3 useful tips on how to get a nice sun deck and tan

Summer season - time to be as beautiful and smooth tanned skin attracts the eye and helps to look attractive. Many women achieve this effect by using the solarium, but this method has a negative effect on the skin. However, there are a few ways to quickly get a smooth and a nice tan "at home».

1. AvtozagarSeychas on the market there are many self-tanning of excellent quality, and the effect produced by the application of the cream on the skin, comparable with the effect of a long exposure to the sun. Tanning, there are two types: bronzers and avtobronzanty. Bronzers are generally kept short and washed at the first contact with water and avtobronzanty react chemically with the skin, so the tan will keep for several days.
It is important to prepare the skin for the application of self-tanning: it is necessary to take a shower, with desirable to use scrub, the skin was cleaned as much as possible. Then you need to mix with self-tanning lotion or milk for the body, and the skin on the elbows and knees to handle moisturizer - after that you can start to spray means.
Note: if you find after application on the skin of divorces, the cream must be washed off immediately, since "striped" More beautiful tan nobody did.
2. KofeDlya creation of "tanning effect" perfectly strong coffee. First you need to brew coffee, cool it to room temperature and strain. After that, the morning and evening, wipe your face and body with a cotton swab dipped in the coffee - Daily wiping will give the skin a delicate "coffee" color. In addition, this procedure has another good side - the coffee tones the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity.
The same effect can be achieved with the help of strong black tea, and for the maximum benefit for the person, prepare ice cubes of tea or coffee - this ice is an excellent cosmetic remedy.
3. Chamomile and cheredaSushёnye chamomile flowers and succession can be purchased at any pharmacy. Take eight tablespoons each plant, pour boiling water and leave to simmer for a couple of hours. Get infusion wipe the face and body every morning, and after a short time your skin will acquire tan.
A similar effect has rhubarb - juice of the roots of this plant when rubbed twice a day will give a beautiful tan gentle golden hue.
By the way, red and orange fruits and vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots and apricots, and give the skin a tan.
A beautiful tan looks especially good on the trim, slim figure. If you still can not choose when to take their form - start now! Especially now that there is a reliable and effective assistant - an innovative drug to reduce weight and keep «XL-S Medical», three times increases the effectiveness of any diet. It's time to take care of yourself!
via factroom.ru
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