I used to freeze soups, now I roll into cans, borting my husband for six months ahead cooked.
Soup from the bank can help in the most unusual situations. When there is no time to cook, but you still need to eat. Besides, pot You can pack your husband on a business trip or a long flight, a student child in a hostel, or elderly parents in a dacha. Everyone will benefit, because you just need to open the jar and in a few minutes warm up the food in the microwave.
Perhaps you have never heard of the fact that soup can be closed in a regular jar. This is not strange, because not everyone uses such an interesting life hack. But on the Internet, many share the secrets of extending the shelf life of such a workpiece. After all, ordinary soup is not jam or pickles.
In general, soup in cans can be closed with two options of covers. The first is a regular rolling cover, which requires a special key. Well, the second has a special thread on the inside and can be used many times. But consider the important point. Sometimes such a lid may not lend itself even to a strong man, and even an elderly person or teenager may not at all. soupless. Be sure to get used to opening such banks with the help of simple devices.
For example, you can use a knife, fork, spoon or anything if it can be placed in the hole between the can and the lid. You need to stick the same knife on several sides of the bank to pass there. little air. Then you hear the characteristic sound - a small click. It's a signal that the bank has given up. You can gently turn it over and extract food on the plate.
If the soup from the can is eaten quickly, then there is no special need for additional actions. For example, the husband went fishing in the morning, and at lunch he opened a jar. fragrant. But if the can stays in the refrigerator for some time, it is better to sterilize it before closing the dish.
To do this, you must first wash the jar well in water with soda, and then boil for several minutes. Such cans should be carefully placed on a dry and clean towel so that all the glass water is on its own. Do not rush and close food in wet cans, as water can contribute to the appearance of bad bacteria.
If everything was done correctly, then during the opening of the can with a reusable lid, a characteristic click will sound. So earlier in the dish did not get extra air, which could provoke the rapid spread of bacteria. But be sure to pay attention and cap-shapedAnd the smell of food. If you do not like any of this, it is better to refuse to use such soup.
Many housewives are sure that simplify the task cooking The autoclave will help. The product in the autoclave is prepared under high pressure, which allows you to destroy absolutely all bacteria. In addition, in the autoclave, you can prepare not only soup in cans, but also, for example, cereals with meat, canned fish, stews. The taste of these dishes will please even the most fastidious guests and household members.
Not everyone agrees with the practicality of the method. jarsing. It is believed that the bank can easily break. Of course, if this option is not to your taste, then the soup can be frozen. But there are also questions about the availability of this method, because not always such food can be transported normally or heated promptly. In general, as they say, taste and color.
What an idea. pot? Comfortable and comfortable? Or is it a waste of time? Have you ever tried to close your soup this way? Share your experience in the comments. Our subscribers will be interested in reading useful advice and wise reflections.

Perhaps you have never heard of the fact that soup can be closed in a regular jar. This is not strange, because not everyone uses such an interesting life hack. But on the Internet, many share the secrets of extending the shelf life of such a workpiece. After all, ordinary soup is not jam or pickles.
In general, soup in cans can be closed with two options of covers. The first is a regular rolling cover, which requires a special key. Well, the second has a special thread on the inside and can be used many times. But consider the important point. Sometimes such a lid may not lend itself even to a strong man, and even an elderly person or teenager may not at all. soupless. Be sure to get used to opening such banks with the help of simple devices.

For example, you can use a knife, fork, spoon or anything if it can be placed in the hole between the can and the lid. You need to stick the same knife on several sides of the bank to pass there. little air. Then you hear the characteristic sound - a small click. It's a signal that the bank has given up. You can gently turn it over and extract food on the plate.

If the soup from the can is eaten quickly, then there is no special need for additional actions. For example, the husband went fishing in the morning, and at lunch he opened a jar. fragrant. But if the can stays in the refrigerator for some time, it is better to sterilize it before closing the dish.
To do this, you must first wash the jar well in water with soda, and then boil for several minutes. Such cans should be carefully placed on a dry and clean towel so that all the glass water is on its own. Do not rush and close food in wet cans, as water can contribute to the appearance of bad bacteria.
If everything was done correctly, then during the opening of the can with a reusable lid, a characteristic click will sound. So earlier in the dish did not get extra air, which could provoke the rapid spread of bacteria. But be sure to pay attention and cap-shapedAnd the smell of food. If you do not like any of this, it is better to refuse to use such soup.

Many housewives are sure that simplify the task cooking The autoclave will help. The product in the autoclave is prepared under high pressure, which allows you to destroy absolutely all bacteria. In addition, in the autoclave, you can prepare not only soup in cans, but also, for example, cereals with meat, canned fish, stews. The taste of these dishes will please even the most fastidious guests and household members.

Not everyone agrees with the practicality of the method. jarsing. It is believed that the bank can easily break. Of course, if this option is not to your taste, then the soup can be frozen. But there are also questions about the availability of this method, because not always such food can be transported normally or heated promptly. In general, as they say, taste and color.

What an idea. pot? Comfortable and comfortable? Or is it a waste of time? Have you ever tried to close your soup this way? Share your experience in the comments. Our subscribers will be interested in reading useful advice and wise reflections.
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