Washing rules in the washing machine
My coma erases everything. machineEven sneakers with towels can be put at the same time. At the same time, she says that if things are high-quality and expensive, then they will last much longer and it does not matter how and what to combine them with. That’s just, buying expensive things, we are definitely not immune from the fact that we can just spoil them while washing.
And in this case, the mistake will cost a penny! Not to mention that laundry It leaves much to be desired if you simultaneously put in the machine the shoes in which you walk along the road, and the underwear with which you wipe.
Not to do laundry, which affect clothing, and the service life of the machine reduce, the editorial board "Site" 10 rules that will help save the life of your favorite things and make it easier for you to work around the house. Advice from experienced hostess!
How to wash properly in a washing machine
Did your husband ever tell you that the laundry can't tire you because there's a washing machine? But the presence of a washing machine does not solve the problem of staining or preserving the color of clothes, even vice versa.
I suggest you learn some more laundry tricks. Save it, you'll need it!
If every housewife begins to take care of clothes and refuses mindlessThis will save you a lot of money on buying new things and even buying a washing machine prematurely. If we are a little more conscious, the world around us will be a better place.
And in this case, the mistake will cost a penny! Not to mention that laundry It leaves much to be desired if you simultaneously put in the machine the shoes in which you walk along the road, and the underwear with which you wipe.
Not to do laundry, which affect clothing, and the service life of the machine reduce, the editorial board "Site" 10 rules that will help save the life of your favorite things and make it easier for you to work around the house. Advice from experienced hostess!

How to wash properly in a washing machine
- Sorting is the first thing to pay attention to. Looking through your fingers at this simple rule, as in the case of my Kum Natalia, you can get a white shirt painted in a different color or, conversely, a faded color of a previously favorite bright dress. I'm sure you already know you need clothes. sort outWhite clothes should be washed separately from colored and black. However, only this is not enough - at least you will have to sort more by material (and corresponding to the mode of the washing machine) and temperature: for washing in cold, warm and hot (rare case) water.
It is also worth dividing things by size. If you wash together a very large and very small object, there is a risk that they will be washed unevenly. It is also worth sorting by texture so as not to damage more delicate things.
342204 - Don't let the washing machine overload! The amount of laundry that can be loaded into the washing machine drum is limited. Do not stuff the car to the end: this is fraught with rapid breakdown of parts and deterioration of the appearance of clothing, up to scuffles and holes.
- Careful, lightning! Unfortunately, I learned about this rule after I took out a new sweater from the machine in a torn state! Recklessly left unbuttoned lightning is capable of its small teeth to damage other things and the walls of the drum machine. Perhaps this is the most important rule before loading things into the washing machine!
- "Somebody put too much detergent in!" I said, looking at the machine drum full of foam. "What, a lot of foam?" So, everything is going as well as possible! my husband replied to my perplexed face. With the powder or gel is easy to overdo: if the foam is too much, it may not wash out until the end, so the thing will remain dirty. In addition, this harms the equipment itself: excess is more difficult to wash, imply an additional load on the engine and pump of the machine, and the washing cycle becomes longer.
- The same applies to the case of a small amount of powder. If the funds are too small, the dirt may not be washed out, but simply redistributed on things. It is best not to rely on the eye meter, but to check with the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging for your own peace of mind.
- “A stingy man pays twice!” my grandmother used to say to me as a child. Manual washing powder is usually cheaper. But its danger to the washing machine is that it forms too abundant foam, which can disable the device. Do not fall for imaginary savings, buy a special powder for washing in a machine.
- Not paying much attention to laundry And the labels are stupid. Many experienced housewives used to wash all the laundry in the same mode, considering it the most optimal. But this is not true, especially when it comes to washing new delicate things.
- So that you, like my mother, did not wash money and dad's passport with your shirt, you should check your pockets in advance. There may be money and small items that could damage the car. Well, if you do not want to pockets of knitted and knitted things ugly stretched after washing, spend a little time to sew them up with small stitches.
- Remember, a swimsuit in a washing machine doesn't belong! Swimsuits for the most part are products of elastan and spandex. So they're completely synthetic. Therefore, it is forbidden to send such clothes to the machine for washing. Swimsuits are recommended to be washed manually in cool water. In boiling water, they cannot be washed or rinsed, so that the fabric does not stretch, water and lose shape.
6752.76 - And finally, please don't leave things in the car after the laundry. If the laundry lasts more than a day, it will start to smell unpleasant and you will have to start washing again. Ideally, you should remove the washed items for an hour. If they stay in the car longer, it will be difficult for you to iron them, because the fabric forms folds.
Did your husband ever tell you that the laundry can't tire you because there's a washing machine? But the presence of a washing machine does not solve the problem of staining or preserving the color of clothes, even vice versa.
I suggest you learn some more laundry tricks. Save it, you'll need it!

If every housewife begins to take care of clothes and refuses mindlessThis will save you a lot of money on buying new things and even buying a washing machine prematurely. If we are a little more conscious, the world around us will be a better place.