Our brain
We've said it before and say it again: the human brain - amazing. According to neurologist Vilayyanura Ramachandran is "three pounds of jelly that you can hold in their hands", but these three pounds can "contemplate the meaning of infinity, and can contemplate himself while thinking about the meaning of infinity».
Since this is the most complex organ in the body, you can be assured that the lack of strange stories about the human brain - no.
1. Brains at auction eBay
Below - the story with all the makings of a Gothic novel, complete with a psychiatric hospital, human organs, and a ghoulish grave robbers named David Charles.
Charles, in fact, not digging graves, but he repeatedly break into the Museum of the History of Medicine in Indiana. From 1840 until the year 1990, this museum was attached to the central city hospital, and in the psychiatric ward of the hospital, in addition, conducted an autopsy. After the body opened, the brains were placed in special containers and locked in the vault, which later - Charles slipped repeatedly.
Stealing six vessels with human tissue, Charles unloaded their "goods" on the internet auction site eBay, where he sold them to a man from San Diego for 600 $.
Customers like "collecting weird things." And yet he had a "Code of Ethics».
He was not averse to violate federal law on the purchase of human organs, and it - not really care policy violation eBay auction to buy body parts, but he - had problems with the purchase of stolen property. Because neither Charles nor his agent at the auction not smart enough to remove labels from containers museum with brains.
Seeing that something goes wrong, the buyer of the San Diego notified authorities. Track the seller on eBay, police officers Indianapolis prepared trap operation. Charles recently kidnapped more than 60 brains, and the plan of the operation was to Charles - met with his friend on eBay in the local "Dairy Queen».
December 16 police officers arrived at the parking lot of the restaurant, successfully arrested "Igor" from Indiana (Igor - the character from the movie "Frankenstein»).
2. Operation of the skull using a cordless drill
Marian Dolishniy died. Due to the enormous size of the tumor, he suffered seizures and had to be something to do with it, with fast, otherwise - he could go blind. Unfortunately for Dolishniy, he could not just visit a local hospital, and sign up for the operation. It was 2007, Dolishniy - lived in Ukraine, poorly funded health care system, it was a bureaucratic maze and confusion. No one could remove the tumor, and it was very bad, but suddenly announced an elderly British superhero, and saved the day.
One of the best neurosurgeons UK, Henry Marsh, visited Ukraine at least twice a year since the early 90s. After meetings with people with solid tumors in the brain, Marsh realized that he could not fly back home and just forget about what he saw. So he sent some Ukrainian doctors obsolete stocks from his hospital in Tooting. And what's more, he began to offer their services for free.
That's the way met Marsh and Dolishniy. But the fact that Ukrainian was the great surgeon, did not mean that the operation - will be easy. Marsh did not have access to cutting-edge equipment that was necessary for the procedures of this kind. However, the best doctors - as musicians. They are talented, passionate and able to improvise on the fly. Marsh went to a local store for $ 67 and bought a wireless cordless drill. And then began to operate the gadget that you - keep it in the toolbox.
Crazier thing is that Dolishniy - awake during all of this. No qualified anesthesiologists were not around, so Marsh just use local anesthesia. And since Dolishniy was conscious all the time Marsh spoke to him, to be sure that he - not drilled a man brain.
Battery drill sat before Marsh managed to finish the procedure. Less experienced surgeon - have panicked, but Marsh - continued to work, he completed the operation manually, and saved Dolishniy life.
3. Strange stories of ancient brain
Your brain - is 60% fat, and because of all this fat brain - the first body, which disappears after you die. That is why archaeologists find so many skulls and so little brains. Most of them are converted into liquid well before we dig them.
It's not often scientists find brain age is a few thousand years. For example, the oldest brain tissue from ever discovered about 8000 years, they have been found in western Florida, preserved under a thick layer of peat. But they - not as old as their counterparts from the New World. Ancient brains from Europe - are fraught with much more interesting stories.
Our first terrible story - a story Heslingtonskogo Brain, the oldest known brain UK. In 2008, the University of York has expanded its campus when someone accidentally stumbled on a few holes, dating to the Iron Age. Looking around, archaeologists have found one hole, which was a skull, jaw and a pair of cervical vertebrae belonging to the deceased person. When the skull revealed, scientists found yellowish, shrunken remains of the brain, which was 2500 years old. Moist environment keep the brain from disintegration. Marks on the vertebrae pointed out that the owner of the body - was hanged, and then - beheaded, perhaps as part of a ritual killing.
Slightly less terrible is the story of a Turkish brain age in 4,000 years found in Bronze Age settlement called Seytomer Hoyyuk. This brain looks like a charred chock that someone pulled out of the fire. Perhaps he belonged to some unfortunate Turk, who intended to do whatever their business, when an earthquake destroyed his village, bringing down rain down from the stone boulders. Then a fire broke out, which burned everything, and cooked above the brain in its own juice.
Although the "bubbling brains" - sounds disgusting, but the rapid evaporation of the liquid in combination with nutrient-rich soil, and in conjunction with the removal of oxygen during combustion, led to the fact that this roasted on coals body - survived for thousands of years.
4. A woman who remembers everything
Can you remember where you were in a randomly selected day 30 years ago? For instance, in the afternoon, September 20, 1985? Even assuming that you have already lived then, chances are that you will have a memory space, but Jill Price - remember that day very well. She was wearing a big hat, and she ate chicken with garlic along with his father in one of her favorite restaurants. And if you choose some other random day, it will be able to do exactly the same thing, because Jill Price - remembers everything.
Jill - a very rare disease, which is called "gipertimestichesky syndrome." It was he who gives her super-power memory. Although scientists are still trying to understand the mind Jill, they believe that it "elephant memory" doing something with several areas of her brain, making her brain is three times more powerful than the average.
Due to its features of the brain, Jill can remember everything that happened between her 9th and 15th birthdays. And what then? She - can not forget anything, even if trying. But strangely enough, if you ask her to memorize a poem, it probably will not be able to do so. Semantic memory Jill is not so strong, but its episodic memory, which stores personal experiences and emotions - perfect. And it is - a really big problem.
In addition to the interesting fact in his memory, Jill remembers every terrible thing that ever happened to her, as if it happened yesterday. It's hard, especially when Jill thinks about loved ones who have died. "I do not look back in time at some distance," she said one day. "It is - like an endless, chaotic film that completely crushed me. And there is no stop button ».
5. "Hugo" rewire the human brain
Imagine a world as flat as a two-dimensional panel. Here - there is no deep perception. When you pour a glass of water and look down - you will not know that the glass is full, as long as the water is spilled. Trees - this is nothing more than flat patterns, mixed somewhere in the background.
This is - a world in which Bruce Bridgeman lived for 67 years until Martin Scorsese has not changed his life.
Bridgeman - a neuroscientist at the University of California, and until 2012 he was one of 5-10% of people suffering from "stereoslepoty" - that is, from the inability to see in three dimensions. Bridgeman case is further compounded by the variable ekzotropicheskim strabismus. In other words, his eyes - could wander independently. Since he could focus only one eyeball at a time, he was never able to see with both eyes at once, and depth perception - it was impossible.
Then, in 2012, everything changed. Bridgeman and his wife went to see the movie "Hugo" Martin Scorsese in 3D. Despite the fact that it is - would not bring him any good, Bridgeman bought stereo glasses, and sat down to watch the picture. And as soon as the movie started, images - jumped off the screen. Suddenly everything was alive and vibrant. People and objects - really started to stand out from the background.
What is even more surprising - when Bridgeman went outside, he still could not see in 3D. Lampposts - were no longer just part of the background, and the tree is surprisingly "large, three-dimensional sculpture».
Scientists believe that Bridgeman - vsgeda was the ability to see in three dimensions, and his brain - just needed a "wake-up call." As he stared at the screen for 128 minutes, his eyes - focused on the film, and suddenly portion of the cerebral cortex responsible for visual perception, "snapped».
Obviously, the three-dimensional movies can act as a medicine is not for everyone. Someone needs a corrective surgery, someone spends long hours on therapy, but neither one nor the other will never see the world in all its splendor.
6. A person who could say only one word
Born in 1809, Louis Victor Leborn for years struggled with epilepsy before things got worse. At the age of 30 years Leborn lost the ability to speak. He could only say one word: "Sunburn". If you had asked his name, he would have said, "Tan Tan". If you had asked about his favorite food, he would have said, "Tan Tan". If you asked him what time he would have said, "Tan Tan", but he would show you the correct time by using your fingers. Louis Leborn - was not stupid. He could not speak.
Unable to communicate, Leborn registered in the Paris hospital where he spent his life in '21. It turned into a very unpleasant person. He tersely argued with hospital staff, and even steal on occasion. If Leborn was particularly angry, he could throw around a few swear words, although he never cursed before, when he was calm and restrained.
Everything got worse when his right arm and leg were suddenly paralyzed. Having lost faith in their own strength, Leborn stayed in bed for seven years, and in 1861 he developed a terrible case of gangrene on his right side. Hoping to save Leborna, the hospital transferred him to a surgeon Paul Broca. But the operation was too late, and Leborn - died April 17th. He was 51 years old. However, his brain - still plays an important role in the world of neuroscience.
After studying the brain Leborna, Broca discovered a malignant lesion of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere, this area later called "Broca's area". After performing additional biopsies on several such patients, the doctor realized that he had found something serious. Until that time, scientists have argued that certain parts of the brain - control some functions of the human body. Now Brock received evidence that the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere - it controls.
It was also found that the zone - also divided into several areas responsible for functions such as spoken words, and language comprehension. This explains why Leborn understand many words, like anyone else, but to say he could - only one.
Brock - qualified for the award because of his discovery revolutionized neuroscience. A brain Leborna now - floating in the bank at the Museum Dyupyutrena in Paris, and anyone can come and visit him.
7. Teeth brain and legs brain
At the beginning of 2014, the four-month child from Maryland was on the front pages of newspapers because of the very unusual brain tumor. During surgery, the surgeon found that the child - karniofaringoma (pituitary tumor progress), and it is growing due to the same cells that make up our teeth. In fact, it had teeth that grow in the brain of the child. Doctors - safely removed "toothy" tumor, but it was not the first case of its kind.
In the year 2008, in Colorado, doctors examined Eskyubl Tiffany and her unborn child Sam, who suffered from a brain tumor. After induction of labor doctors took Sam in the operating room, and what happened then - like a scene from a horror movie. When Dr. Paul Grubb (Paul Grabb) cut the tumor from the head of Sam jumped human foot. When surgeons finally mastered the shock, they dug a little deeper, and in fact - found the arm, and even hips.
Most doctors believe that Sam - suffers from teratoma is a tumor that is capable of producing eerie part of the body where they should not be. No matter how awful it sounds, but it is - the most "convenient" theory of all examined by doctors. Other doctors suspect that Sam is in a state known as the "fetus John feta" (lat. Fetus in fetu - fetus in fetus), which means it can be absorbed directly into the womb, as its twin - Sam eats like a human parasite.
8. A person who loves Johnny Cash
"Mr. B" - a 59-year-old Dutchman, who for 40 years struggled with serious obsessive-compulsive disorder. Desperate to recover, he agreed to try deep brain stimulation, treatment involves surgical implants, beating brain electrical shock.
Mr. B was hoping that the shock therapy worked, significantly reducing its disorder, depression and anxiety. However, the treatment gave a very strange side effect. It turned him into the world's biggest fan of Johnny Cash. Prior to surgery, Mr. B was a regular listener who liked the Dutch music, as well as "The Beatles" and "The Rolling Stones". But after treatment, Mr. B bought every CD-ROM Johnny Cash, and each DVD-ROM, to which he could reach. And he would not listen to anything else.
Scientists know this - the work of the implants, because every time when their battery starts to weaken, Mr. B finally stop listening to Johnny Cash albums. But as soon as the doctors recharge implants Bee again into her old ways, and is fully committed to "Man in Black" (the album Johnny Cash).
9. The family, which can not sleep
Italian physicist Ignacio Reuter affinity with one of the old Venetian family, in which unattended good doctor there was something terrible, connected with the history of the clan. The first glimpse of family horror arose in 1973, when his wife Reuter developed unexplained illness. Suddenly, she lost the ability to fall asleep. Soon she was stuck in limbo, suffering between unconsciousness and wakefulness. Completely exhausted forces, but unable to relax, it has lost the ability to walk, stopped to talk, and died a year later.
In 1979, another aunt died from all the same mysterious illness. Suddenly, someone remembered the old grandfather, who died under similar circumstances. Intrigued, Reuter carefully reviewed entries in the local church, and in the nearest psychiatric hospital. Having found many references associated with unexplained deaths from insomnia, he was convinced that it was the work of a genetic disease. And when in 1984 he died from exhaustion, his uncle by the name of Silvano, Reuter got a chance to know everything for sure.
Reuter took the brains of men, and took two American specialists. After analyzing the body, Dr. Pierluigi Gambetta found that in the brain - a lot of small holes. According to the second doctor, Stanley Prasinera, gene mutation provoked, was activated a group of proteins with an incorrect internal information, which are called "prions».
These "rogue" molecules obtained characteristics of viruses, and then - began to infect other proteins, turning the brain into a war zone, and blocking important body functions such as sleep.
From Fatal familial insomnia - no treatment.
Since this is the most complex organ in the body, you can be assured that the lack of strange stories about the human brain - no.
1. Brains at auction eBay

Below - the story with all the makings of a Gothic novel, complete with a psychiatric hospital, human organs, and a ghoulish grave robbers named David Charles.
Charles, in fact, not digging graves, but he repeatedly break into the Museum of the History of Medicine in Indiana. From 1840 until the year 1990, this museum was attached to the central city hospital, and in the psychiatric ward of the hospital, in addition, conducted an autopsy. After the body opened, the brains were placed in special containers and locked in the vault, which later - Charles slipped repeatedly.
Stealing six vessels with human tissue, Charles unloaded their "goods" on the internet auction site eBay, where he sold them to a man from San Diego for 600 $.
Customers like "collecting weird things." And yet he had a "Code of Ethics».
He was not averse to violate federal law on the purchase of human organs, and it - not really care policy violation eBay auction to buy body parts, but he - had problems with the purchase of stolen property. Because neither Charles nor his agent at the auction not smart enough to remove labels from containers museum with brains.
Seeing that something goes wrong, the buyer of the San Diego notified authorities. Track the seller on eBay, police officers Indianapolis prepared trap operation. Charles recently kidnapped more than 60 brains, and the plan of the operation was to Charles - met with his friend on eBay in the local "Dairy Queen».
December 16 police officers arrived at the parking lot of the restaurant, successfully arrested "Igor" from Indiana (Igor - the character from the movie "Frankenstein»).
2. Operation of the skull using a cordless drill

Marian Dolishniy died. Due to the enormous size of the tumor, he suffered seizures and had to be something to do with it, with fast, otherwise - he could go blind. Unfortunately for Dolishniy, he could not just visit a local hospital, and sign up for the operation. It was 2007, Dolishniy - lived in Ukraine, poorly funded health care system, it was a bureaucratic maze and confusion. No one could remove the tumor, and it was very bad, but suddenly announced an elderly British superhero, and saved the day.
One of the best neurosurgeons UK, Henry Marsh, visited Ukraine at least twice a year since the early 90s. After meetings with people with solid tumors in the brain, Marsh realized that he could not fly back home and just forget about what he saw. So he sent some Ukrainian doctors obsolete stocks from his hospital in Tooting. And what's more, he began to offer their services for free.

That's the way met Marsh and Dolishniy. But the fact that Ukrainian was the great surgeon, did not mean that the operation - will be easy. Marsh did not have access to cutting-edge equipment that was necessary for the procedures of this kind. However, the best doctors - as musicians. They are talented, passionate and able to improvise on the fly. Marsh went to a local store for $ 67 and bought a wireless cordless drill. And then began to operate the gadget that you - keep it in the toolbox.
Crazier thing is that Dolishniy - awake during all of this. No qualified anesthesiologists were not around, so Marsh just use local anesthesia. And since Dolishniy was conscious all the time Marsh spoke to him, to be sure that he - not drilled a man brain.
Battery drill sat before Marsh managed to finish the procedure. Less experienced surgeon - have panicked, but Marsh - continued to work, he completed the operation manually, and saved Dolishniy life.
3. Strange stories of ancient brain

Your brain - is 60% fat, and because of all this fat brain - the first body, which disappears after you die. That is why archaeologists find so many skulls and so little brains. Most of them are converted into liquid well before we dig them.
It's not often scientists find brain age is a few thousand years. For example, the oldest brain tissue from ever discovered about 8000 years, they have been found in western Florida, preserved under a thick layer of peat. But they - not as old as their counterparts from the New World. Ancient brains from Europe - are fraught with much more interesting stories.
Our first terrible story - a story Heslingtonskogo Brain, the oldest known brain UK. In 2008, the University of York has expanded its campus when someone accidentally stumbled on a few holes, dating to the Iron Age. Looking around, archaeologists have found one hole, which was a skull, jaw and a pair of cervical vertebrae belonging to the deceased person. When the skull revealed, scientists found yellowish, shrunken remains of the brain, which was 2500 years old. Moist environment keep the brain from disintegration. Marks on the vertebrae pointed out that the owner of the body - was hanged, and then - beheaded, perhaps as part of a ritual killing.
Slightly less terrible is the story of a Turkish brain age in 4,000 years found in Bronze Age settlement called Seytomer Hoyyuk. This brain looks like a charred chock that someone pulled out of the fire. Perhaps he belonged to some unfortunate Turk, who intended to do whatever their business, when an earthquake destroyed his village, bringing down rain down from the stone boulders. Then a fire broke out, which burned everything, and cooked above the brain in its own juice.
Although the "bubbling brains" - sounds disgusting, but the rapid evaporation of the liquid in combination with nutrient-rich soil, and in conjunction with the removal of oxygen during combustion, led to the fact that this roasted on coals body - survived for thousands of years.
4. A woman who remembers everything

Can you remember where you were in a randomly selected day 30 years ago? For instance, in the afternoon, September 20, 1985? Even assuming that you have already lived then, chances are that you will have a memory space, but Jill Price - remember that day very well. She was wearing a big hat, and she ate chicken with garlic along with his father in one of her favorite restaurants. And if you choose some other random day, it will be able to do exactly the same thing, because Jill Price - remembers everything.
Jill - a very rare disease, which is called "gipertimestichesky syndrome." It was he who gives her super-power memory. Although scientists are still trying to understand the mind Jill, they believe that it "elephant memory" doing something with several areas of her brain, making her brain is three times more powerful than the average.
Due to its features of the brain, Jill can remember everything that happened between her 9th and 15th birthdays. And what then? She - can not forget anything, even if trying. But strangely enough, if you ask her to memorize a poem, it probably will not be able to do so. Semantic memory Jill is not so strong, but its episodic memory, which stores personal experiences and emotions - perfect. And it is - a really big problem.
In addition to the interesting fact in his memory, Jill remembers every terrible thing that ever happened to her, as if it happened yesterday. It's hard, especially when Jill thinks about loved ones who have died. "I do not look back in time at some distance," she said one day. "It is - like an endless, chaotic film that completely crushed me. And there is no stop button ».
5. "Hugo" rewire the human brain

Imagine a world as flat as a two-dimensional panel. Here - there is no deep perception. When you pour a glass of water and look down - you will not know that the glass is full, as long as the water is spilled. Trees - this is nothing more than flat patterns, mixed somewhere in the background.
This is - a world in which Bruce Bridgeman lived for 67 years until Martin Scorsese has not changed his life.

Bridgeman - a neuroscientist at the University of California, and until 2012 he was one of 5-10% of people suffering from "stereoslepoty" - that is, from the inability to see in three dimensions. Bridgeman case is further compounded by the variable ekzotropicheskim strabismus. In other words, his eyes - could wander independently. Since he could focus only one eyeball at a time, he was never able to see with both eyes at once, and depth perception - it was impossible.
Then, in 2012, everything changed. Bridgeman and his wife went to see the movie "Hugo" Martin Scorsese in 3D. Despite the fact that it is - would not bring him any good, Bridgeman bought stereo glasses, and sat down to watch the picture. And as soon as the movie started, images - jumped off the screen. Suddenly everything was alive and vibrant. People and objects - really started to stand out from the background.
What is even more surprising - when Bridgeman went outside, he still could not see in 3D. Lampposts - were no longer just part of the background, and the tree is surprisingly "large, three-dimensional sculpture».
Scientists believe that Bridgeman - vsgeda was the ability to see in three dimensions, and his brain - just needed a "wake-up call." As he stared at the screen for 128 minutes, his eyes - focused on the film, and suddenly portion of the cerebral cortex responsible for visual perception, "snapped».
Obviously, the three-dimensional movies can act as a medicine is not for everyone. Someone needs a corrective surgery, someone spends long hours on therapy, but neither one nor the other will never see the world in all its splendor.
6. A person who could say only one word

Born in 1809, Louis Victor Leborn for years struggled with epilepsy before things got worse. At the age of 30 years Leborn lost the ability to speak. He could only say one word: "Sunburn". If you had asked his name, he would have said, "Tan Tan". If you had asked about his favorite food, he would have said, "Tan Tan". If you asked him what time he would have said, "Tan Tan", but he would show you the correct time by using your fingers. Louis Leborn - was not stupid. He could not speak.
Unable to communicate, Leborn registered in the Paris hospital where he spent his life in '21. It turned into a very unpleasant person. He tersely argued with hospital staff, and even steal on occasion. If Leborn was particularly angry, he could throw around a few swear words, although he never cursed before, when he was calm and restrained.
Everything got worse when his right arm and leg were suddenly paralyzed. Having lost faith in their own strength, Leborn stayed in bed for seven years, and in 1861 he developed a terrible case of gangrene on his right side. Hoping to save Leborna, the hospital transferred him to a surgeon Paul Broca. But the operation was too late, and Leborn - died April 17th. He was 51 years old. However, his brain - still plays an important role in the world of neuroscience.
After studying the brain Leborna, Broca discovered a malignant lesion of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere, this area later called "Broca's area". After performing additional biopsies on several such patients, the doctor realized that he had found something serious. Until that time, scientists have argued that certain parts of the brain - control some functions of the human body. Now Brock received evidence that the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere - it controls.
It was also found that the zone - also divided into several areas responsible for functions such as spoken words, and language comprehension. This explains why Leborn understand many words, like anyone else, but to say he could - only one.
Brock - qualified for the award because of his discovery revolutionized neuroscience. A brain Leborna now - floating in the bank at the Museum Dyupyutrena in Paris, and anyone can come and visit him.
7. Teeth brain and legs brain

At the beginning of 2014, the four-month child from Maryland was on the front pages of newspapers because of the very unusual brain tumor. During surgery, the surgeon found that the child - karniofaringoma (pituitary tumor progress), and it is growing due to the same cells that make up our teeth. In fact, it had teeth that grow in the brain of the child. Doctors - safely removed "toothy" tumor, but it was not the first case of its kind.
In the year 2008, in Colorado, doctors examined Eskyubl Tiffany and her unborn child Sam, who suffered from a brain tumor. After induction of labor doctors took Sam in the operating room, and what happened then - like a scene from a horror movie. When Dr. Paul Grubb (Paul Grabb) cut the tumor from the head of Sam jumped human foot. When surgeons finally mastered the shock, they dug a little deeper, and in fact - found the arm, and even hips.
Most doctors believe that Sam - suffers from teratoma is a tumor that is capable of producing eerie part of the body where they should not be. No matter how awful it sounds, but it is - the most "convenient" theory of all examined by doctors. Other doctors suspect that Sam is in a state known as the "fetus John feta" (lat. Fetus in fetu - fetus in fetus), which means it can be absorbed directly into the womb, as its twin - Sam eats like a human parasite.
8. A person who loves Johnny Cash

"Mr. B" - a 59-year-old Dutchman, who for 40 years struggled with serious obsessive-compulsive disorder. Desperate to recover, he agreed to try deep brain stimulation, treatment involves surgical implants, beating brain electrical shock.
Mr. B was hoping that the shock therapy worked, significantly reducing its disorder, depression and anxiety. However, the treatment gave a very strange side effect. It turned him into the world's biggest fan of Johnny Cash. Prior to surgery, Mr. B was a regular listener who liked the Dutch music, as well as "The Beatles" and "The Rolling Stones". But after treatment, Mr. B bought every CD-ROM Johnny Cash, and each DVD-ROM, to which he could reach. And he would not listen to anything else.
Scientists know this - the work of the implants, because every time when their battery starts to weaken, Mr. B finally stop listening to Johnny Cash albums. But as soon as the doctors recharge implants Bee again into her old ways, and is fully committed to "Man in Black" (the album Johnny Cash).
9. The family, which can not sleep
Italian physicist Ignacio Reuter affinity with one of the old Venetian family, in which unattended good doctor there was something terrible, connected with the history of the clan. The first glimpse of family horror arose in 1973, when his wife Reuter developed unexplained illness. Suddenly, she lost the ability to fall asleep. Soon she was stuck in limbo, suffering between unconsciousness and wakefulness. Completely exhausted forces, but unable to relax, it has lost the ability to walk, stopped to talk, and died a year later.
In 1979, another aunt died from all the same mysterious illness. Suddenly, someone remembered the old grandfather, who died under similar circumstances. Intrigued, Reuter carefully reviewed entries in the local church, and in the nearest psychiatric hospital. Having found many references associated with unexplained deaths from insomnia, he was convinced that it was the work of a genetic disease. And when in 1984 he died from exhaustion, his uncle by the name of Silvano, Reuter got a chance to know everything for sure.
Reuter took the brains of men, and took two American specialists. After analyzing the body, Dr. Pierluigi Gambetta found that in the brain - a lot of small holes. According to the second doctor, Stanley Prasinera, gene mutation provoked, was activated a group of proteins with an incorrect internal information, which are called "prions».
These "rogue" molecules obtained characteristics of viruses, and then - began to infect other proteins, turning the brain into a war zone, and blocking important body functions such as sleep.
From Fatal familial insomnia - no treatment.