The secret of happiness of a conscious woman
Each of the fair sex at least once in her life thought about how to become for her man, and for herself, special, unique, fatal. A woman with a capital letter.so to speak... So that wherever you go, all the attention of others is focused only on you.
You know, they say it's just her presence in the room that changes the whole space and creates a special atmosphere! Such women bathe in compliments, their life is a dream come true. There is a woman next to every woman. strongmanThe one who is called real and who will never leave you.
What are they? true women? Gentle? Fragile? Elegant? Who is she, the woman that men are willing to protect and carry? And most importantly, what do you need to do to become such?
Recently, on the Internet, I came across an article by the famous blogger Morana, which she dedicated to all women seeking answers to these questions.
Success in personal life Today editorial "Site" will share with you, dear reader, a rather unusual and quite interesting opinion on how to achieve Success and happiness in personal life.
Morena writes that it is not enough for a woman to be an ordinary woman, she wants to become a goddess in a female form. Therefore, she spends all her free time on self-improvement and creating a woman with a capital letter.
How to be perfect? The answer to this question many of us find in women’s forums and seminars, in communication with friends. The collective female mind has many answers.
According to ancient legend, to become a woman with a capital letter is like finding the Holy Grail. Next to such a woman, anyone, even the most ordinary man, who likes to drink and lie on the couch, automatically becomes a real man. Those who give flowers without a reminder and love their mother-in-law. But this, as the swindlers from the “shop on the couch” like to repeat, is not all.
Such a true woman does not need to go to work, because her chosen one from her presence in his life immediately begins to earn more and more. She needs to enjoy the world and just be beautiful.
“Apart from that, real women are not abandoned! No one ever did. These are ordinary women crying, smearing snot on their cheeks and sobbing nervously when the husband ran to his mistress. But a real woman is not like that. A real woman remains a sex symbol for her husband until the age of 80. And maybe up to 90, because this is not a simple woman, but the Real!
In pursuit of such a perfect life scenario, we begin to spend our lives on becoming just such a woman. And everyone finds their way to this depending on their worldview.
- Ladies! Put on your skirts! Take off your underwear and create what was in your underwear, torsion fields! Seduce your husband by submission! cries the Vedic gurus.
- Stop being arrogant, go to a psychologist, deal with your childhood injuries, resentments and you will have happiness!
- Adjust your figure, make your breasts, pump your butt! the fitness trainers shout.
- No need to increase the chest or swing the ass. You need to become a real geisha in bed! – say sexologists.
There are so many things we need to do to become real women. And poor women begin to try to use both, and the third. But for some reason it does not bring joy, and there is no special benefit either ...
“In principle, all theories are not bad. But they're all worth one another. Why? Because in the eyes of our woman, who wants to become a woman with a capital letter, they are needed only for one thing - to milk something from someone. It doesn't matter love, attention, or money. In itself, this woman is not interesting to anyone, Morena writes.
“Not even interested in myself, let alone others. Her whole life is an activity for the most effective adherence to a man. And it does not matter at all: your pumped fifth point or enlarged chest. And if all theories stand one another and everyone is rewarded according to his faith, let me offer you my own.
“When you think your husband is paying little attention to you, do something yourself. You have too much free time. Buy yourself a dog, start rolling wool, start a collection of orchids, a lover. The husband will immediately feel that now your world is based not only on him and, feeling a lack of attention, will sound the alarm.
If you think your husband makes too little money at a stupid job, don't take off his pants. If you have already taken off your pants, you have too much free time! Put your underwear back on and try to patch the financial hole yourself. Maybe after that, you will start to feel that your husband is earning normally or even well.
If you don't have a husband yet, you can't whine that he doesn't make enough money, doesn't pay attention, doesn't buy a Prada bag. This is very frustrating for many women. If you’re upset too, you have too much free time. Do something interesting and you will become more interesting to others. Possibly for potential husbands.”
“Will that save you from the fact that one day your man might leave?” No, I won't lie, I won't.
All men leave sooner or later, and even the most decent ones leave us. If you are sad reading this, you have too much free time. Do something really interesting, because life is one, and before time we are all powerless.
And if you have a question:What to do with itYou can start doing something that makes you happy! Or something you dreamed of as a child but never took the first step towards your dream.
For example, last summer I took this step and went to my first tennis class, and also signed up for ballroom dancing for adults. Or you can just pick up your favorite book or watch an interesting movie.
Will these tips make you a real woman with a capital letter? No, they won't. But if you are busy with something interesting, then you, by and large, will not care about it, Morena writes, and I completely agree with her.
There are people whose wisdom is amazing. Sometimes a little kid. truth-tellingThat makes your hair stand on end. And you wonder why such a simple and logical conclusion was born in a small head, and this did not happen in the big heads of adults.
But fortunately, there are still adults who understand the obvious and do not succumb to the harmful influence of stereotypes imposed by society. I suggest you learn 45 short, but very capacious tips 90-year-old Regina Brett! It seems that they need to be printed and re-read at least 1 time a week!
Do you agree with the blogger’s opinion? What do you think you need to do to become a woman with a capital letter and find happiness in your personal life? Share your thoughts with us in the comments, and do not forget to tell your friends about it in social networks!
You know, they say it's just her presence in the room that changes the whole space and creates a special atmosphere! Such women bathe in compliments, their life is a dream come true. There is a woman next to every woman. strongmanThe one who is called real and who will never leave you.

What are they? true women? Gentle? Fragile? Elegant? Who is she, the woman that men are willing to protect and carry? And most importantly, what do you need to do to become such?
Recently, on the Internet, I came across an article by the famous blogger Morana, which she dedicated to all women seeking answers to these questions.

Success in personal life Today editorial "Site" will share with you, dear reader, a rather unusual and quite interesting opinion on how to achieve Success and happiness in personal life.

Morena writes that it is not enough for a woman to be an ordinary woman, she wants to become a goddess in a female form. Therefore, she spends all her free time on self-improvement and creating a woman with a capital letter.
How to be perfect? The answer to this question many of us find in women’s forums and seminars, in communication with friends. The collective female mind has many answers.
According to ancient legend, to become a woman with a capital letter is like finding the Holy Grail. Next to such a woman, anyone, even the most ordinary man, who likes to drink and lie on the couch, automatically becomes a real man. Those who give flowers without a reminder and love their mother-in-law. But this, as the swindlers from the “shop on the couch” like to repeat, is not all.

Such a true woman does not need to go to work, because her chosen one from her presence in his life immediately begins to earn more and more. She needs to enjoy the world and just be beautiful.
“Apart from that, real women are not abandoned! No one ever did. These are ordinary women crying, smearing snot on their cheeks and sobbing nervously when the husband ran to his mistress. But a real woman is not like that. A real woman remains a sex symbol for her husband until the age of 80. And maybe up to 90, because this is not a simple woman, but the Real!

In pursuit of such a perfect life scenario, we begin to spend our lives on becoming just such a woman. And everyone finds their way to this depending on their worldview.
- Ladies! Put on your skirts! Take off your underwear and create what was in your underwear, torsion fields! Seduce your husband by submission! cries the Vedic gurus.
- Stop being arrogant, go to a psychologist, deal with your childhood injuries, resentments and you will have happiness!
- Adjust your figure, make your breasts, pump your butt! the fitness trainers shout.
- No need to increase the chest or swing the ass. You need to become a real geisha in bed! – say sexologists.
There are so many things we need to do to become real women. And poor women begin to try to use both, and the third. But for some reason it does not bring joy, and there is no special benefit either ...

“In principle, all theories are not bad. But they're all worth one another. Why? Because in the eyes of our woman, who wants to become a woman with a capital letter, they are needed only for one thing - to milk something from someone. It doesn't matter love, attention, or money. In itself, this woman is not interesting to anyone, Morena writes.
“Not even interested in myself, let alone others. Her whole life is an activity for the most effective adherence to a man. And it does not matter at all: your pumped fifth point or enlarged chest. And if all theories stand one another and everyone is rewarded according to his faith, let me offer you my own.

“When you think your husband is paying little attention to you, do something yourself. You have too much free time. Buy yourself a dog, start rolling wool, start a collection of orchids, a lover. The husband will immediately feel that now your world is based not only on him and, feeling a lack of attention, will sound the alarm.
If you think your husband makes too little money at a stupid job, don't take off his pants. If you have already taken off your pants, you have too much free time! Put your underwear back on and try to patch the financial hole yourself. Maybe after that, you will start to feel that your husband is earning normally or even well.
If you don't have a husband yet, you can't whine that he doesn't make enough money, doesn't pay attention, doesn't buy a Prada bag. This is very frustrating for many women. If you’re upset too, you have too much free time. Do something interesting and you will become more interesting to others. Possibly for potential husbands.”

“Will that save you from the fact that one day your man might leave?” No, I won't lie, I won't.
All men leave sooner or later, and even the most decent ones leave us. If you are sad reading this, you have too much free time. Do something really interesting, because life is one, and before time we are all powerless.

And if you have a question:What to do with itYou can start doing something that makes you happy! Or something you dreamed of as a child but never took the first step towards your dream.
For example, last summer I took this step and went to my first tennis class, and also signed up for ballroom dancing for adults. Or you can just pick up your favorite book or watch an interesting movie.
Will these tips make you a real woman with a capital letter? No, they won't. But if you are busy with something interesting, then you, by and large, will not care about it, Morena writes, and I completely agree with her.

There are people whose wisdom is amazing. Sometimes a little kid. truth-tellingThat makes your hair stand on end. And you wonder why such a simple and logical conclusion was born in a small head, and this did not happen in the big heads of adults.
But fortunately, there are still adults who understand the obvious and do not succumb to the harmful influence of stereotypes imposed by society. I suggest you learn 45 short, but very capacious tips 90-year-old Regina Brett! It seems that they need to be printed and re-read at least 1 time a week!

Do you agree with the blogger’s opinion? What do you think you need to do to become a woman with a capital letter and find happiness in your personal life? Share your thoughts with us in the comments, and do not forget to tell your friends about it in social networks!