Endometriosis is a disease of working women! Take it and quit today...

Unofficially, this disease has received a telling name - the disease of working women. The majority of physicians believe that the endometriosis It is closely associated with a stressful lifestyle and constant stress.

Of course, stress is one of the main factors in the development of this disease, but this is not the only cause of the disease. Let's figure out what endometriosis is and how to break out of the cycle of its unpleasant symptoms.

If you speak in simple words, then endometriosis is an overgrown in the wrong place tissue of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

In healthy women, during menstruation, the body naturally gets rid of the endometrium, while in women suffering from endometriosis, the cells of the uterine mucosa migrate from the uterus to different parts of the body.

Their shelter can be: the intestine, bladder, ovaries, the outer surface of the uterus and not only. Over time, the displaced cells form scars and growths that respond to menstruation in the same way as the uterus. Receiving signals from the body, the tissue accumulates and sheds monthly.

But, unlike normal menstrual discharge, these cells fall into a trap between the tissues and provoke the appearance of inflammatory processes. As a result, women may experience the following symptoms:

Signs of endometriosis
  1. Painful sensations before and during menstruation
  2. Pain during sexual intercourse
  3. Painful sensations when emptying the bowel
  4. Fast fatigue
  5. Painful urination
  6. Various disorders of the stomach
  7. Disturbed estrogen balance

Classical medicine offers women the standard endometriosisLaser removal of adhesions and hormone therapy that stops menstruation and the accumulation of endometrial cells outside the uterus.

But there are new methods of treatment, which are primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. Doctors of integral medicine believe that if you normalize the level of progesterone and estrogen, you can get rid of a number of unpleasant symptoms, as well as reduce the volume of endometrial tissue.

In this regard, doctors often prescribe a cream with natural progesterone to their patients. Many women have already experienced this remedy and noted the effectiveness of this method of treatment.

We wish our readers good health and increased immunity! Be sure to tell your friends about this method of treatment, perhaps you will help them cope with a serious illness.


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