What foods cause a feeling of fatigue

We need food to saturate the body with nutrients, energy and good mood. Even the meal itself brings us a lot of pleasure. However, not all products serve us well. There are many familiar foods that not only quickly turn into hated fat, but also steal our energy. Using them, you will quickly get tired, do not feel satiety, there will be bags under the eyes and other signs of fatigue.


Editorial "Site" It’s about bad foods that steal energy and add pounds.

Bad food.
  1. bagels
    One medium bagel can contain 45 or more grams of refined carbohydrates, which quickly turn into regular sugar, increasing the level of insulin in the blood. And this is the main cause of almost every chronic disease, including heart disease and oncology. So don't get too carried away with this treat.

  2. Coffee-based drinks
    A small cup of natural coffee is quite an acceptable and even useful way to start the day. The number of cups per day depends on personal tolerance and blood pressure. However, many coffee drinks in cafes, vending machines and bars contain sweeteners, syrups and dyes that take away the energy that aromatic coffee should give. You should also abandon instant coffee, coffee substitutes and ready-made powders with powdered milk and sugar. They contain too many synthetic additives that mimic the taste of coffee, and 3 in 1 contains a huge dose of sugar.


  3. Porridge with fruit
    Porridge for children are the most serious offenders. After all, many such cereals are genetically modified grains in combination with fructose, sugar and corn syrup. Therefore, both for the child and for yourself, it is better to cook organic cereals and add dried fruits, milk and so on. And remember that even natural porridge contains a lot of carbohydrates, so nutritionists also do not advise to lean heavily on them.


  4. Soda
    Carbonated drinks contain too much sugar and artificial sweeteners. For example, the chemical element aspartame, which is often used as a substitute for sugar in diet soda, has about 92 different side effects caused by its use. These include: seizures, epilepsy, diabetes, congenital malformations, emotional disorders, brain tumors. And about the dangers of dyes and preservatives, which are contained in sweet soda and not worth talking. For example, phosphoric acid disrupts our body’s ability to absorb and use calcium, leading to softening of bones, teeth and osteoporosis.


  5. Shop yogurt
    Fermented yogurt according to the traditional recipe is a real storehouse of useful probiotics. But the yogurts that are sold in stores overwhelmingly do not have beneficial properties, because in the process of pasteurization, most of the nutrients and various valuable enzymes are destroyed.


  6. Sandwiches, burgers and other street food
    Lots of bread, which means refined carbohydrates, and sausages from processed meat on antibiotics that contain sodium nitrite, sodium glutamate, corn syrup, artificial flavors, preservatives or dyes. No nutrition, just excess weight and cholesterol.


  7. Shop juice
    If we talk about the juice in the package of the middle price category, then there is little left of the fruit. Most fruit juices from the store contain sugar, dyes, corn syrup and high fructose, artificial flavors. Moreover, packaged juices do not contain fiber, antioxidants, or other phytochemical components of whole fruits that promote health. Start your morning with a glass of sugar. 755356


  8. cupcakes
    Even low-fat cupcakes and those that include carrots or bran take away our energy. Eating a cupcake is like eating a plate of pancakes. Immediately after eating it, a sharp jump in insulin production will occur, after which a decline in strength will occur. This can be attributed to absolutely any food that contains a lot of carbohydrates and refined sugar, so you should also stay away from donuts.


  9. Potato chips
    Potato chips are nothing more than harmful fats and refined carbohydrates mixed with lots of processed sodium. Excessive use leads to cancer.


  10. Ready smoothies
    Shop smoothies are almost one hundred percent nutritional bomb containing a huge amount of sugar. Like yogurts from the store shelf, they are devoid of beneficial bacteria. It is better to prepare smoothies at home, but only if your body reacts normally to the combination of dairy products and fresh fruits.


What we eat is the key to getting rid of fat and boosting our energy levels. Therefore, you need a very selective approach to your diet, not only to get energy, but also to manage to use it in a day, it should not turn into fat. Try to eat less processed foods.

Earlier we talked about foods that have a beneficial effect on the stomach.

Tell us in the comments if you use anything from the list. junk. Share this article with your friends on social media!

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