How to get a beautiful tan with the help of food
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To get a beautiful healthy tan (whether in the Solarium or on the beach), it is possible not only to use special cosmetics, but also enrich your diet with products for children...
Products for tanning:
This fruit helps smooth the tan, while protecting from dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Tan will be more intense, if you eat 200 grams of ripe apricots a day.
It is scientifically proven that if you regularly eat watermelon in the Sunny season, the sun will be more intense, and the skin cells not subjected to dehydration and will be protected from harmful UV rays.
This product is a source of antioxidants, contains vitamins A, b, C and E, therefore, will protect the skin from redness and other unpleasant consequences of sunbathing.
Makes the skin more smooth and moist, and accelerates cell renewal, which is especially important during the period of active work on my tan.
It accelerates tanning, which falls more evenly. To skin quickly become intense chocolate shade, eat 300 grams of melon a day.
It contains beta-carotene, which will help to preserve the tan. Before heading to the beach, eat two carrots or a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.
Did you know that...
To dark tan longer preserved and "not washed", include in the diet of Roquefort cheese or potatoes.
It protects from harmful ultraviolet radiation, is used for the prevention of skin cancer.
Accelerate the production of melanin (the pigment that gives the skin a tan color), helping the sun to lie more evenly, and protect from harmful UV radiation, prevents burns. During work on my tan, eat 1-2 fruit per day.
Lycopene and b vitamins contained in tomatoes, protect against harmful UV rays and are used for the prevention of skin cancer. Only 60 grams of fresh juice or tomato paste per day will speed up the appearance of sunburn.
It helps to get a rich bronze skin tone that lasts and protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
They protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, restores moisture balance after sun exposure, preventing drying and peeling. To protect yourself from the possible occurrence of burns, eat mackerel, trout or herring.
They stimulate the production of melanin pigment, help the sunburn go smoother and to persist longer. You can include in your diet any red meat or liver pate.
Also nutritionists advise to stick to a low calorie diet because such a diet may cause barely noticeable, and even an uneven tan.
Products that prevent you from receiving a beautiful tan:
To obtain a beautiful tan squeeze the juice out of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and drink the morning on an empty stomach for a week or two before the trip to the South. If the juices come out very sour, add a spoonful of honey.
Is it possible to sunbathe pregnant?
This is a very frequent question being asked by women in the hot season, so to ignore it is impossible. I hasten to please the moms-to-be: tan pregnant is not contraindicated. Only here you can sunbathe in the shade at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius before noon and for a short time. And it is important to know: pregnant women should not sunbathe on the sand, which becomes very hot and may cause development of complications of pregnancy, and on the sun loungers.
Source: www.gastronom.ru
To get a beautiful healthy tan (whether in the Solarium or on the beach), it is possible not only to use special cosmetics, but also enrich your diet with products for children...
Products for tanning:
This fruit helps smooth the tan, while protecting from dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Tan will be more intense, if you eat 200 grams of ripe apricots a day.
It is scientifically proven that if you regularly eat watermelon in the Sunny season, the sun will be more intense, and the skin cells not subjected to dehydration and will be protected from harmful UV rays.
This product is a source of antioxidants, contains vitamins A, b, C and E, therefore, will protect the skin from redness and other unpleasant consequences of sunbathing.
Makes the skin more smooth and moist, and accelerates cell renewal, which is especially important during the period of active work on my tan.
It accelerates tanning, which falls more evenly. To skin quickly become intense chocolate shade, eat 300 grams of melon a day.
It contains beta-carotene, which will help to preserve the tan. Before heading to the beach, eat two carrots or a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice.
Did you know that...
To dark tan longer preserved and "not washed", include in the diet of Roquefort cheese or potatoes.
It protects from harmful ultraviolet radiation, is used for the prevention of skin cancer.
Accelerate the production of melanin (the pigment that gives the skin a tan color), helping the sun to lie more evenly, and protect from harmful UV radiation, prevents burns. During work on my tan, eat 1-2 fruit per day.
Lycopene and b vitamins contained in tomatoes, protect against harmful UV rays and are used for the prevention of skin cancer. Only 60 grams of fresh juice or tomato paste per day will speed up the appearance of sunburn.
It helps to get a rich bronze skin tone that lasts and protects from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
They protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, restores moisture balance after sun exposure, preventing drying and peeling. To protect yourself from the possible occurrence of burns, eat mackerel, trout or herring.
They stimulate the production of melanin pigment, help the sunburn go smoother and to persist longer. You can include in your diet any red meat or liver pate.
Also nutritionists advise to stick to a low calorie diet because such a diet may cause barely noticeable, and even an uneven tan.
Products that prevent you from receiving a beautiful tan:
- Sausages, frankfurters and other smoked products
- Chocolate
- Coffee, cocoa
- Alcohol
- Pastry
- Fast food
- Salted and pickled products
- Nuts
- Corn
To obtain a beautiful tan squeeze the juice out of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and drink the morning on an empty stomach for a week or two before the trip to the South. If the juices come out very sour, add a spoonful of honey.
Is it possible to sunbathe pregnant?
This is a very frequent question being asked by women in the hot season, so to ignore it is impossible. I hasten to please the moms-to-be: tan pregnant is not contraindicated. Only here you can sunbathe in the shade at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius before noon and for a short time. And it is important to know: pregnant women should not sunbathe on the sand, which becomes very hot and may cause development of complications of pregnancy, and on the sun loungers.
Source: www.gastronom.ru