Illiterate installation of Victory Day
One writer told the shocking story of an illiterate and so epic decoration Moscow Victory Day.
My mom humanitarian - a great connoisseur of poetry and lover of old architecture in Moscow - went to walk on Christmas Boulevard and experienced culture shock. Her story breezed zhutyu such that I immediately went there myself and photographed this chthonic horror. Municipal miners adorned the city Victory Day: around Christmas Boulevard mounted installation - a book of poems about the war. Each book is a well-known poet unbuttoned volume of three sheets, excluding the cover: the poems are printed on the inside front cover and on the sheet, which is inserted in the middle.
In the first photo the text difficult to see, and thank God. Because the famous poet-soldier Pavel Shubin, cavalier military orders from afar greets pedestrians lines currently in the feminine, and the revelation that he has a friend and "favorite". This unexpected coming out is simple: a team of nerds, mounted installation, even though she knew where the Russian alphabet top and bottom, but the verses it seemed something of a patterned carpets that can be hung on the wall in any order. Therefore Paul Shubin as a loose-leaf got the ending of the poem "Zina" from the book Julia Druninoy. A two poems Pavel Shubin "In the Midnight" and "Small arms" were, respectively, with no leaves with the end and the beginning. But do not worry, we'll find the missing list after moving inland from the Pipe Square on the boulevard. Here Boris Pasternak received a piece of his book of poems "Landscape" ("Fields early evening fiction ...") and "lull" the poet Joseph Utkin. And along with the avatar of Utkin:
Yulia Drunina found already familiar to us Pavel Shubin - second half of the verse, "In the Midnight" (suddenly, with the words "That card was waiting at dawn") and the beginning of the poem "Little pen»:
Iosif Utkin for his two poems, "You write a letter to me" and "Sister" received ladders leaf poetry Akhmatova - "Victory" and "winners»:
Anna Akhmatova, in turn, received the poem of Pasternak's "Scouts" and the poem "In the lower reaches." Moreover, the "scouts" to get her in a monstrous form - here cool pulled editor-Samodelkin. He smartly naudalyal half verses, trying upihnut poem in one page, that the plot began to look like a monstrous mishmash, and the author - graphomaniac, unable to think coherently:
Only one Constantine Vanshenkin avoid plagiarism - by pure chance he got to turn your own page. If you think that the blame illiterate team of installers, you're wrong - in this story are beautiful everything from municipal coder. As you can see, the poems are laid out with center alignment. Those in the know appreciate the beauty. The rest will explain: NEVER - remember! - Never and nowhere verses are not aligned in the center! It is the top durnovkusiya demonstration of complete ignorance of poetry and, accordingly, a typical beginner mistakes scribbler. In these verses editions discarded without reading it: it is a clear marker that indicates that graphomaniac had never opened another's poetry and not familiar with the classic poetry. Otherwise, he would have known that neither in the old days, not today there is no poetry publications with formatting in the middle, because the verses - this is not a pattern. So do just scribblers and schoolgirls in their blozhikah by placing background flashing hearts. The fact that municipal printers do not know how to typeset poetry does not differ from the dash dash forget somewhere to put the gaps and copyrights line break where they want everything to krasivenko climbed - is not so bad. But you should have seen, what they nalyapali typos! I present to you the Victory Parade of military poetry classics:
Many typos Google - developers installation took no verses from the books and collections, and bluntly copy-paste from a network of random uneducated blozhikov. But there is:
Forgive them, the poor, the poetess Yulia Drunina - past wars nurse with three combat wounds:
In the original poem "Memory" Constantine Vanshenkin phrase was different: "A false assertion of the" apparently is bothered Word. Inserted some reason the colon compared with distorted text - just a trifle. But pyschpysch111:
Here, I think it was like this: some shkolodron suffering Wikipedia brain guessed familiar reminiscences and oshalev joy hammered footnote on Lermontov. Next shkolodron singled mouse when copy-paste text, and a link to the full-length figure turned. As such, the text is a long walk through the network of dnyavki in dnyavku until it floated on the desktop at the municipal, Peel budget for decorating the town for the holiday.
Forgive them, the poet Joseph Utkin, a member of the Civil War and World, who died in 1944. It would seem that the title is typed in your verse illiterate hand, is quite beyond good and evil. But no! Sometimes worse.
It remains to add how people react. People laykaet, komenty and tweets! It has grown a generation that believes that if you have something to read, it is necessary to immediately press the "Like" or leave comments. Even on the street boards:
Dear municipal! May 9, there is still time. Let's you this bitter disgrace ultraboundary a quick fix? That is, there will remove and immediately reprinted as necessary? If you need help with the layout, proofreading and assembly boards - please, help. I think that classics Pasternak, Akhmatova, Drunina, Utkin, Shubin and Vanshenkin not deserve to be in the center of Moscow today is illiterate stood crookedly laid out and properly mounted disgrace. And my uncle, less well-known Soviet poet Vladimir Avruschenko, died at the front, too, not to distant descendants so refers to the verse of his era.
Do you think the corrected version appears or Christmas celebration of Victory Boulevard meet raskurochennye frames? Let's hope for the best.
Source: lleo.me

My mom humanitarian - a great connoisseur of poetry and lover of old architecture in Moscow - went to walk on Christmas Boulevard and experienced culture shock. Her story breezed zhutyu such that I immediately went there myself and photographed this chthonic horror. Municipal miners adorned the city Victory Day: around Christmas Boulevard mounted installation - a book of poems about the war. Each book is a well-known poet unbuttoned volume of three sheets, excluding the cover: the poems are printed on the inside front cover and on the sheet, which is inserted in the middle.
In the first photo the text difficult to see, and thank God. Because the famous poet-soldier Pavel Shubin, cavalier military orders from afar greets pedestrians lines currently in the feminine, and the revelation that he has a friend and "favorite". This unexpected coming out is simple: a team of nerds, mounted installation, even though she knew where the Russian alphabet top and bottom, but the verses it seemed something of a patterned carpets that can be hung on the wall in any order. Therefore Paul Shubin as a loose-leaf got the ending of the poem "Zina" from the book Julia Druninoy. A two poems Pavel Shubin "In the Midnight" and "Small arms" were, respectively, with no leaves with the end and the beginning. But do not worry, we'll find the missing list after moving inland from the Pipe Square on the boulevard. Here Boris Pasternak received a piece of his book of poems "Landscape" ("Fields early evening fiction ...") and "lull" the poet Joseph Utkin. And along with the avatar of Utkin:

Yulia Drunina found already familiar to us Pavel Shubin - second half of the verse, "In the Midnight" (suddenly, with the words "That card was waiting at dawn") and the beginning of the poem "Little pen»:

Iosif Utkin for his two poems, "You write a letter to me" and "Sister" received ladders leaf poetry Akhmatova - "Victory" and "winners»:

Anna Akhmatova, in turn, received the poem of Pasternak's "Scouts" and the poem "In the lower reaches." Moreover, the "scouts" to get her in a monstrous form - here cool pulled editor-Samodelkin. He smartly naudalyal half verses, trying upihnut poem in one page, that the plot began to look like a monstrous mishmash, and the author - graphomaniac, unable to think coherently:

Only one Constantine Vanshenkin avoid plagiarism - by pure chance he got to turn your own page. If you think that the blame illiterate team of installers, you're wrong - in this story are beautiful everything from municipal coder. As you can see, the poems are laid out with center alignment. Those in the know appreciate the beauty. The rest will explain: NEVER - remember! - Never and nowhere verses are not aligned in the center! It is the top durnovkusiya demonstration of complete ignorance of poetry and, accordingly, a typical beginner mistakes scribbler. In these verses editions discarded without reading it: it is a clear marker that indicates that graphomaniac had never opened another's poetry and not familiar with the classic poetry. Otherwise, he would have known that neither in the old days, not today there is no poetry publications with formatting in the middle, because the verses - this is not a pattern. So do just scribblers and schoolgirls in their blozhikah by placing background flashing hearts. The fact that municipal printers do not know how to typeset poetry does not differ from the dash dash forget somewhere to put the gaps and copyrights line break where they want everything to krasivenko climbed - is not so bad. But you should have seen, what they nalyapali typos! I present to you the Victory Parade of military poetry classics:

Many typos Google - developers installation took no verses from the books and collections, and bluntly copy-paste from a network of random uneducated blozhikov. But there is:

Forgive them, the poor, the poetess Yulia Drunina - past wars nurse with three combat wounds:

In the original poem "Memory" Constantine Vanshenkin phrase was different: "A false assertion of the" apparently is bothered Word. Inserted some reason the colon compared with distorted text - just a trifle. But pyschpysch111:

Here, I think it was like this: some shkolodron suffering Wikipedia brain guessed familiar reminiscences and oshalev joy hammered footnote on Lermontov. Next shkolodron singled mouse when copy-paste text, and a link to the full-length figure turned. As such, the text is a long walk through the network of dnyavki in dnyavku until it floated on the desktop at the municipal, Peel budget for decorating the town for the holiday.
Forgive them, the poet Joseph Utkin, a member of the Civil War and World, who died in 1944. It would seem that the title is typed in your verse illiterate hand, is quite beyond good and evil. But no! Sometimes worse.

It remains to add how people react. People laykaet, komenty and tweets! It has grown a generation that believes that if you have something to read, it is necessary to immediately press the "Like" or leave comments. Even on the street boards:

Dear municipal! May 9, there is still time. Let's you this bitter disgrace ultraboundary a quick fix? That is, there will remove and immediately reprinted as necessary? If you need help with the layout, proofreading and assembly boards - please, help. I think that classics Pasternak, Akhmatova, Drunina, Utkin, Shubin and Vanshenkin not deserve to be in the center of Moscow today is illiterate stood crookedly laid out and properly mounted disgrace. And my uncle, less well-known Soviet poet Vladimir Avruschenko, died at the front, too, not to distant descendants so refers to the verse of his era.

Do you think the corrected version appears or Christmas celebration of Victory Boulevard meet raskurochennye frames? Let's hope for the best.
Source: lleo.me