How much for dual citizenship in different countries

To get dual citizenship and if the citizenship of the EU countries without a visa to travel the world, you can choose two ways. First time to live in the country, to learn the language, to pass examinations or to marry. The second is to help the economy of the country of which you are going to become, i.e. to invest. Second, of course, much easier, but even after considerable investment in some countries still have to live 3 or 5 years. Read the conditions for dual citizenship in different countries and choose what is profitable.
Some countries do not accept dual citizenship, such as Germany, Spain, Singapore. In Austria, dual citizenship is difficult to obtain, but possible, and the rest below, no problem with that.
Options for obtaining citizenship is really a lot, ranging from service in the army or studying at the University to marriage and the birth of a child. We will not consider everything, and take only quick and foolproof way to get a second passport — practically legally buy it.
In each country, the size of the necessary assistance and the additional terms. They are shown in the slider below.
Austria to get Austrian citizenship, you need to invest in the country's economy at least $8-10 million Can be invested only in projects and enterprises that benefit the country, so that the purchase of real estate and investments in government bonds will not help to obtain citizenship. But if you find useful project and invest their millions, a second passport can be obtained through 9-18 months from the time of application.
Australia With Australian passport you can travel without a visa in all EU countries, USA, Canada, etc. However, the investment programs in Australia does not exist. To obtain citizenship you need to live in the country for 3 years without a permanent residence, and 4 — with him. With regard to business, 3 years to do business, get a visa of subclass 160 or 163, and if all goes well, at the end of term you will be given an indefinite visa, and then to citizenship remained to live in the country for 4 years.
Dominica Dominica dual citizenship can be obtained for a period of 3 months to six months. This should help the economy is to invest $100 thousand Having a Dominican passport, you will without a visa to travel to 50 countries, in addition to the Schengen zone.
UK To become a citizen of Albion, you need to first obtain permanent residence. If you invest £10 million, will have to wait 2 years, if less than (but not less than £5 million) — 3 years. Buy government bonds, shares of British companies are investing in mutual funds, waiting for 2 or 3 years and get permanent residence. After this will live in the country before the period of 5 years and get a new passport.
Bulgaria To start in Bulgaria need to obtain permanent residence. To do this without problems, you need to buy government bonds 512 thousand €. After this is to wait 1 year and get a passport with which to travel the 81 country of the world without a visa. Only investments must remain in Bulgaria for at least 2 years after obtaining citizenship.
Portugal investments of 1 million €, the creation of 10 jobs for Portuguese nationals and waiting for 5 years. All this will have to do a potential Portuguese citizens or by the citizenship of the cheap — instead of investing in business you can buy a property at least 500 thousand €. There is good news — a future citizen must reside in Portugal for at least 1 week per year.
The Republic of Guatemala Nationality Guatemalan can get in 8-9 months, provided that you have at least 1 times visited the country. Of course, this would require investment — you need to invest at least $50 thousand in government bonds of the country and leave them for 5 years. With the passport of Guatemala, you can travel without a visa in all EU countries.
Saint Kitts and Nevis In this country, citizenship is very much like the purchase of a passport because you do not have to live and never even been to the country. Simply refer at least $250 thousand in SIDF, and by mail you deliver the passport. You can buy a house, but then you have to spend more — at least $400 thousand. when you become a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis, you will without a visa to enter in 94 countries, including Schengen zone.
Suriname in Order to obtain citizenship of Suriname "on economic grounds", it is possible to invest 26 million € (if you have dependents, you will have to pay 4 thousand € each). In this case you can pay half the amount and pay the balance after obtaining citizenship. However, despite the small amount, and flexible payment schedule, the applicant will have to live in the country 5 years before becoming a citizen. But after that, visa-free entry to the territory of the 82 countries of the world.
To the United States in the United States adopted a foreign investor, it needs to start businesses and create 10 jobs for the citizens of the country or invest in a ready-made business at least $1 million After that to visa and green card for 2 years. After 2 years of peaceful and lawful residence of the investor checks the immigration Department USA and if all is OK, gives him a perpetual green card. Well, having lived in USA for 5 years, you can obtain a second citizenship without a visa to enter 172 countries of the world.
Malta in March this year, the government of Malta has allowed to obtain citizenship for money. For this you need to pay 650 thousand € to the Foundation for national development, buy property not cheaper than 350 thousand € and securities 150 thousand €. After all donations and purchases will remain to wait from 1 year to 14 months, and then travel visa free in 163 countries around the world.
Costa Rica In Costa Rica get citizenship not too fast. Even if you invested $200 thousand in property or business, will have to stay in the country for at least 3 years to get permanent residence. And the passport of the citizen of Costa Rica issued only after 5 years of residence.
Cyprus this year Cyprus citizenship has become cheaper. After 3-5 months of waiting and purchase of 2.5 million €, you will receive a brand new passport and a visa to enter in 151 countries. You can do something to develop your business with investment of at least 5 million € to buy a cheaper estate for 500 thousand €. And it is better to buy what you like because you have to sell this property, at least not until you have a Cypriot passport.
Canada For the beginning businessman it is necessary to obtain a visa for 3 years. To her can only entrepreneurs who have proven the legality of their financial sources, provided all documents have no criminal record, ready to open a business in an amount not less than $300 thousand and a minimum of one job for a citizen of the country. Another way is just to invest at least $400 million in the country's economy. In this case it is not necessary to own a business. In the first and in the second case, a prerequisite is to obtain permanent residence and live in Canada for at least 3 years.
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