitamin A, which positively affects vision. The use of the product is indicated for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or have undergone eye surgery. - With vitamin deficiency
Fresh prunes are a rich source of useful substances. People who eat 3-4 dried plums daily are less likely to face manifestations of hypovitaminosis and diseases that develop against the background of a deficiency of vitamins, micro and macro elements. - With angina
The pulp of dried plums contains compounds that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Prune broth - an effective tool for mouthwash with angina, stomatitis and other diseases accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and oropharynx. - To slow down ageing
Prunes are rich in antioxidant compounds that allow the body to successfully resist the negative effects of free radicals. Daily consumption of dried plums helps slow the aging of organs, tissues and systems of the human body, reduce the likelihood of tumors. - To boost immunity
When eating prunes, the body receives substances that strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of infectious and cold diseases, minimize the impact of negative environmental factors on the organs and tissues of the human body. - For proper functioning of the nervous system
Vitamins of group B and other nutrients present in the pulp of prunes normalize the nervous system, reduce the adverse effect of stress on the body, help fight anxiety, increased irritability, insomnia. - To deal with corns and corns
In folk medicine, dried plums are used to combat corns and calluses. The dry fruit is boiled in fatty milk for 7 minutes, cut in half and applied to the problem area. After the plum cools, it is replaced with a new one. The total duration of each procedure is 10 minutes. - To increase potency
With regular consumption of prunes, potency increases, the composition of the ejaculate in men improves, the manifestations of premenstrual and climacteric syndrome in women weaken.
The use of prunes for weight loss and purification The energy value of dried plum is 256 kcal. Approximately 57 grams are sugars. The product is caloric, but this does not prevent it from being used for weight loss. A number of popular diets are based on the unique qualities of prunes, for example, the diet of Professor Uglov.

Having a choleretic, diuretic and laxative effect, prunes help cleanse the intestines from feces, remove excess water from the body.
Another advantage of prunes is the high content of potassium in it. Potassium is indispensable for the normal course of metabolic processes. Everyone knows that excess weight appears due to metabolic disorders. Normal potassium content in the body helps solve this problem.
Rules for the use of prunes for weight loss
- The daily allowance of the product should not exceed 100 g.
- It is advisable to use dried fruits in the morning.
- You can not combine the use of prunes and other laxatives.
Dried fruits are allowed to eat before meals or after it, add to salads, cereals, drinks. As part of a healthy balanced diet, dry plums can be a useful snack between meals to help reduce hunger. Prunes contain a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach.
Unloading day on prunes To cleanse the body, you can spend a fasting day. With its help, get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight, which occurs due to cleansing the body. On this day, it is not recommended to leave the house, it is also worth giving up excessive physical exertion and be sure to drink more fluids.

For unloading you will need 25-30 dried plums and clean water, herbal decoctions, unsweetened tea. Every 2 hours you need to eat 3-4 steamed plums, washing down with plenty of water.
In total, during the day, drink at least 3 liters of liquid. If by the evening you feel a strong hunger, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
Recipe of bacon rolls with prunes as a bonus "Site" Offers you a quick recipe for bacon rolls with prunes and walnuts.

This simple in the preparation of snacks can become your wand for all occasions. After all, make a couple of dozen roulettes in 10 minutes, and after 15-20 minutes of baking in the oven, they can be served to the table.
The ingredients
- 12 strips of bacon or brisket (200 g)
- 12 boneless dried plums
- 12 halves of walnut kernels
- 12 wooden toothpicks
- Be sure to take the finished cut, and not a whole piece of meat, since it is almost impossible to cut bacon so thinly yourself, except with the help of special equipment.
- Put half the walnut on the prunes and squeeze in slightly. Then lay the dried plum on the edge of a strip of bacon, roll the roulette and fasten it with a toothpick.
- Put the rolls in a baking mold in one layer. There is no need to lubricate the form, since a sufficient amount of fat will be released from bacon when heated.
- Bake the roulettes in the oven heated to 180 degrees 15-20 minutes until strong roaring.
- Rouge and juicy prunes And walnuts ready!
If you cook various dishes with prunes, then it will be impossible to stop, the main thing is to start, for this, both the body and the figure will thank you. Bon appetit and good health!