How to take care of an old car to last a long time

It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without a washing machine. Put things inside, press a button and after a while get them clean and dry. In order for the iron assistant to serve you faithfully and faithfully for a long time, it is necessary to provide her with proper care.

According to statistics, the main causes of breakdown are the formation of scale on the electric heater and filter clogging. Regular cleaning of the washing machine from scale and dirt will allow it to work much longer.


How to clean the TEN from scale

TEN (tubular electric heater) performs the function of heating water in the tank of the washing machine to operating temperature. If the amount of impurities in the water exceeds the norm, the risk of TEN failure is very high. With each wash, the scale layer becomes larger and eventually the machine stops working.


  1. Citric acid cleaning Scaling consists of metal salts, and to clean it, you will need acid. The easiest way to use citric acid. A washing machine with a drum volume of 5 l may need 100-120 g. Pour the acid into the powder tray and start washing at 60 degrees for 1 hour or more. In addition to TEN, this method will help to clean the washing machine drum from scale.

  2. Vinegar cleaning To do this, pour 200-250 ml of 9% vinegar into the powder tray. Vinegar is able to clean TEN faster, but due to its aggressiveness can damage rubber parts. Whether or not to clean the car with vinegar is up to you.


Some masters suggest when washing regularly add soda to the washing powder. Soda helps to soften water, eliminates unpleasant odor and slows the formation of scale.

Cleaning the drain pump filter

If you allow a strong contamination of the filter, the water from the drain can go up and break out. To prevent this, it is recommended to clean the filter regularly. It's easy to do. The filter is usually located at the bottom on the front surface of the housing.

We open the hatch, having previously laid something on the floor: it can pour out to a liter of water. After that, unscrew the lid counterclockwise and remove all the accumulated debris. It remains to wipe the hole, twist the lid and install the decorative panel in place.

Cleaning a removable powder tray from detergents

Over time, pollution, mold and even fungus form on the surface of the tray. During the washing process, all this comes in contact with the drum and our linen. Cleaning the container is not difficult, as it is removed from the washing machine.

We'll need an old toothbrush, soap and toilet cleaner. Dirt and mold can be removed with a brush and soap. To remove plaque, use a means to clean the toilet. Pour 20-30 ml into the department and leave for 1-2 hours. The procedure is simple, so you can repeat it after every 5th wash.

Cleaning under sealing gum

Mix bleach with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1, wet the fabric and wipe all internal surfaces. If the contamination is very strong, leave the fabric moistened in the solution for half an hour. After that, again treated with a toothbrush.

In the Network you can find numerous videos with tips for the care of the washing machine. Here are some of them.

A simple way to clean the washing machine with citric acid. Drum and TEN will be like new!


The master recommends adding soda to the detergent to prevent the formation of scale.


How easy is it to clean the washing machine? Detailed instructions.


Regularly following these simple instructions will allow you to improve the quality of the washing machine and extend the life of the washing machine.

Do not forget to share these secrets with your friends, they will be grateful for them! Find out what the washing machine error codes say.


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