Soviet actors - participants of the Great Patriotic War
We know and love so many actors of the Soviet cinema, as well as their work in film. We love and remember artists such as Yuri Nikulin, Basov, A. Smirnov, A.Papanov, M.Pugovkin G. Yumatov, as well as many others. But we know almost nothing about the main role of each of them - their role in World War II. But they all participated in the battles for our homeland against fascism. I want to share with you about what he learned about some of these famous artists.
Yuri Nikulin
November 18, 1939, in accordance with the Ordinance on universal conscription, Nikulin was drafted. Nikulin He served in the Army anti-aircraft artillery near Leningrad. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the battery Nikulin opened fire on Nazi aircraft that broke through to Leningrad, threw Gulf deep mines. As part of the anti-aircraft battery Nikulin fought until the spring of 1943, rose to the rank of senior sergeant. Then, with wounds, he twice visited the hospital. After recovery, the hospital he was sent to the 72th Anti-Aircraft Division under separate Kolpino. Victory Yuri Nikulin met in the Baltic States. He was awarded the medal "For courage", "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For Victory over Germany».
Alexei Smirnov
He knew and loved the whole country, but even many of his friends did not know that he provoeval most of the war as a simple soldier. What he Holders of the Order of Glory, Officer of the Order of the Red Star. Just, Alex did not like to share with someone - or his memories of the war. Premium list to the order of a third artillery division on September 15, 1944 for the Order of Glory 3rd degree, "June 20, 1944 near the height of 283, the enemy, power to 40 the Nazis attacked the battery. Comrade Smirnov, inspiring fighters rushed into battle, repulsed the attack of the Nazis. On the battlefield, it left 17 dead Germans, personally captured 7 of the Nazis ... ". Recording a premium piece of the Order of Glory 2nd degree: "Comrade Smirnov with three fighters rushed to the Germans, and personally killed three of the machine of the Nazis and two captured. January 22, 1945, despite the intense small-arms and artillery and mortar shelling, counting on himself ferried mortar on the left bank of the Oder River. In this battle, it destroyed two machine-gun and twenty-Nazis. " However, end the war in Berlin, Alexei Smirnov and failed. In 1945, during one of the battles, he was severely wounded shell explosion. After treatment in hospital - the reserve ...
Alexei Smirnov, after the war, acted in many films. And any of his role in the film, even the smallest, was pronounced and noticeable. The last film in which he starred, was a film of his friend Leonid Bykov "go to fight some old men."
Hero of the Great Patriotic War, one of the best actors of the Soviet post-war generation, was buried in the cemetery of the South is proud of St. Petersburg, 3rd Rowan plot number 21, 9 grave.
Anatoly Papanov
On the first day of the war June 22, 1941, he went to the front. Promoted to senior sergeant. In 1942 he was sent to the South-Western Front. It is preparing a big offensive of the Soviet troops. Under Kharkiv were pulled several Soviet divisions that were in the "pot". The Germans launched a counteroffensive, and Soviet troops were forced to retreat to the Stalingrad. Twenty Anatoly Papanov then commanded the anti-aircraft battery. In these battles, it is the role of the soldiers who have nowhere to retreat - lived fully. Under Kharkov Papanov learned what it means to serve in the battalion, which asks and receives no fire. There, he was badly wounded in the leg and was in hospital, at 21 years old, he came out of him disabled. "How can we forget how, after two and a half hours of battle, forty-two people remained thirteen?" - Recalled Papanov. About this time - one of the most prominent and significant role actor - General Serpilin role in the film adaptation of the novel Simon's "The Living and the Dead." It may not be in the creative biography Serpilin Papanova, there would be no other military roles - the former paratrooper-radio operator, accountant Dubinsky, in the movie "The Belarusian railway station».
Nikolai Trofimov
During World War II he served in the Navy. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, Order of Red Star, the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For Victory over Germany».
Elina Bystritskaya
During the war she worked in front-line evacuation hospital nurse mobile. She was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the medal "For the victory over Germany».
Innocent Smoktunovskij
Member of the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the liberation of Kiev.
Eliminated in Berlin. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, two medals "For Courage" medal "For the victory over Germany».
Zinovy Gerdt
Senior lieutenant sapper company. On the front he volunteered. In February 1943, the Belgorod, was seriously wounded in the leg, underwent 11 operations, which resulted in the leg was shorter by 8 centimeters, lameness remained for life. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Vladimir Etush
Volunteer. He graduated from the school of military translators in Stavropol. (By the way, if you need interpretation, but today is not a problem). He fought in the mountains of Kabarda and Ossetia, liberated Rostov-on-Don, Ukraine. Senior lieutenant, assistant chief of staff of the regiment. In 1943 he was seriously injured and the reserve. After the hospital received the 2nd disability group.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Red Star and medals "For defense of the Caucasus", "For the Defense of Moscow", "For Victory over Germany».
Michael Pugovkin
On the front he volunteered. Scout, he served in the 1147th Rifle Regiment.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree and the medal "For the victory over Germany».
Vladimir Basov
Captain, Battery Commander 424 Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 14th Division anti-aircraft artillery Riga Reserve GC SVGK, Deputy Chief of Operations of the 28th separate artillery division breakout Reserve Command.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Red Star and the Medal "For Service in Battle».
Yevgeny Vesnik
He fought for three years. He was awarded two medals "For Courage", the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, Order of the Red Star, the medal "For the capture of Koenigsberg", two medals "For Courage" medal "For the victory over Germany».
Sergei Bondarchuk
Member of the Great Patriotic War. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree.
George Yumatov
Since 1942 - a cabin boy on a torpedo boat "Brave", a year later - the steering. Frees Budapest, Bucharest, Vienna. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the Medal of Ushakov sailor, medals "For the capture of Budapest", "For the capture of Vienna", "For Victory over Germany».
Leonid Gaidai
In 1942, Leonid Gaidai called up. Initially, his service was held in Mongolia, where he rode horses intended for the front. Tall and thin Gaidai squat on Mongolian horses looked comical, but with his cowboy work handled successfully. He, like others of his contemporaries rushed to the front. Situated in a peaceful Mongolia, they felt ashamed. In addition, recruits often forgot to feed and they are terribly hungry.
When I arrived Commissar selected completion in the army, every question an officer Gaidai replied "I am." "Who's the guns?" "I," "The cavalry?" "I," "In the Navy?" "I", "The intelligence?" "I" - which aroused dissatisfaction chief. "Yes, you wait, Gaidai - said the military commissar - Give announce the entire list." Because of this incident, many years later was born on an episode of the film "Operation" Y "».
Gaidai sent to the Kalinin Front.
Gaidai served as platoon walking intelligence repeatedly went into the enemy's rear to take the language, was awarded several medals.
In 1943, returning from a mission, Leonid Gaidai was blown up by anti-personnel mine, was badly injured leg. About a year spent in hospital, suffered 5 operations. He was threatened with amputation, but he refused from it. "One-legged actors do not happen" - he said. The consequences of this injury haunted him all his life. From time to time the wound is opened, out fragments, bone and inflamed the torment lasted for years. He was disabled, but never told anyone about it. Outsiders it not only did not know but had no idea, because Leonid Iovich could not stand to show their disease or infirmity. He was a real man's character ...
Yuri Katin-Yartsev
The Great Patriotic War - a huge and important step in the biography of Yuri Katin-Yartsev. He served in the railway troops, build bridges to the Far East, and then got into the army, to the Voronezh Front. He participated in the battles of Kursk was on the I Ukrainian Front and IV Ukrainian. At the end of the war Katin-Yartsev became a Knight of the Order of the Red Star.
Vladimir Gulyaev
in April 1942 he enlisted as a cadet in Molotov (Perm) military aviation school pilots. He became a pilot of attack aircraft IL-2.
... The youngest student Molotov Pilot School stormtroopers Volodya Gulyaev graduated with distinction and received the rank of second lieutenant, arrived with a fresh batch of replenishment 639 th Regiment, which is based around the city then Velizh.
In November 1943, began the formation of 335 th Attack Air Division, which included the regiment and the neighboring Gulyaev, 826 minutes of their 211 th Division. In winter, the pilots flew the newly-division rarely, mostly for exploration. Gulyaev managed to make only one sortie.
In the spring of 1944, the division Gulyaev received an order for transfer of 639 th Regiment in the 2nd Ukrainian Front. This event should be to please Volodya, because of agitation and propaganda chief of the 53 th Army in the 2nd Ukrainian fought his father. But he went in Gulyaevskaya: division commander begged him not to send to Ukraine and move to the nearby, 826 th, assault regiment 335th Division. The 1st Squadron of the regiment Vladimir Gulyaev and pass all their front-line universities to the Victory Day - May 9, 1945.
In May 1944, the 335 th Assault Division as part of 826 th and 683rd regiments assault secretly relocated to the airfield near the town in the Vitebsk region. First flight Gulyaev were to attack railway stations Lovsha, Obol, last on the road Vitebsk - Polotsk. Especially Fritz went from shock Vladimir in Obol. At the station, he flew on May 20, 6, 13 and 23 June. The regimental documents for June 13, said: "Flying to attack railway Obol station in the group of six IL-2, making 3 approach, despite the heavy anti-aircraft fire of the enemy, that is. Gulyaev dropped bombs on a train, 3 observed the explosion with black smoke, fire cannons and machine guns shot manpower. Mission accomplished perfectly. Result of attack is confirmed by the testimony of a photograph and fighter cover. " It should be added that the station itself was protected by four anti-aircraft batteries and even two on the way to it. It is a sea of anti-aircraft fire! Gulyaev, ignoring the deadly three dived into this sea. And not only survived, but also damaged the German train. About this he wrote a sniper attack, even the army newspaper "Soviet hawk." Tenderloin with Article Gulyaev then long proudly wore in his flying plate.
During the operation "Bagration" 826 th Attack Regiment slapped on manpower and equipment of the enemy, moving on roads Dobrino - Verbano - Shumilino - Beshenkovici Lovsha - Bogushevskaya - Senno and Lovsha - Klimov. As part of the six stormtroopers slave commander of the 1st Squadron Captain Popov took off and Lieutenant Gulyaev and his gunner - Sgt Basil Vinichenko. Their goal was a German convoy on the road Lovsha - Polotsk. But from the air, they suddenly saw that the station Obol are under as much as 5 pairs of trains of the enemy! Through a dense palisade of anti-aircraft fire broke them only Popov and walked. But Popov still knocked, knocked on the station. Along with him was killed and his gunner sergeant Bezzhivotny. Drop bombs on the trains and return to their base unharmed managed only Gulyaev. At the station Obol then another two days the fire raged and exploded ordnance. However, a decent valuation sniper hit Vladimir Gulyaev his superiors did not get. As it is simply not believed. Living there were no witnesses, and at Gulyaev it was only eight sorties. Of course, the impact and the fact that the division on this day for the first time suffered such a great loss: 7 and 4 aircraft crew. Here it was not until the triumphant reports to the superior command.
Hop on the airfield Beshenkovichi, 826 th Regiment after the destruction of the enemy in the region Lepel - Chashniki Polotsk took part in the offensive. Vladimir Gulyaev and his comrades stormed the German columns and positions in the area of deep, Dunilovichey, Borovuhi, Disney Bigosovo. July 3 crushed the enemy in the north-western outskirts of Polotsk, July 4, the day of the liberation of the cities involved in the defeat of the German colony on the road Drissa (Verhnedvinsk) - Druja. As a result, a crushing blow Germans lost 535 (!) Cars and river barges. Despite the fact that the enemy was carrying such a terrible loss, and departed, flying our stormtroopers were not hunting walk. The sky is literally torn to pieces by German anti-aircraft guns, and the clouds are constantly scouring the "Fockers" and "Messers". And every time someone from the pilots division was not destined to return to the home airfield. Downed crew Akimov - Gorgol, Fedorov - Tsukanov, Osipov - Kananadze, Kuroedov - Kudryavtsev, Mavrin - Vdovchenko, Sailors - Katkov Shkarpetov - Korgin ... crew walk - Vinichenko, thank God, luck.
But in the area of Rezekne harmlessly off Gulyaev turned away. During the attack, artillery positions, his plane was badly damaged, and "Ilyukha" had to put a stop the engine directly on the forest. An old IL-2 with metal wings received a terrible blow on the trees as he could soften it, and perishing, yet the crew rescued from certain death. Vladimir Gulyaev unconscious rushed on passing Li-2 in the Central Aviation Hospital in Moscow. In his regiment, he returned only after three and a half months. About severely wounded resembled scars on the nose and chin and a disappointing conclusion, a doctor who gives hope for flying only in light aircraft. And this, alas, wood-canvas "for maize" Po-2. These were 335-th division only in the staff management positions. There reluctantly pilots to positions 2 and he continued his service. So it would be to fly in this "sewing machine" until victory, but less than a month, as the assault of his soul longed for has become home to the cabin "Ilyukha." He began to write a report for a report and eventually won re-medical examination, and in March 1945, again raised his favorite of IL-2 in the air. And one of the first combat missions almost died. Archival documents tells about it laconically and dryly: "03/26/1945, the flying car to attack the enemy in the area of Balga. Having made three passes at a target, he destroyed three vehicles and created a fire site. From a direct hit by flak his plane was damaged, but thanks to the excellent flight technique he brought the aircraft to their base and landed safely. " Death, scorching him with his terrible hot breath swept very close. But after that Gulyaev uncontrollably spoiling for a fight, making 2 - 3 sorties per day.
April 6 purpose Gulyaev and his comrades became the city-fortress of Konigsberg (Kaliningrad). Pilots was their division was entrusted to a high honor from the plane to lose an ultimatum to the commandant of Koenigsberg General Otto Lyashu. Unable to withstand the power of attacking strokes, the stronghold of Prussian militarism fell just three days - 9 April. That same day, for their courage, valor and committed 20 successful combat missions in the skies of East Prussia Vladimir Gulyaev he was presented the Order of the Patriotic War I level.

Yuri Nikulin
November 18, 1939, in accordance with the Ordinance on universal conscription, Nikulin was drafted. Nikulin He served in the Army anti-aircraft artillery near Leningrad. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the battery Nikulin opened fire on Nazi aircraft that broke through to Leningrad, threw Gulf deep mines. As part of the anti-aircraft battery Nikulin fought until the spring of 1943, rose to the rank of senior sergeant. Then, with wounds, he twice visited the hospital. After recovery, the hospital he was sent to the 72th Anti-Aircraft Division under separate Kolpino. Victory Yuri Nikulin met in the Baltic States. He was awarded the medal "For courage", "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For Victory over Germany».


Alexei Smirnov
He knew and loved the whole country, but even many of his friends did not know that he provoeval most of the war as a simple soldier. What he Holders of the Order of Glory, Officer of the Order of the Red Star. Just, Alex did not like to share with someone - or his memories of the war. Premium list to the order of a third artillery division on September 15, 1944 for the Order of Glory 3rd degree, "June 20, 1944 near the height of 283, the enemy, power to 40 the Nazis attacked the battery. Comrade Smirnov, inspiring fighters rushed into battle, repulsed the attack of the Nazis. On the battlefield, it left 17 dead Germans, personally captured 7 of the Nazis ... ". Recording a premium piece of the Order of Glory 2nd degree: "Comrade Smirnov with three fighters rushed to the Germans, and personally killed three of the machine of the Nazis and two captured. January 22, 1945, despite the intense small-arms and artillery and mortar shelling, counting on himself ferried mortar on the left bank of the Oder River. In this battle, it destroyed two machine-gun and twenty-Nazis. " However, end the war in Berlin, Alexei Smirnov and failed. In 1945, during one of the battles, he was severely wounded shell explosion. After treatment in hospital - the reserve ...
Alexei Smirnov, after the war, acted in many films. And any of his role in the film, even the smallest, was pronounced and noticeable. The last film in which he starred, was a film of his friend Leonid Bykov "go to fight some old men."
Hero of the Great Patriotic War, one of the best actors of the Soviet post-war generation, was buried in the cemetery of the South is proud of St. Petersburg, 3rd Rowan plot number 21, 9 grave.

Anatoly Papanov
On the first day of the war June 22, 1941, he went to the front. Promoted to senior sergeant. In 1942 he was sent to the South-Western Front. It is preparing a big offensive of the Soviet troops. Under Kharkiv were pulled several Soviet divisions that were in the "pot". The Germans launched a counteroffensive, and Soviet troops were forced to retreat to the Stalingrad. Twenty Anatoly Papanov then commanded the anti-aircraft battery. In these battles, it is the role of the soldiers who have nowhere to retreat - lived fully. Under Kharkov Papanov learned what it means to serve in the battalion, which asks and receives no fire. There, he was badly wounded in the leg and was in hospital, at 21 years old, he came out of him disabled. "How can we forget how, after two and a half hours of battle, forty-two people remained thirteen?" - Recalled Papanov. About this time - one of the most prominent and significant role actor - General Serpilin role in the film adaptation of the novel Simon's "The Living and the Dead." It may not be in the creative biography Serpilin Papanova, there would be no other military roles - the former paratrooper-radio operator, accountant Dubinsky, in the movie "The Belarusian railway station».

Nikolai Trofimov
During World War II he served in the Navy. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, Order of Red Star, the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For Victory over Germany».

Elina Bystritskaya
During the war she worked in front-line evacuation hospital nurse mobile. She was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the medal "For the victory over Germany».

Innocent Smoktunovskij
Member of the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the liberation of Kiev.
Eliminated in Berlin. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, two medals "For Courage" medal "For the victory over Germany».

Zinovy Gerdt
Senior lieutenant sapper company. On the front he volunteered. In February 1943, the Belgorod, was seriously wounded in the leg, underwent 11 operations, which resulted in the leg was shorter by 8 centimeters, lameness remained for life. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Vladimir Etush
Volunteer. He graduated from the school of military translators in Stavropol. (By the way, if you need interpretation, but today is not a problem). He fought in the mountains of Kabarda and Ossetia, liberated Rostov-on-Don, Ukraine. Senior lieutenant, assistant chief of staff of the regiment. In 1943 he was seriously injured and the reserve. After the hospital received the 2nd disability group.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Red Star and medals "For defense of the Caucasus", "For the Defense of Moscow", "For Victory over Germany».


Michael Pugovkin
On the front he volunteered. Scout, he served in the 1147th Rifle Regiment.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree and the medal "For the victory over Germany».

Vladimir Basov
Captain, Battery Commander 424 Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 14th Division anti-aircraft artillery Riga Reserve GC SVGK, Deputy Chief of Operations of the 28th separate artillery division breakout Reserve Command.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Red Star and the Medal "For Service in Battle».


Yevgeny Vesnik
He fought for three years. He was awarded two medals "For Courage", the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, Order of the Red Star, the medal "For the capture of Koenigsberg", two medals "For Courage" medal "For the victory over Germany».


Sergei Bondarchuk
Member of the Great Patriotic War. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree.

George Yumatov
Since 1942 - a cabin boy on a torpedo boat "Brave", a year later - the steering. Frees Budapest, Bucharest, Vienna. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the Medal of Ushakov sailor, medals "For the capture of Budapest", "For the capture of Vienna", "For Victory over Germany».

Leonid Gaidai
In 1942, Leonid Gaidai called up. Initially, his service was held in Mongolia, where he rode horses intended for the front. Tall and thin Gaidai squat on Mongolian horses looked comical, but with his cowboy work handled successfully. He, like others of his contemporaries rushed to the front. Situated in a peaceful Mongolia, they felt ashamed. In addition, recruits often forgot to feed and they are terribly hungry.
When I arrived Commissar selected completion in the army, every question an officer Gaidai replied "I am." "Who's the guns?" "I," "The cavalry?" "I," "In the Navy?" "I", "The intelligence?" "I" - which aroused dissatisfaction chief. "Yes, you wait, Gaidai - said the military commissar - Give announce the entire list." Because of this incident, many years later was born on an episode of the film "Operation" Y "».
Gaidai sent to the Kalinin Front.
Gaidai served as platoon walking intelligence repeatedly went into the enemy's rear to take the language, was awarded several medals.
In 1943, returning from a mission, Leonid Gaidai was blown up by anti-personnel mine, was badly injured leg. About a year spent in hospital, suffered 5 operations. He was threatened with amputation, but he refused from it. "One-legged actors do not happen" - he said. The consequences of this injury haunted him all his life. From time to time the wound is opened, out fragments, bone and inflamed the torment lasted for years. He was disabled, but never told anyone about it. Outsiders it not only did not know but had no idea, because Leonid Iovich could not stand to show their disease or infirmity. He was a real man's character ...


Yuri Katin-Yartsev
The Great Patriotic War - a huge and important step in the biography of Yuri Katin-Yartsev. He served in the railway troops, build bridges to the Far East, and then got into the army, to the Voronezh Front. He participated in the battles of Kursk was on the I Ukrainian Front and IV Ukrainian. At the end of the war Katin-Yartsev became a Knight of the Order of the Red Star.

Vladimir Gulyaev
in April 1942 he enlisted as a cadet in Molotov (Perm) military aviation school pilots. He became a pilot of attack aircraft IL-2.
... The youngest student Molotov Pilot School stormtroopers Volodya Gulyaev graduated with distinction and received the rank of second lieutenant, arrived with a fresh batch of replenishment 639 th Regiment, which is based around the city then Velizh.
In November 1943, began the formation of 335 th Attack Air Division, which included the regiment and the neighboring Gulyaev, 826 minutes of their 211 th Division. In winter, the pilots flew the newly-division rarely, mostly for exploration. Gulyaev managed to make only one sortie.
In the spring of 1944, the division Gulyaev received an order for transfer of 639 th Regiment in the 2nd Ukrainian Front. This event should be to please Volodya, because of agitation and propaganda chief of the 53 th Army in the 2nd Ukrainian fought his father. But he went in Gulyaevskaya: division commander begged him not to send to Ukraine and move to the nearby, 826 th, assault regiment 335th Division. The 1st Squadron of the regiment Vladimir Gulyaev and pass all their front-line universities to the Victory Day - May 9, 1945.
In May 1944, the 335 th Assault Division as part of 826 th and 683rd regiments assault secretly relocated to the airfield near the town in the Vitebsk region. First flight Gulyaev were to attack railway stations Lovsha, Obol, last on the road Vitebsk - Polotsk. Especially Fritz went from shock Vladimir in Obol. At the station, he flew on May 20, 6, 13 and 23 June. The regimental documents for June 13, said: "Flying to attack railway Obol station in the group of six IL-2, making 3 approach, despite the heavy anti-aircraft fire of the enemy, that is. Gulyaev dropped bombs on a train, 3 observed the explosion with black smoke, fire cannons and machine guns shot manpower. Mission accomplished perfectly. Result of attack is confirmed by the testimony of a photograph and fighter cover. " It should be added that the station itself was protected by four anti-aircraft batteries and even two on the way to it. It is a sea of anti-aircraft fire! Gulyaev, ignoring the deadly three dived into this sea. And not only survived, but also damaged the German train. About this he wrote a sniper attack, even the army newspaper "Soviet hawk." Tenderloin with Article Gulyaev then long proudly wore in his flying plate.
During the operation "Bagration" 826 th Attack Regiment slapped on manpower and equipment of the enemy, moving on roads Dobrino - Verbano - Shumilino - Beshenkovici Lovsha - Bogushevskaya - Senno and Lovsha - Klimov. As part of the six stormtroopers slave commander of the 1st Squadron Captain Popov took off and Lieutenant Gulyaev and his gunner - Sgt Basil Vinichenko. Their goal was a German convoy on the road Lovsha - Polotsk. But from the air, they suddenly saw that the station Obol are under as much as 5 pairs of trains of the enemy! Through a dense palisade of anti-aircraft fire broke them only Popov and walked. But Popov still knocked, knocked on the station. Along with him was killed and his gunner sergeant Bezzhivotny. Drop bombs on the trains and return to their base unharmed managed only Gulyaev. At the station Obol then another two days the fire raged and exploded ordnance. However, a decent valuation sniper hit Vladimir Gulyaev his superiors did not get. As it is simply not believed. Living there were no witnesses, and at Gulyaev it was only eight sorties. Of course, the impact and the fact that the division on this day for the first time suffered such a great loss: 7 and 4 aircraft crew. Here it was not until the triumphant reports to the superior command.
Hop on the airfield Beshenkovichi, 826 th Regiment after the destruction of the enemy in the region Lepel - Chashniki Polotsk took part in the offensive. Vladimir Gulyaev and his comrades stormed the German columns and positions in the area of deep, Dunilovichey, Borovuhi, Disney Bigosovo. July 3 crushed the enemy in the north-western outskirts of Polotsk, July 4, the day of the liberation of the cities involved in the defeat of the German colony on the road Drissa (Verhnedvinsk) - Druja. As a result, a crushing blow Germans lost 535 (!) Cars and river barges. Despite the fact that the enemy was carrying such a terrible loss, and departed, flying our stormtroopers were not hunting walk. The sky is literally torn to pieces by German anti-aircraft guns, and the clouds are constantly scouring the "Fockers" and "Messers". And every time someone from the pilots division was not destined to return to the home airfield. Downed crew Akimov - Gorgol, Fedorov - Tsukanov, Osipov - Kananadze, Kuroedov - Kudryavtsev, Mavrin - Vdovchenko, Sailors - Katkov Shkarpetov - Korgin ... crew walk - Vinichenko, thank God, luck.
But in the area of Rezekne harmlessly off Gulyaev turned away. During the attack, artillery positions, his plane was badly damaged, and "Ilyukha" had to put a stop the engine directly on the forest. An old IL-2 with metal wings received a terrible blow on the trees as he could soften it, and perishing, yet the crew rescued from certain death. Vladimir Gulyaev unconscious rushed on passing Li-2 in the Central Aviation Hospital in Moscow. In his regiment, he returned only after three and a half months. About severely wounded resembled scars on the nose and chin and a disappointing conclusion, a doctor who gives hope for flying only in light aircraft. And this, alas, wood-canvas "for maize" Po-2. These were 335-th division only in the staff management positions. There reluctantly pilots to positions 2 and he continued his service. So it would be to fly in this "sewing machine" until victory, but less than a month, as the assault of his soul longed for has become home to the cabin "Ilyukha." He began to write a report for a report and eventually won re-medical examination, and in March 1945, again raised his favorite of IL-2 in the air. And one of the first combat missions almost died. Archival documents tells about it laconically and dryly: "03/26/1945, the flying car to attack the enemy in the area of Balga. Having made three passes at a target, he destroyed three vehicles and created a fire site. From a direct hit by flak his plane was damaged, but thanks to the excellent flight technique he brought the aircraft to their base and landed safely. " Death, scorching him with his terrible hot breath swept very close. But after that Gulyaev uncontrollably spoiling for a fight, making 2 - 3 sorties per day.
April 6 purpose Gulyaev and his comrades became the city-fortress of Konigsberg (Kaliningrad). Pilots was their division was entrusted to a high honor from the plane to lose an ultimatum to the commandant of Koenigsberg General Otto Lyashu. Unable to withstand the power of attacking strokes, the stronghold of Prussian militarism fell just three days - 9 April. That same day, for their courage, valor and committed 20 successful combat missions in the skies of East Prussia Vladimir Gulyaev he was presented the Order of the Patriotic War I level.

