Russia invaded fake war veterans.

Costumed veteransha jacket Major General
The blogosphere is gaining momentum scandal with fake soldiers, happily strumming his "combat" awards in the center of Moscow on May 9. Demand for these festive characters, like for example Santa Claus, in Putin's Russia has grown significantly, and therefore the Victory Day veteran gradually turns into cosplay.
There should specify in advance that formally in Russia - according to the Health Ministry, is home to around 3 to 4 million veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Of these, more than one million - aged over 85 years. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2010, there were about 400 thousand veterans and disabled war veterans. According to the presidential decree of May 7, 2008 № 714 "On providing housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" to the end of 2011 had to provide free housing for more than 236,000 veterans (really apartments received 162,000 veterans).
Inconsistency in the figures, of course, wild, like a wild pestuemy-Soviet Russian government cult of Victory Day, which is celebrated under the Vlasov tricolor in the colony of the Fourth Reich. Most Russians do not really understand what a veteran of the Second World War is different from the front-line soldier, which is used by Kremlin spin doctors, as well as just crooks.
Recall, the youngest soldier now - a person between the ages of 85 (in a good - 86 years) and older. In Russia, only about 200 thousand men now have an age. At the same time, not all of them fought on the front, or even served in the military. So cheerful 65-70-year aunts and uncles who strum medals "For Courage" and the capture of Budapest obvious way to events at the front have nothing to do. Second, even under Soviet rule in 1985, it has been carried out (just in time for the 40th anniversary of the Victory) mass devaluation of the title of veteran - veteran books and orders handed out literally all in a row (including those people who during the war fought on the side of Hitler - more on that below). Finally, according to Yeltsin's law "On veterans" of 1995 a list of veterans has been extended - it fell, and people who have never at the front did not have.
Who uniforms and medals worn people not even formally fall under the requirements of this law. Scandal in the blogosphere began with the publication of photos of some especially become familiar characters who each year glow in the center of Moscow (by the way, this year, the city center was blocked by policemen, because of which a few still living veterans were unable to get there) with an iconostasis purchased at a flea market of martial orders and medals.
In the first photo - a strange woman in the uniform of Major General and awarded with two stars - the Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor on the podium mavzleya. But it is in 2010 (on the shoulder straps - three star colonel):

As the author writes pictures:
No specific information about this photo, shot in 2010. I did not have. Is it just confuses the number of orders of the Patriotic War (three). As the only woman 3x Popov has awarded Nadine (1921r.), Deputy squadron commander of the 46th Guards female regiment of night bombers of the 4th Air Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union guards major -3 Order of I degree but it served in aviation. All other multiple (from 3 and above) Knights of the Order of the Patriotic War exclusively male. But perhaps the third order was received in 1985. When the 40th anniversary of the Victory were awarded this order all living veterans of the Great Patriotic War. This issue is not to find a photo. By the way the presence of the Order of 1985. is another confirmation of the status of the state party to the Second World War. It seemed that was all. But it was not there. Quite unexpectedly for myself, I was in Moscow for May 9, 2011. And once again I went to the Bolshoi Theatre. Imagine my surprise when I again saw the elderly woman. But not because of course, that he saw her in good health, and because rather what she was wearing and what was on her uniform. In order to get acquainted with the continuation of the need to go to the next photo.

May 9, 2011. At first I saw her face, and immediately thought of last year's picture. But then he looked at the form and do not know about you, but I am somewhat taken aback. Has long been retired in the advanced years of the grandmother managed to get a year (according to the shoulder straps) rank of Major General. Little of. Close to the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union quietly settled a star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. Go back and look again at the picture of the last year, one person and one star. And what a career for a year! However. Last awarded the title of the GTS on December 21, 1991. (Opera singer from Kazakhstan Bibigul Tulegenova). And exactly 20 years later, when there is that it appears sotsgosudarstva sotszvezda. So I sprashivayu- How can this be ???
I would argue, given the rank of general for outstanding service, and a star of Socialist Labor in the past year did not put (broken buckle). I believe you. But why then are susceptible to media sensationalism not trumpeted all over the country conferring the rank of general of distinguished veterans of Great Patriotic War Victory Day before? (Guarantor of the constitution presents the rank of general in the Kremlin). And about the star of the GTS I will say one thing. Was the Soviet Union such lёtchitsa Grizodubova Valentina S. (1909g.-28apr.1993g). So she was the only woman in the history of the USSR, awarded the two top titles (Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor). In today's Russia is not the title of the GTS. The same question - how can this be ???
In 2012, the general's false already sported on the podium of the mausoleum near the third and three times the presidents of Russia:

And this is not an isolated case. Here's another clown fancy dress at the Bolshoi Theater May 9:

This actor has just two stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the star of the Hero of Socialist Labor, as well as seven Orders of Lenin (!). As rightly noted bloggers:
According to departmental signs on the right side of the chest that general security officer. One sign of "Veteran" with the profile of Dzerzhinsky, the other "special department of the KGB." In the history of the Soviet Union twice Hero of the Soviet Union was 154 people. According to recent data released alive 27 people. Of these, 24 cosmonaut and three airmen.
In the history of the USSR Eleven Heroes of Socialist Labor were also Heroes of the Soviet Union. Only one survivor, Vasily Holovchenko-sergeant, soldier, director of the farm. Accordingly, the general of the army, he does not pull.
Under the stars is vast sash block. The first award, as it should be according to seniority, the order of "Lenin". Their 7 pieces (!!!). However, seven times the Order of Lenin was awarded:
Minister of General Machine Building Sergey Afanasiev;
Marshal Ivan Bagramyan;
Marshal Semyon Budyonny.
The next order of "Alexander Nevsky". By statute, the Order is awarded to only the Red Army commanders, divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, companies and platoons all. The following 3 order "of the October Revolution." The names of the Knights of the Order of double, but that's about three-time beau sources are silent.
His heroes in the center of Moscow not only deliver "Soviet" army and security forces, but the Red Banner Fleet. In the following two pictures - one more disguised, who managed for a year to make a career from sailor to captain of the first rank:

First: Awards are hit or miss, mixed order and icons. Order of "Patriotic War" and "Red Star" to the left and must have the right and so on. Each serving knows the order of the awards
To the left of the Order of the Order of Stalin's self-made "Admiral Ushakov". This award five-way and eight-here. But that's not the point. Order is hereby awarded only command of the Navy (the officers), but not the men. In the photo in the form of a character sailor. Third: the most interesting. The photo seen George Cross, though sideways, but you can see (on the right side of the chest, to the left of the medal "For Service in Battle"). As far as is known, Russia has not survived the awarded it the king's order (the insignia of the Military Order of St. George's for the lower ranks). They were awarded before 1917. Later, until 1920, only the Whites Wrangel, Kolchak, who (who survived) had gone across the border into exile and to serve in the Red Army could not. Last George Knight Fedorov NV He died in the United States in 2003. at the age of 102
But the most beautiful thing that the sailor of the year made a crazy career, and in May 2011 looked like. The difference between the sailors and the captain of the first rank think everyone understands.

Denpobedovskaya orgy under Putin naturally fueled the need for "veterans" that in today's Russia turned into a festive props. If the New Year at the Russians to be tree, then on the Day of Victory - veteran. Therefore, bloggers saw this hand of the Kremlin:
Clearly, this is not amateur data mates and planned action. Apparently there is an order to organize a certain amount of "heroic veterans." The authorities need such loyal "veterans", they will not complain about the miserable pensions and expensive drugs, they will not say a word about the fact that the promises of the authorities are stronger, and the veterans are fewer and fewer. And soon they will be left entirely. Will only here such as these, the mummers. Fake veterans will symbolize our victory.
Some have even speculated on the existence of special order "veteranychey»:
That there are special people selected specifically old women and old men, hang him star heroes poshivayut to them a special form, and then displays them on the street on May 9 and put on the podium at the mausoleum next to Putin and Medvedik. That is Erefii a special program - with its facilities and personnel - designed to maintain Erefii cult of Victory - including through the establishment's just such entertainers "veterans».
Authoritative blogger drugoi, untwist due to copy-paste the photos in a Western news LiveJournal, demanded that the authorities and law enforcement agencies to deal with the circus clowns, who year after year is repeated on May 9 in the center of Moscow:
That's what I want to ask the all-powerful Federal Security Service, the protocol service of the Kremlin and other - how you do on the central podium Victory Parade there such persons? Victory Day in Moscow could not step to step - all in obstacles, thousands of police, trucks cover the lanes on Manezhnaya only through a metal detector. In fact, the center of the city was under siege, and you sit on the Red Square strange personality mummers Murzilki. What a humiliation for these veterans, you think.
The most balanced opinion about what is happening expressed guru of Russian nationalism and philosopher Konstantin Krylov:
We have a hundred years run by people not even to a very nasty and scary, but - just. The very simplicity, which is worse than theft. Accordingly, able to do things that we just do not come to mind ...
Take the same veteran theme. Lack veterans acutely felt in the seventies. Then it was decided to come to the school and the veteran spoke about the war. Better to say, not telling. That is, without any superfluous information, and something like - "War is terrible trouble, guys, but we have overcome, it was a terrible time, this manual is very well supervised, well and helped people».
Accordingly, teachers are often asked children to lead "some grandfather" ... This is what I am. No special software counterfeiting veterans then, perhaps, it was not ... So now, most likely done. At any level, including the highest.
Well that's needed on the Mausoleum veterans. It is believed so that veterans were the order such veterans need, Putin also said that veterans. Well, not enough, you know? All peremёrli, little old they are. That grandmother was asked to stand up with orders. Yes, she can fight. And what orders are hung as a Christmas tree, so she and her head is bad, well then, tearing off her, the old woman hurt? Yes, what damn difference to you, these orders, are not real? You damn Che fought? You finally Che in his life seen? Che attached? We can say the pensioner helped her later in the cafeteria to eat, and in general. You think it's a pity for Grandma? Well, no, tell me - sorry? Rednecks hipster, do not know how old people are living difficult.

The cult of Victory in Putin of Russia has acquired the character of senility
While Putin's Russia Day Victory smoothly turns into a mockery of the memory of soldiers (enough to remember the attempt to release to a TV channel NTV exactly May 9 to sponsor Russian structures the film "Four Days" of Soviet soldiers rapists in Germany), savvy Russians are trying to join the veterans of the Great Patriotic War .
So, in 2011, it was reported that 73-year-old resident of Cheboksary acquired certificate of the participant of Great Patriotic War born in 1925, cleaned up and it got later in the form of a grant of social assistance in excess of 900 thousand rubles. Quirky "veteran" was sentenced to two years probation.
For the sake of obtaining benefits under the law "On veterans" (free allocation of apartments and social assistance) are recorded in the veterans and those who served in the Wehrmacht. For example, a veteran of WWII from Magadan in addition service in the Red Army, and he served in the German army. However, the wonder of this story is not necessary - enough to remember that World War II veterans was recognized and received benefits from the Soviet regime known punisher - Hauptsturmführer SS Gregory Vasyura, Having burnt the village of Khatyn.
In today's Russia, where the masks have become commonplace (this week Putin spoke, for example, such Uralvagonzavod's "working"), veterans of the Great Patriotic War, a variety of existing species range of pseudo-Cossacks, fake priests, false MUP and special services, and so on up to the highest ranks of the Russian Federation.
(Material taken from the site ttolk.ru)