The tricks of making the perfect fried potatoes
It would seem that it is easier to fry potatoes: sliced, sent to the pan and wait for yourself until it is ready. But for some inexplicable reason, in 9 out of 10 cases, the wayward potatoes burn, stick to the pan, remain raw in the middle or fall apart into an incomprehensible porridge.
How to avoid all these troubles and cook it, really tasty, with golden crust, ruddy pieces, tender and crumbly middle? "Site" Put together the culinary tricks of experienced housewives that will make your fried potatoes truly perfect.
How to cook fried potatoes
How to cook fried potatoesWe've already figured it out. The ideal addition to this dish will be appetizing and juicy homemade patties, with the secrets of cooking which "Site" He is in a hurry to introduce his readers.
Food rich in carbohydrates, including potatoes, today many consider the cause of excess weight and various diseases. At the same time, nutritionists remind that it is an indispensable source of energy for the body.
Carbohydrates are necessary and important in the diet, but not all of them are equally useful. To distinguish harmful carbohydrates from useful will help information about products with a high and low glycemic index.
For most people, the answer to the question of which oil is best to fry is extremely simple – vegetable. However, not all oil is suitable for frying. And not everything for all kinds of frying.

How to avoid all these troubles and cook it, really tasty, with golden crust, ruddy pieces, tender and crumbly middle? "Site" Put together the culinary tricks of experienced housewives that will make your fried potatoes truly perfect.
How to cook fried potatoes
- Potato variety
Not all potatoes are good for frying. Varieties with a high starch content are better left on puree, since they do not give a ruddy crust, and when frying, the pieces stick together. Experienced housewives advise frying potatoes with red or yellow peels, since the flesh of white varieties darkens faster after cutting. Choose large flat tubers with dense skin without signs of spoilage.
But tubers with green peels are better not to take. The green color indicates an increased content of solanine, which can lead to poisoning.
DepositPhotos - Pan
Perfect fried potatoes It may not be cooked on every pan. The best option is a cast-iron pan, it is thick-walled, heats up for a long time and keeps warm for a long time. From modern models, a pan "wok" will fit, having the shape of a hemisphere. This pan heats up quickly, roasts even large pieces well and saves oil.
DepositPhotos - Slicing
Pieces of potatoes can be of any shape: bars look beautiful with fried meat or fish, mugs are usually served to fish dishes, long slices harmonize with baked meat, and straws with cutlets and steaks. The main thing is that all the pieces are about the same size and shape, otherwise small slices will have time to burn before the large ones have time to roast.
If you want to get a crispy crust like fries, then after you cut the potatoes, wash them in cold water to wash away the excess starch. After that, the potatoes should be dried on paper towels.
DepositPhotos - Oil
Any refined vegetable oil is suitable. It can withstand high temperatures without changing the taste of potatoes. Potatoes fried on lard or lard, it turns out to be more satisfying, but its aroma and taste slightly change, and not everyone likes it. Before frying, the oil should warm up well, until a light haze appears above its surface. Butter can be added at the end of cooking to enhance the taste.
DepositPhotos - Hot.
When the butter is hot, turn the fire down a little and start frying the potatoes. Put it on a flat pan. You do not need to completely fill the pan, it is better to fry potatoes in a couple of visits, so it will roast faster and it will be more convenient to mix. First, do not stir the slices so that the bottom has time to grasp the crust. Do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the dish will become loose, crumbly. Fry the potatoes on a moderately strong heat for 5-7 minutes, until a golden crust is formed on the lower layer, then gently turn the potatoes over with a spatula.
Fry for about 5 minutes, then turn again. Repeat this procedure several times until all the potatoes get an appetizing crispy crust on all sides. Break one of the pieces in the middle. If you managed to do it easily, then the pan can be removed from the stove.
The total cooking time of fried potatoes depends on the power of the stove, pan and variety. On average, roasting takes 20-25 minutes. For 4-5 minutes before ready, lovers of soft fried potatoes can cover the pan with a lid.
DepositPhotos - Adding other ingredients
As seasonings in fried potatoes add onion, red and black ground pepper, garlic, parsley, dill, rosemary leaves. It is important to know at what stage to add each ingredient. For example, if you apply the onion immediately, it will quickly burn. Therefore, it is better to roast it in a separate pan and mix it with potatoes at the very end of cooking (4-5 minutes before preparation). To enhance the taste for 1-2 minutes before the preparation of the dish, you can put a piece of unsalted butter on the pan.
DepositPhotos - salt
Salt the dish should not be earlier than 5-7 minutes before preparation. Why not immediately? Salt attracts moisture, if you salt raw potatoes, then it will become "wet" and stick to the pan.
How to cook fried potatoesWe've already figured it out. The ideal addition to this dish will be appetizing and juicy homemade patties, with the secrets of cooking which "Site" He is in a hurry to introduce his readers.
Food rich in carbohydrates, including potatoes, today many consider the cause of excess weight and various diseases. At the same time, nutritionists remind that it is an indispensable source of energy for the body.
Carbohydrates are necessary and important in the diet, but not all of them are equally useful. To distinguish harmful carbohydrates from useful will help information about products with a high and low glycemic index.
For most people, the answer to the question of which oil is best to fry is extremely simple – vegetable. However, not all oil is suitable for frying. And not everything for all kinds of frying.