Why do housewives scratch potatoes with a fork?
If you've ever thought about it, How to make delicious potatoes Without adding any special sauces from fast food restaurants or other not the most useful ingredients, this article will be interesting for you.
The fact is that cooking potatoes is different. Fry, steam, cook, stew and so on. Perhaps there is no other product with such wide possibilities in cooking. And in order to prepare it as appetizing as possible, you need to know some rules and even “gastronomic tricks”, which we will tell you below.
How to make delicious potatoes scratched potatoes This method is suitable for cooking fried potatoes. The root should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then pick up the fork and with neat, not strong movements begin to scratch it. You do not need to make entire moats on its surface, there will be enough shallow scratches that should appear on the entire surface.
The fact is that potatoes, in fact, are a huge accumulation of starch and other trace elements. When it's roasted, the appetizing crust we all love appears most quickly in places where juice comes out or micro-damage is present. And with our actions, we will provoke these very scratches for better roasting.
It is best to fry potatoes, cut into the same, small pieces. Thus, they will be evenly fried and, given the change in the roasting area, you will get more of that crust.
It is possible and necessary to salt potatoes, because in this way, firstly, its taste will be better revealed, and secondly, salt will remove excess moisture that is not needed for a good result. It is best to salt potatoes 5-8 minutes before full cooking. If you like to add onions, do it almost at the end. So it will lose its unpleasant, raw smell, but will remain juicy and tasty to diversify the texture of the potato.
The pan is suitable from any material. But it is best that it is not deep. Then moisture and steam will not settle on the walls of dishes and potatoes will really be roasted, and not turn into a stewed mass.
A few more tips for cooking potatoes if in a pan with cooked throw a little butter or margarine, it will later acquire a softer and creamier taste and cook faster.
If you add a couple of raw and peeled potatoes to the most oversalted soup, they will absorb the excess salt and the dish will be saved.
When laziness peels potatoes for cooking, swipe the knife in a circle on its surface before throwing the potatoes into the water. After the potato is cooked, just cool it and peel it off with your hands.
Before frying potatoes, be sure to dry it with a paper towel (don’t forget to scratch), then you will get a very high-quality result.
Do not rush when frying potatoes: constant stirring will hurt. Let the surface of it roast well in oil.
Use yellowish potatoes for mashed potatoes. Add only heated milk to it to make the mashed potatoes lush. But the most chic result is obtained if you sweat it with cream mixed with your favorite herbs and spices. The taste of this potato opens very well.
For potato Choose medium-sized tubers.
Before baking, potatoes should be smeared with vegetable oil, and in the middle make a cross-cross incision. And when the dish is ready, put a piece of butter or cheese on top of the resulting notch.
Cooking is an art and we will never tire of repeating it. However, some useful tips that simplify the process itself will help you improve the results of cooking at times. You can use this or that method, experiment, try something new. The most important thing is that the result is a dish for which it would not be ashamed even in front of the most fastidious guest. Good luck and good appetite!

The fact is that cooking potatoes is different. Fry, steam, cook, stew and so on. Perhaps there is no other product with such wide possibilities in cooking. And in order to prepare it as appetizing as possible, you need to know some rules and even “gastronomic tricks”, which we will tell you below.
How to make delicious potatoes scratched potatoes This method is suitable for cooking fried potatoes. The root should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then pick up the fork and with neat, not strong movements begin to scratch it. You do not need to make entire moats on its surface, there will be enough shallow scratches that should appear on the entire surface.

The fact is that potatoes, in fact, are a huge accumulation of starch and other trace elements. When it's roasted, the appetizing crust we all love appears most quickly in places where juice comes out or micro-damage is present. And with our actions, we will provoke these very scratches for better roasting.
It is best to fry potatoes, cut into the same, small pieces. Thus, they will be evenly fried and, given the change in the roasting area, you will get more of that crust.

It is possible and necessary to salt potatoes, because in this way, firstly, its taste will be better revealed, and secondly, salt will remove excess moisture that is not needed for a good result. It is best to salt potatoes 5-8 minutes before full cooking. If you like to add onions, do it almost at the end. So it will lose its unpleasant, raw smell, but will remain juicy and tasty to diversify the texture of the potato.

The pan is suitable from any material. But it is best that it is not deep. Then moisture and steam will not settle on the walls of dishes and potatoes will really be roasted, and not turn into a stewed mass.
A few more tips for cooking potatoes if in a pan with cooked throw a little butter or margarine, it will later acquire a softer and creamier taste and cook faster.

If you add a couple of raw and peeled potatoes to the most oversalted soup, they will absorb the excess salt and the dish will be saved.
When laziness peels potatoes for cooking, swipe the knife in a circle on its surface before throwing the potatoes into the water. After the potato is cooked, just cool it and peel it off with your hands.

Before frying potatoes, be sure to dry it with a paper towel (don’t forget to scratch), then you will get a very high-quality result.
Do not rush when frying potatoes: constant stirring will hurt. Let the surface of it roast well in oil.

Use yellowish potatoes for mashed potatoes. Add only heated milk to it to make the mashed potatoes lush. But the most chic result is obtained if you sweat it with cream mixed with your favorite herbs and spices. The taste of this potato opens very well.
For potato Choose medium-sized tubers.
Before baking, potatoes should be smeared with vegetable oil, and in the middle make a cross-cross incision. And when the dish is ready, put a piece of butter or cheese on top of the resulting notch.

Cooking is an art and we will never tire of repeating it. However, some useful tips that simplify the process itself will help you improve the results of cooking at times. You can use this or that method, experiment, try something new. The most important thing is that the result is a dish for which it would not be ashamed even in front of the most fastidious guest. Good luck and good appetite!
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