What advice a therapist should listen to everyone
Surely everyone has moments when it seems that the whole world is against you. When for a while you want to run away, hide from all the problems piled up and just relax and understand what to do next and how to love life again.
Often, in such moments, we lack simple advice, which we could think of ourselves, if not in such a depleted and anxious state.
If you are waiting for important life advice, then this article is for you. Editorial "Site" I have collected 16 of the most useful psychotherapeutic tips and today I am ready to share them with my dear readers.
I hope you find one among them that inspires you.
How to love life
What advice do you think was lacking in this collection? We will be happy to answer in the comments to any question that concerns you!
Often, in such moments, we lack simple advice, which we could think of ourselves, if not in such a depleted and anxious state.

If you are waiting for important life advice, then this article is for you. Editorial "Site" I have collected 16 of the most useful psychotherapeutic tips and today I am ready to share them with my dear readers.
I hope you find one among them that inspires you.
How to love life
- Instead of feeding negative obsessions, learn to resist them. As soon as the ridiculous anxiety is over, think of something good and remind yourself that everything will be fine.
- Don’t worry about how others will like you. Think about whether you like these people and whether you really want to get close to them. Learn to focus on your inner feelings and desires so as not to be held hostage to someone else’s opinion.
- A person who does not love himself can never receive love from others. To reciprocate with others, learn to love yourself first.
- Remember that anger hides pain, and complaints arise from unfulfilled desires. Try to be more honest with yourself, and life will become easier.
- Instead of forcing yourself to do something, figure out why you need to do it. Replace the phrase “I must” with “I want” or “I need”.
- To live your life, learn to say no and don’t be afraid to sound impolite. Stop neglecting your personal interests to please someone else and allow yourself to do stupid things sometimes. Try it and you will feel much freer.
- If others avoid you and you don’t like it, do a little experiment. Watch your behavior for a day and then answer one question: “Do I want to be friends with someone like that?” If the answer is no, it’s time to stop blaming others and start changing yourself.
- If you love a person, you will not think about who can replace them if there is a crisis in the relationship. Instead, you will try to find a way to fix your relationship. Otherwise, it's just not your man and it's time to let him go.
- To come to the life of your dreams, hard work and sincere curiosity about the coming changes are enough. As you can see, there are no places for anxiety and panic.
- For one person, early rise is the key to a successful day, and for the second, real agony. This does not mean that the second is lazy. Learn to listen to your body, not to follow the generally accepted norms that exhaust you. It is not a schedule that should determine your life, but you should make a schedule that would help you to fully realize yourself.
- Remember one important thing: a person should not deserve someone’s love. Happiness comes to those who have learned to value themselves and their lives.
- Talk to your inner child, help him understand why he feels bad, why he is angry and why he cries. Don't blame yourself, support yourself.
- Treat all your states and moods with indulgence.
- Don’t try to adapt to the rhythm of life that you don’t like. To prevent life from becoming a gray spot of hopelessness, find your own rhythm and follow it.
- When you feel sad and unable to do anything, do not blame yourself for helplessness, but comfort. Everyone has bad moments and everyone handles them differently. There is no one right way to solve all problems at once. But there is only one true principle - to act without rush and without haste. Learn the “art of small steps” as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry did and realize how beautiful life really is.
- Learn to distinguish constructive criticism from ordinary backbiting, and do not take to heart the words of reproach from those you do not want to be like.
What advice do you think was lacking in this collection? We will be happy to answer in the comments to any question that concerns you!