The Optimism Pill by 80-year-old Inna Bronstein Bliss for every day.
80-year-old Minsk Inna Yakovlevna Bronstein Invented a pill for depression. What nonsense, you think? Don't rush to jump to conclusions! We all smiled at the work of this beautiful old lady.
After experiencing more than one bitter tragedy, losing her son and husband, this amazing woman began to write poetry. Ironic and heartfelt rhymes make absolutely everyone who catches the eye smile.
Remember the slick "gariki" Igor Huberman? Then "Site" I highly recommend you to swallow the amazing The pills of optimism by Inna BronsteinThis will be a real cure for many.
Inna Bronstein What bliss to come to the pharmacy
And there's a prescription for health.
I bought some hypertension pills.
Side effects in them: dystonia,
Heart attack and bronchitis, stomatitis, arrhythmia,
Constipation, anorexia, leukopenia,
Pemphigus, depriving and other contagion...
I'll throw them out right away.
I'm going to get rid of a dozen diseases.
Hypertension, of course, is better.
What a joy to walk in the market.
And buy a new sweater someday.
The New Molecule of Mini-Bliss
In the flow of natural imperfections.
And different joys will meet more often.
Don't make fun of Grandma in a shiny sweater.
What a blessing to wake up and know,
That you don't have to run to work.
And the coming day is very good,
If you are sick, you are living.
And old age is not a bad time.
Long live the time of freedom! Yay!
What bliss in old age
Go to the bathroom with your feet.
And then back on the road.
And get under the blanket fast.
Wake up in the morning, wake up and get up.
And walking, talking and breathing again.
What bliss! I know when I'm old,
I won't lose all my beauty.
You can't lose what you didn't have.
Beauty is worse. But it's their business.
For them, this fitness, diet, suspenders.
I pity them. Well, then! Hold on, poor things!
What bliss, remember it.
When nothing hurts,
But just starting with the pain,
You can understand such bliss.
You know, if you need a reason to be happy,
It's going to be much worse tomorrow.
What bliss to crawl from the bazaar
And carry a banana in the bag.
No wonder doctors everywhere say,
That banana makes us feel better.
How happy are the monkeys in the jungle!
It's because they eat bananas.
But monkeys don't live alone.
They are in the warm arms of their relatives.
Unlike them, I am always alone.
And even today, in an embrace with a banana.
Bliss? What? Think about it, brothers!
I made up lines to laugh.
What a joy to hear the call.
And there's a favorite voice in the tube.
Male or female, or maybe maiden,
That everything is fine, and the bell is a custom.
What a joy to know and answer!
I don't need anyone else's happiness.
The invention of the wizard Bell,
Oh, my phone, you're a great deal!
What a blessing when it's in January
Epiphany and frost in the yard,
The house is nice and warm.
And I'm not on the street - I'm lucky!
What bliss at the sight of advertising
To think how much junk there is,
Which I don't need at all.
I am happy with what I have.
And how much I save, guys,
without buying the Sorty and the pads!
But the question is only reasonable:
Where are the millions saved?
What a blessing in the soul and in nature,
When nothing happens to us.
But to taste such bliss,
We have to live to old age somehow.
And then forget that I was waiting for a change,
And without incident, crawl gradually.
Everything is forgotten, and the mind is asleep.
What bliss! Yay! Guard!
These poems are a real salvation from despondency. Finding and finding reasons for joy in life is perhaps the best cure for all ailments!
Did you like the article? Be sure to share these beautiful poems with friends on social networks.
After experiencing more than one bitter tragedy, losing her son and husband, this amazing woman began to write poetry. Ironic and heartfelt rhymes make absolutely everyone who catches the eye smile.

Remember the slick "gariki" Igor Huberman? Then "Site" I highly recommend you to swallow the amazing The pills of optimism by Inna BronsteinThis will be a real cure for many.
Inna Bronstein What bliss to come to the pharmacy
And there's a prescription for health.
I bought some hypertension pills.
Side effects in them: dystonia,
Heart attack and bronchitis, stomatitis, arrhythmia,
Constipation, anorexia, leukopenia,
Pemphigus, depriving and other contagion...
I'll throw them out right away.
I'm going to get rid of a dozen diseases.
Hypertension, of course, is better.

What a joy to walk in the market.
And buy a new sweater someday.
The New Molecule of Mini-Bliss
In the flow of natural imperfections.
And different joys will meet more often.
Don't make fun of Grandma in a shiny sweater.

What a blessing to wake up and know,
That you don't have to run to work.
And the coming day is very good,
If you are sick, you are living.
And old age is not a bad time.
Long live the time of freedom! Yay!

What bliss in old age
Go to the bathroom with your feet.
And then back on the road.
And get under the blanket fast.
Wake up in the morning, wake up and get up.
And walking, talking and breathing again.

What bliss! I know when I'm old,
I won't lose all my beauty.
You can't lose what you didn't have.
Beauty is worse. But it's their business.
For them, this fitness, diet, suspenders.
I pity them. Well, then! Hold on, poor things!

What bliss, remember it.
When nothing hurts,
But just starting with the pain,
You can understand such bliss.
You know, if you need a reason to be happy,
It's going to be much worse tomorrow.

What bliss to crawl from the bazaar
And carry a banana in the bag.
No wonder doctors everywhere say,
That banana makes us feel better.
How happy are the monkeys in the jungle!
It's because they eat bananas.
But monkeys don't live alone.
They are in the warm arms of their relatives.
Unlike them, I am always alone.
And even today, in an embrace with a banana.
Bliss? What? Think about it, brothers!
I made up lines to laugh.

What a joy to hear the call.
And there's a favorite voice in the tube.
Male or female, or maybe maiden,
That everything is fine, and the bell is a custom.
What a joy to know and answer!
I don't need anyone else's happiness.
The invention of the wizard Bell,
Oh, my phone, you're a great deal!

What a blessing when it's in January
Epiphany and frost in the yard,
The house is nice and warm.
And I'm not on the street - I'm lucky!

What bliss at the sight of advertising
To think how much junk there is,
Which I don't need at all.
I am happy with what I have.
And how much I save, guys,
without buying the Sorty and the pads!
But the question is only reasonable:
Where are the millions saved?

What a blessing in the soul and in nature,
When nothing happens to us.
But to taste such bliss,
We have to live to old age somehow.
And then forget that I was waiting for a change,
And without incident, crawl gradually.
Everything is forgotten, and the mind is asleep.
What bliss! Yay! Guard!

These poems are a real salvation from despondency. Finding and finding reasons for joy in life is perhaps the best cure for all ailments!
Did you like the article? Be sure to share these beautiful poems with friends on social networks.