Eat or not to eat: So whether You need a soup for lunch
Forty seven million six hundred twenty two thousand three hundred ninety one
© Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy
To listen from my grandmother or mother "Eat the soup, and the ulcers make" children in our country before, it was familiar. But now, in the age of the Internet has made available much information on proper nutrition, which is sometimes quite controversial. Some say that the soup for lunch you need to eat necessarily, others, on the contrary, claims about the hazards of soups. One of them is right?
What is good in soups…
1. Hot soups — very good food in fall and winter. They are beneficial to the metabolism, warm and quickly digested, providing the body with energy.
2. If secretory function of the stomach is insufficient, eating soups on meat broth can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, enabling better digestion of food.
3. Despite the fact that the products in soups to be subjected to heat treatment, unlike sautéing or frying of the useful substances to the body is not destroyed.
4. Including in your diet soups, you can control the balance of fluids. Most of the people drink during the day, an insufficient amount of water, and with the help of entrees this flaw is easy to fill.
5. Soups with chicken broth is able to fight the symptoms of colds and positively influence the immune system. This is due to the fact that in the boiling process, the proteins contained in chicken meat, partially decayed special peptides that act as Immunostimulants.
6. Correct losing weight or maintaining it at the desired level to organize easier if you eat for lunch soup, not main dishes. With the same amount in the first dish contains fewer calories, but the reason to stay hungry no — broth creates the feeling of satiety. American nutritionists even performed a special experiment: two groups of subjects were invited to dine dishes prepared with the same products, but one — in the form of soup, and others — in the form of the second. All had the opportunity to complete satiation, but the calculations showed that the group who was offered soup, consumed on average 35% less calories.
...and what's wrong with them?Let soups and has many undoubted advantages, but they also have cons:
1. If you got a stomach trouble (ulcer, gastritis, accompanied by high acidity), then meat broths is undesirable, as they stimulate additional acid secretion. But even in this case, easy vegetarian soup you can eat with pleasure and health benefits.
2. The liquid constituting the basis of the first meals, dilutes the gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing the digestion of food. Supporters of the principles of separation of power that is why even drink tea, not earlier than half an hour after a meal, from soups and did refuse.
3. Fatty, rich broth of meat or fish doctors recommend eliminating from the diet suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease, gout. They also useful to give people with high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, especially for the elderly.
4. In the process of cooking the broth it gets most of the harmful substances from the meat. Most often it is various additives, steroid hormones, antibiotics used in livestock production. If the broth brewed from the bones, it will fall further and are unwanted for our body compounds, deposited there during the entire life of the animal, as salts of heavy metals.
5. Heat treatment in the form of cooking, though, and is quite gentle compared to other methods, destroys the vitamins. If instead of the soup prepared from the same vegetable salad, a dish for health will be useful.
Whether there are soups?Easy vegetarian soups, especially rapidly absorbable in the digestive system of vegetable soups, it is useful to eat everything, but in moderation: lean on them to the detriment of the consumption of vegetables without heat treatment should not be. You can eat for lunch soups and in meat broth, if you don't have diseases in which they are contraindicated. You want this soup was good for your health? Just observe the following rules of cooking:
Meat should be taken without the bones and with a small amount of fat. It is best to use chicken, Turkey, veal, rabbit. The broth from this meat is considered a dietary, especially if the first broth merges.
Before cooking, cut meat with fat and veins, dip it in a pot of cold water, and after boiling, simmer at least 10 minutes. The most active harmful substances from the meat during this time go into the broth, after which it needs to be drained. Then again pour the meat with water and boil the broth already, as usual. Some supporters of healthy lifestyle repeat even twice in a row, but one is enough.
Your soup has acquired not only a pleasant, appetite stimulating aroma, but a solid dose of necessary vitamins, add fresh herbs after it will be finally ready.
Decide for yourself whether to eat for lunch soup, only you can. But one thing is for sure: the idea that there it is necessary, and every day is the old Soviet myth. Some peoples have no such tradition, but they eat healthy food and do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system of sotatsu first course. So the main thing is eat well, eat diversely, and be healthy!
Author: Anna Minster
Source: medaboutme.ru/info/articles/sup_na_obed_est_ego_ili_net/?INUMPAGE=2&AR=237596
© Henry Jules Jean Geoffroy
To listen from my grandmother or mother "Eat the soup, and the ulcers make" children in our country before, it was familiar. But now, in the age of the Internet has made available much information on proper nutrition, which is sometimes quite controversial. Some say that the soup for lunch you need to eat necessarily, others, on the contrary, claims about the hazards of soups. One of them is right?
What is good in soups…
1. Hot soups — very good food in fall and winter. They are beneficial to the metabolism, warm and quickly digested, providing the body with energy.
2. If secretory function of the stomach is insufficient, eating soups on meat broth can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, enabling better digestion of food.
3. Despite the fact that the products in soups to be subjected to heat treatment, unlike sautéing or frying of the useful substances to the body is not destroyed.
4. Including in your diet soups, you can control the balance of fluids. Most of the people drink during the day, an insufficient amount of water, and with the help of entrees this flaw is easy to fill.
5. Soups with chicken broth is able to fight the symptoms of colds and positively influence the immune system. This is due to the fact that in the boiling process, the proteins contained in chicken meat, partially decayed special peptides that act as Immunostimulants.
6. Correct losing weight or maintaining it at the desired level to organize easier if you eat for lunch soup, not main dishes. With the same amount in the first dish contains fewer calories, but the reason to stay hungry no — broth creates the feeling of satiety. American nutritionists even performed a special experiment: two groups of subjects were invited to dine dishes prepared with the same products, but one — in the form of soup, and others — in the form of the second. All had the opportunity to complete satiation, but the calculations showed that the group who was offered soup, consumed on average 35% less calories.
...and what's wrong with them?Let soups and has many undoubted advantages, but they also have cons:
1. If you got a stomach trouble (ulcer, gastritis, accompanied by high acidity), then meat broths is undesirable, as they stimulate additional acid secretion. But even in this case, easy vegetarian soup you can eat with pleasure and health benefits.
2. The liquid constituting the basis of the first meals, dilutes the gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing the digestion of food. Supporters of the principles of separation of power that is why even drink tea, not earlier than half an hour after a meal, from soups and did refuse.
3. Fatty, rich broth of meat or fish doctors recommend eliminating from the diet suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease, gout. They also useful to give people with high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, especially for the elderly.
4. In the process of cooking the broth it gets most of the harmful substances from the meat. Most often it is various additives, steroid hormones, antibiotics used in livestock production. If the broth brewed from the bones, it will fall further and are unwanted for our body compounds, deposited there during the entire life of the animal, as salts of heavy metals.
5. Heat treatment in the form of cooking, though, and is quite gentle compared to other methods, destroys the vitamins. If instead of the soup prepared from the same vegetable salad, a dish for health will be useful.
Whether there are soups?Easy vegetarian soups, especially rapidly absorbable in the digestive system of vegetable soups, it is useful to eat everything, but in moderation: lean on them to the detriment of the consumption of vegetables without heat treatment should not be. You can eat for lunch soups and in meat broth, if you don't have diseases in which they are contraindicated. You want this soup was good for your health? Just observe the following rules of cooking:
Meat should be taken without the bones and with a small amount of fat. It is best to use chicken, Turkey, veal, rabbit. The broth from this meat is considered a dietary, especially if the first broth merges.
Before cooking, cut meat with fat and veins, dip it in a pot of cold water, and after boiling, simmer at least 10 minutes. The most active harmful substances from the meat during this time go into the broth, after which it needs to be drained. Then again pour the meat with water and boil the broth already, as usual. Some supporters of healthy lifestyle repeat even twice in a row, but one is enough.
Your soup has acquired not only a pleasant, appetite stimulating aroma, but a solid dose of necessary vitamins, add fresh herbs after it will be finally ready.
Decide for yourself whether to eat for lunch soup, only you can. But one thing is for sure: the idea that there it is necessary, and every day is the old Soviet myth. Some peoples have no such tradition, but they eat healthy food and do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system of sotatsu first course. So the main thing is eat well, eat diversely, and be healthy!
Author: Anna Minster
Source: medaboutme.ru/info/articles/sup_na_obed_est_ego_ili_net/?INUMPAGE=2&AR=237596
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