Whether or not to give the balloons may 9 veterans?

Probably nobody in our country is not indifferent to this bright feast-Day. In this day mourn for the dead soldiers, admire the greatness of the feat of the victorious people and, of course, to honor those already, unfortunately, few participants in the great Patriotic war, which survived until our days.
Gift veteran: the material loses duhovnomu it happened in the last few years that the theme of Victory was shamelessly used by traders of various caliber. In online communities even had mA'am "pobedobesie" characterizing the dumb and inept operation of the symbols of this landmark event with the purpose of personal gain. At the time a lot of noise caused discounts to veterans in honor of Victory Day in the mortuary or the decoration of the St. George ribbon vodka bottles.
In good health now veterans say that stronger sorts of food packages or monetary gifts warms their soul an opportunity to feel important and be sure of the gratitude of the present society. Because then a single tear rolls down the cheek of the old veteran at a time when on the street the kids handed him the flowers and say "Thanks for Victory!".
And if you conduct a survey on the significance of the attributes of a Victory Day, our citizens call some of the most striking elements. Some of them may seem archaic, but the veterans because of their age to reach it for tradition, which allows for a moment to feel young.
Traditional elements of the celebration of Victory Day:
- flowers;
- balloons;
- the belt guard;
- orders and medals;
- the banner of the war and the state flags of the Russian Federation.
Whether a veteran of a balloon?In the cities of balloons may 9 can be found everywhere: they are in the hands of the spectators of the parade or procession of war veterans, they are allocated to special elements of city decoration (arches, stylized monuments and stained glass) and is presented with the veterans of the kids together (or instead of) flowers. Due to the fact that today it is possible to produce balls of any color and with any lettering or design on the surface of their design value seriously increased.
Themed balloons for the Victory Day can be decorated with the following inscriptions and drawings:
- May 9;
- With The Victory Day!;
- Thanks To The Liberators;
- 72 the great Victory;
- the image of the order "Victory";
- the image Won-liberator in Treptow Park;
- the image of the Motherland-mother on the Mamaev Kurgan.
Now of balls you can easily build the elements in the colors of the belt guard or the national flag of the country. A veteran can be awarded a ball with a painted order of the "Victory" or suitable to the essence of the event title. However, some skeptics are subjected to ridicule tradition to give the old warriors the banal balls, because, in their opinion, a piece of rubber filled with air interest to children, not the wise lived years of the elderly. And yet veterans will be happy to accept such a gift, because it reminds them of the entourage of the Grand celebrations of the victory of the Soviet era, which coincided with the time of youth these gray warriors.