Russian war veterans condemned to poverty

Nearly 50% of Russian veterans 70 years after the war live very poorly, did not adequately state winner, told reporters, Colonel-General Yuri Boukreev, chairman of the National Association of association of reserve officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR), a member of the Central Council of the Russian Defense Ministry of Veterans Affairs .
Now living has about 400,000 veterans, out of which at least half in need of social support. The life forced to veterans in Russia, does not fit "in any frame of the civilized world." And to blame the established system: the veterans of "centralized, system no one does," says the general. Now veterans receive support mostly either from relatives or from dobrovoltsev and not from the social system of the country.
General considers it necessary to establish a federal executive body, which would take over the coordination of assistance to veterans, as it is done "in many civilized countries" (in more than 40 countries have such Executive Institute). Now, aid to veterans is uneven: in the wealthiest regions - substantial assistance in the villages - it is not there.
In the villages particularly difficult situation: "Often there's just no living conditions, and in fact people need to support themselves: you have to light the stove, to maintain farm in a healthy state, bring the water and so on».
In addition, on the way to getting help from veterans of the rise and officials, veterans are often difficult to obtain the required certificate or document.
However, there are still those who are willing to help veterans. So, the general said that the calls for the society to businessmen for help veterans do not remain unanswered: "There are people who belong to this matter very seriously and help the veterans. But this is not enough. Today, he has assisted, tomorrow it does not have such opportunities. But some people leave this life ».
But overall winners of yesterday's fascism "is now left to fend for themselves, this is a great tragedy».
Source: www.mk.ru