The poor hostess admitted that he is unable to remove mold from the washing machine

No matter how modern and multifunctional the machine is, it requires maintenance. Otherwise, the technique stops working properly, but even more often it begins to accumulate the fungus in hard-to-reach places. After some time, the whole washing and drum of the washing machine begin to emit an unpleasant smell, which indicates the appearance of mold in the technique. Today I will tell you how to remove the smell from the washing machine and prevent the fungus from reappearing in it.


There can be several reasons: high humidity, hard-to-reach places and neglect of cleaning the machine contribute to the development of mold in the washing powder tray and in the gum near the drum. It is in this place after washing that water often remains, which causes mold and an unpleasant musty smell from the machine.

In addition, dirt from things settles on the internal elements of the washing machine. The ground, the sand, the rust in the machine filter, the washing chemicals settle in the machine. That's why it has to be cleaned. Many models have a machine cleaning mode, in which you just need to add laundry detergent and start washing. Due to the high temperature regime of washing over time, scale appears on the heating elements.

After each wash, it is advisable to leave the car door open so that the drum dries and ventilates. And the sealing gum should be bent and wiped dry with a cloth. In addition, the washing machine should be cleaned outside and inside with special and home remedies once a month. Do not forget to clean the external filters. If you have pets, do it twice as often.

To clean the tray, it is necessary to completely remove it from the machine and disassemble it. Then you need to wash and clean the tray under running water. If mold formed on the walls of the tray, soak the tray in chlorine solution. The remains of the plaque should be cleaned with a toothbrush. Put the tray in place then, when it is completely dry.

Wool drum, dirt and sand remains in the machine after each wash. If you do not clean the drum after each washing cycle, then over time, dirt and bacteria accumulate in it, which contribute to the appearance of mold and an unpleasant smell in the machine. Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect the drum by running an empty wash. Before that, you need to clean the rubber cuff with a soft sponge with household soap.

Disinfect the drum with soda, vinegar or citric acid. Chlorine-containing agents cope perfectly with bacteria, but after them a specific smell remains for a long time. The chosen tool is poured into the drum. There is also a clean towel that will help remove dirt during washing. Then the washing is started at high temperature. Soda, citric acid and vinegar perfectly disinfect and clean the drum of dirt.

The filter accumulates wool, dirt, hair and water, all together creates a beneficial environment for the appearance of fungus and an unpleasant smell in the machine. Therefore, 1 time a month it is necessary to unwind the filter, and wash it under running water with detergents.

Now you know about the main ways to remove unpleasant odor from the machine. Don’t ignore the unpleasant smell, the mold that appears in the typewriter is left on the washed things we wear. After each wash, wipe the rubber band of the machine dry and leave the door open. How do you clean the washing machine?


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