Inna Churikova’s life experience in immodest advice
The heroine of our new article is Inna Mikhailovna Churikova. She is a famous Russian actress of theater and cinema, the favorite of millions of viewers both in Russia and other countries of the world. At one time, the artist proved that there are no unattainable peaks for her. And today it's capacious. trickery They resonate in the hearts of many people. Let's see what wisdom the star shares with us.
In her youth, Inna Mikhailovna did everything to realize her dream and become an actress. She lived with passions and feelings. It is not surprising, then, that she says of her youth, “As long as you are young, you are driven by an unknown force.” Perhaps it is the desire for self-expression, self-determination that lives inside each of us.”
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And indeed, young people tend to cut from the shoulder and go ahead. Sometimes they are overly emotional and excited. But all in order to achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself. Agreed?
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No matter how difficult the life situation, the actress believes that peace is above all else. Breathe in, breathe out and smile – the main commandment of Inna Mikhailovna. After all, much depends on our attitude and attitude to the problem. The more you blame yourself and once again twist, the harder it will be to get out of this cycle of negativity. Insist yourself on a positive wave!
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“Our most important director is life!” – Churikova is sure. And as you know, absolutely any scenario can be changed for the better and for the worse. Play your role 100% and never be afraid to be wrong. Even the most professional actors have failed.
Theatre and cinema have never been just a way for an actress to make money. Inna Mikhailovna is trepidated about every work in which she had the opportunity to participate. With each new role, the actor becomes wiser and more experienced. He thinks about life and answers important questions about it. To some extent, the actor acts as a researcher, a pioneer. And playing on stage or on a film platform helps to unlock your potential, the actress said.
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Churikova is sure that popularity is not God’s grace, but a real test. After all, in its essence, it is a test of strength: can a young actor or a young actress not lose her head and walk her way with dignity? Unfortunately, not everyone copes with this.
“Love is a secret feeling when you are ready to give to a person what belongs only to you,” says the actress. In this regard, Inna Mikhailovna was very lucky. Being still a very young girl, she met the then still beginning director Gleb Panfilov. Their feelings flared up in 1968 and still live.
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“Communication with intelligent people saturates and inspires, and communication with fools, on the contrary, only takes strength,” says Inna Mikhailovna. Um, there's definitely something about that! Are you close to the actress’ position on this?
Life councils of famous people sometimes help us to look at everything from a different angle. And sometimes, on the contrary, they cause contradictions. I wonder which ones. wisdom of Inna Churikova Did you like it the most? Perhaps you disagree with something? Boldly share your opinion in the comments. And thank you for staying with us!

In her youth, Inna Mikhailovna did everything to realize her dream and become an actress. She lived with passions and feelings. It is not surprising, then, that she says of her youth, “As long as you are young, you are driven by an unknown force.” Perhaps it is the desire for self-expression, self-determination that lives inside each of us.”
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A post shared by pro_zvezdu (@pro_zvezdu)
And indeed, young people tend to cut from the shoulder and go ahead. Sometimes they are overly emotional and excited. But all in order to achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself. Agreed?
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A post shared by Stars and Celebrities (@zvezda_choy)
No matter how difficult the life situation, the actress believes that peace is above all else. Breathe in, breathe out and smile – the main commandment of Inna Mikhailovna. After all, much depends on our attitude and attitude to the problem. The more you blame yourself and once again twist, the harder it will be to get out of this cycle of negativity. Insist yourself on a positive wave!
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A post shared by THEATRE PEOPLE (@people.theatre)
“Our most important director is life!” – Churikova is sure. And as you know, absolutely any scenario can be changed for the better and for the worse. Play your role 100% and never be afraid to be wrong. Even the most professional actors have failed.
Theatre and cinema have never been just a way for an actress to make money. Inna Mikhailovna is trepidated about every work in which she had the opportunity to participate. With each new role, the actor becomes wiser and more experienced. He thinks about life and answers important questions about it. To some extent, the actor acts as a researcher, a pioneer. And playing on stage or on a film platform helps to unlock your potential, the actress said.
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A post shared by Evgeny Vakhtangov Theatre (@vakhtangov_theatre)
Churikova is sure that popularity is not God’s grace, but a real test. After all, in its essence, it is a test of strength: can a young actor or a young actress not lose her head and walk her way with dignity? Unfortunately, not everyone copes with this.
“Love is a secret feeling when you are ready to give to a person what belongs only to you,” says the actress. In this regard, Inna Mikhailovna was very lucky. Being still a very young girl, she met the then still beginning director Gleb Panfilov. Their feelings flared up in 1968 and still live.
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A post shared by Celebrity Diaries (@dnevniki_znamenitostey)
“Communication with intelligent people saturates and inspires, and communication with fools, on the contrary, only takes strength,” says Inna Mikhailovna. Um, there's definitely something about that! Are you close to the actress’ position on this?
Life councils of famous people sometimes help us to look at everything from a different angle. And sometimes, on the contrary, they cause contradictions. I wonder which ones. wisdom of Inna Churikova Did you like it the most? Perhaps you disagree with something? Boldly share your opinion in the comments. And thank you for staying with us!
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