Pavel Globa: “In May, every zodiac sign can succeed only if...”
Such a long-awaited spring finally pleased us with sunny days and good weather. It would seem that winter is just over, and on the nose it is May. Everyone has already awakened from the winter hibernation, which means that it is time to act, go to the realization of goals and to success. So that the month turned out to be productive and successful, and the money poured in the river, it does not hurt to seek advice from the stars.
Editorial "Site" Provides readers with financial Horoscope for May by Pavel Globa for each zodiac sign. This month promises to be very successful!
Horoscope for May 2018
Money horoscope In May, it will help you to plan your activities in order to achieve material well-being. Pavel Globa assures that in May, each zodiac sign will be able to succeed in affairs aimed at enrichment, if he does everything in time. Be attentive to small things, do not lose sight of anything, and do not forget to listen to monetary signs.
Stars are stars, of course, they give advice, but everything is in your hands. So act, because your financial success this month depends on perseverance, self-confidence, the right strategy and proper allocation of time and internal resources. Trust in the stars, don't be a fool!
Do you believe in horoscopes? Tell us about it in the comments and don’t forget to share your horoscope with your friends!

Editorial "Site" Provides readers with financial Horoscope for May by Pavel Globa for each zodiac sign. This month promises to be very successful!
Horoscope for May 2018
- Aries.
Aries need to take up business from the beginning of the month, then success is guaranteed. The Sun, your main ally, holds a strong position until May 19, which will help you in business. There will be an opportunity to move up the career ladder or find a good job. Do not miss your chance, consider all the offers. From 19 to 21, the moon, which is clearly not patronizing you, will gain strength. During this period, Aries need to suspend activity, evaluate the results of their work, draw conclusions, and plan further activities. No adventures and dubious transactions during this period, be extremely careful with money, do not spend too much. Follow the same strategy from 24 to 25 and from 28 to 29 May. These days are not the most favorable for you.
Aries will receive an additional source of energy from Neptune, which will be in a strong position throughout the month. But retrograde Saturn can qualitatively spoil the life of Aries. Frequent mood changes, emotional outbursts are due to its influence. Keep yourself in control, meditate more often and stay calm, then everything will be fine!
DepositPhotos - Taurus
We will not let you down, this month will be difficult for Taurus. The moon, your main ally, will be weakened for most of the month, leaving you with little energy to accomplish. But do not despair, you will have a short period of time to develop active activity: 1, 19-21, 24-25, 29-29 May. These days you will be confident and energetic, which will allow you to direct things in the right direction. You'll be favored by Saturn, which is why. succeed May 5, 7, 8, 21. For these days, you can plan large purchases, large transactions and other transactions with money. But you need to be careful, because adventures this month will not justify themselves. It is best not to involve too many people in your plans because you risk being deceived. So keep your plans secret, act fast, but think carefully.
DepositPhotos - Twins.
Stability - that's what will please May Gemini. Your patron planets are in a neutral position but still provide you with energy. From 1 to 19 May, Gemini should be vigilant and not go off the planned path. Concentrate on your goals and persistently go to them, without being distracted by small things. The sun in an active position will hamper your activities, but you will manage. From May 20, a favorable period for Gemini will begin. This is a great time to implement all the boldest ideas. There will be career opportunities. You can play into the hands of additional training, improving your skills. How long have you been thinking about English? So this is the best time.
Good days for Gemini in May: 1, 5, 7, 8, 16, 21, 23, 27 and 29. These days, Uranus and Saturn will generously share energy with you to implement plans and ideas. Creative initiative will help to achieve the desired. Think outside the box, be brave and take the initiative!
DepositPhotos - Cancer
The crayfish moon will also not play into the hands. The first half of the month will be quite stressful. From 2 to 4 may, when the moon is particularly weakened, you need to be very careful and if possible not to lean out. Avoid conflicts at work, because it can be detrimental to your career. Finish your old business, focus on it. Tighten your tails so you have more time to be active in the second half of the month. From May 19, the moon will take a strong position, and then it will be possible to turn around. It is very important to start implementing important projects by May 21 and start implementing all your plans.
May 24, 25, 28 and 29 - best days to carry out plans. Investments these days will help you improve your financial situation. Activity and self-confidence will help in business. Maybe you're getting a promotion. So be invisible at the beginning of the month and shine at the end!
DepositPhotos - Lev
This is your time! From May 1 to 19, you will be supported by an active sun. All the planets that interfere with you are weakened and will not affect you. Now is the time to step up and act. Especially successful days will be May 11 and 19. The most important things should be left for these days. Everything will go well if you are active and confident. This is also a good time for change. If you've been thinking about changing jobs for a long time, act without hesitation. It'll work because the planets favor you. But do all the most important things in the first half of the month, because the second will not be so successful.
The moon will gain strength and will interfere with business, affecting your emotional state. Be especially careful on May 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29. Put aside important things and rest. Wait, accumulate strength for the next conquest of the peaks!
DepositPhotos - Virgo
As a sign dependent on the moon, Virgos this month will have a difficult time. In the first half of the month, the moon will be weakened, so Virgos will need energy. During this period, it is recommended to take creative initiative and look at problems from a different angle. Feel free to ask for help, you will need it, then it will be easier to handle things. Do not be active from 2 to 4, 9-10, 14-16, 30-31 may. An unstable emotional state will interfere with business.
But when the moon regains its position, you can get down to business and be active. Successful for Virgo will be the periods from 19 to 21, 24-25, 28-29 May. The moon fills you with its energy, so do not waste time. At this time, it is worth shopping, financial transactions, investments. There is a possibility of a successful adventure. Luck favors you, so don't miss your chance!
DepositPhotos - Libra
An active sun will get you in trouble this month. Be careful and attentive to the details. With the proper share of luck and quickness, Libra has every chance to improve its financial situation at the expense of internal forces. Protecting you Uranus and Saturn will allow you to complete the most important tasks. The best days will be 1, 5, 7, 8, 16, 21, 23, 27, 29 May. During these periods, it is important to concentrate on your tasks and not be distracted by small things. You will have to be a model employee this month, because a lot will depend on the opinion of your superiors.
When the Sun is particularly active, on May 11th and 19th, you should do routine work, clean up the pending cases and just go with the flow. You will be able to solve many issues that seemed difficult before. During this period, depressive thoughts will leave you, inspiration will appear and you will be able to overcome yourself. Don't give up and dare!
DepositPhotos - Scorpio
This is definitely your month! The first half of the month is the most favorable time for great (or very small) achievements. You will get a chance to do important things that will become the basis for victories and achievements in the future. Perhaps even a promotion at work, especially on the most lucky days: 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 23, 27, 30, 31 may. Uranus shares power with you, don't miss an opportunity. You need to have time to solve the most important issues in the first half of the month, because the second promises to be not so successful. The moon will gain strength and will interfere in the implementation of plans. Negative thoughts from 19 to 21, 24-25, 28-29 may cause you to feel bad, so be careful. Thanks to their perseverance and steadfastness, Scorpios, even in this difficult time, will be able to turn everything to their advantage.
On May 5, 7 and 8, set yourself up for success and do not fail important tasks. These days, it is better to avoid large expenses and transactions, they can be unsuccessful and unprofitable. Do your current job, it needs your attention. Be stubborn and collected!
DepositPhotos - Sagittarius
The task of Sagittarius this month is a systematic progress towards its goal. As a result of active work, there is a huge chance to get a stable income. Successful for monetary transactions will be May 11 and 19, when the Sun neutralizes the negative influence of the moon. It is better to make all important transactions, purchases, financial transactions in the first half of the month. Good luck is on your side and everything will be fine. After May 19, it is better to lie low, because the moon will begin to exert its influence and interfere in business. 1, 5, 7, 8, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29 May should be dedicated to yourself, to be alone. It is also important not to tell anyone about your plans. Planned action and perseverance – this is what Sagittarius need in May!
DepositPhotos - Capricorn
For Capricorns, the first half will be much more successful than the second. During the period when the moon becomes powerful, conflicts and misunderstandings are possible. If possible, do not plan important meetings on 1, 19-21, 24-25, 28-29 May. This is an unfavorable period for transactions. These days it is better to devote time to daily activities that do not require special scrupulousness. But there will be a good time for Capricorns this month. The most favorable days: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 23, 27, 30, 31 May. Things will be easy these days, so this is a time of deals, capital investments and important purchases. Promote your ideas and plans, they will bear fruit. Besides, you are accompanied by Uranus and Saturn. They will help in business and direct energy in the right direction.
Take a closer look at your hobby, it can be profitable. It is in May that you will be able to realize its potential, making it an additional source of income. So more creative initiative and effort!
DepositPhotos - Aquarius
For Aquarius, this is a wonderful month to show initiative and willpower. Your responsible decisions will depend on material well-being and promotion. So think before you do anything. Think twice. Uranus and Saturn, of course, will help in business, but much depends on you. 1, 5, 7, 8, 21, 23, 27, 29 – these days you will be able to realize all your plans. The activity of the Sun will interfere in business from 1 to 19 May. During this period, Aquarius will need help, and you should not refuse it. With help and support, things will move faster. Your income depends on your chosen strategy not only this month, but also in the future. A well-developed strategy, step-by-step progress towards the goal is the ideal option for you.
Be careful on May 11 and 19: if you are careless, you may lose money. Adventures and important deals should be postponed for later, but in the meantime, do the routine work that has been waiting for you. Think, weigh and act!
DepositPhotos - Fish
Stars advise Pisces to remain neutral, because the month does not promise great activity in business and stunning success. You just need to confidently go to your goal, achieving monetary stability. May 5, 7, 8 Pisces need to be very attentive, because these days can be decisive in the activity. Saturn is going to get in the way. The second half of May will be calmer. If you are planning important transactions, purchases or other financial manipulations, it is better to plan them for the periods from 19 to 21, 24-25, 28-29 May. The positive impact of Uranus these days will attract good luck and restore cash flows.
The fish will need support. You have to become a team player this month, otherwise everything will collapse. It's time to prove yourself. Offer new ideas, be active and be creative. Even in the not the most favorable month, it does not hurt to be active and make efforts.
Money horoscope In May, it will help you to plan your activities in order to achieve material well-being. Pavel Globa assures that in May, each zodiac sign will be able to succeed in affairs aimed at enrichment, if he does everything in time. Be attentive to small things, do not lose sight of anything, and do not forget to listen to monetary signs.
Stars are stars, of course, they give advice, but everything is in your hands. So act, because your financial success this month depends on perseverance, self-confidence, the right strategy and proper allocation of time and internal resources. Trust in the stars, don't be a fool!
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