Why the mother-in-law regrets that she gave her daughter-in-law her chic dining set

Do you think your husband’s mother automatically becomes a mother or should she somehow deserve it? And what if mother-in-law You just don't like it out of your heart, do you have to tell her? Relatives are different.

We write a reader who just faced a similar problem: no longer sees the love of his only son. Why is that? Let her tell you in the article below.

My son recently got married and his lover doesn’t love me very much. That's my problem. My name is Angelina and I am a widow, living in the suburbs, 64 years old. Honestly and frankly, I believe that no matter what relatives are, you need to live together. In this regard, I decided for myself that my daughter-in-law, although not always right, but I will not contradict her.

After the wedding, the kids started living apart from me. Of course, it was unusual for me, but I mentally coped with everything. She shared with her son some furniture, preserves and so on. All that the village has to offer. Although they moved to the city, this business is necessary and will definitely come in handy.

After a while, I decided to visit my son. Help around the house if you need anything. Cooking, laundry - after all, Anechka at work, Victor too, it is difficult for both of them. I have nothing to do anyway.

A couple of weeks later, Anya found out that her son had left me the keys to the house while they were gone. There was a terrible scandal, I even cried. I was forbidden to go to them because this is their life and their home. I don’t really agree, because I didn’t go through personal things at all, only helped a little around the house, nothing more.

But what to do, I had to agree. My relationship with my son also started to deteriorate. Now he didn’t invite me to visit anymore and in general, we talked more on the phone, rather briefly and only on business. It was depressing, of course.

One day, I met my daughter-in-law with friends on the street. They walked together, smiling. One had a dog on a leash. Small, not scary. As I got closer to saying hello, the stupid little dog started barking at me. And my sister-in-law didn't even pretend to know me. She just nodded her head slightly and asked her friend to hold the animal in between.

Then they passed, and I was still standing there like I was buried. It's not even disrespect, it's some kind of hate, or I don't know what to think. How could you not say hello to your mother-in-law? Not even a sight!!

I decided to take the first step towards reconciliation. I agreed with my son that I would visit them and prepared a surprise: an old rare set of tea sets. There were cups, and a saucer, and a sugar bowl... What was there? I never opened it and even hid it from home. Vitka would have smashed it.

It is a pity to part with such a good thing, but what can we do? Packed up, came, stayed. It wasn't a bad night. Of course, the kids were more preoccupied with themselves than me, but that's understandable. When I handed the service, even Anya seemed happy. I was very pleased and good at heart. So I went home in a good mood.

Now imagine how bitter I was when I found out that the next day Anya gave the set to her parents in the village because it was “too old, unfashionable and completely unsuitable for their interior”. Stupid, she doesn’t know what she lost. What's worse is that her parents live 3 houses away from mine. So it turns out that my thing is no longer I have, but in fact - a hand.

Tell me, why did this happen? I raised a good son and he stopped loving me. And my daughter-in-law I did nothing wrong, and she put against me the dearest person, and even did not accept a gift. Maybe I don't understand something? Thank you very much for your helpful advice.


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