Interesting facts about Deja vu

Déjà vu is considered to be a psychological condition in which a person feels that a similar situation has already happened, in a sense as not related to in any moment from the past. Usually, people at this point feels a sense of strangeness, as well as understand that it is not real. There are moments when people can even with frightening accuracy to know what happens next. And some even perceive the effect of deja vu, as paranormal abilities.
The term "Déjà vu" in his book "L Avenirdessciencespsychigues" (Psychology of the future), was used by the psychologist Emil Barakov.
There are also very similar phenomenon: "already heard" and "already experienced". But the opposite phenomenon of Deja vu – Jamet Vu – "never seen". During this state the person experiences a strange feeling: for example, he is in his usual place, while the man feels that here he never was.

What are the causes of the phenomenon of Déjà vu and how does it manifest itself? There are times when the impression of déjà vu can be so strong that they are pursuing the person for many years. This person is not able to remember absolutely no details of those events that he experienced during déjà vu. Usually, deja vu is accompanied by a so-called depersonalization. This can be explained as follows: the reality can become so blurred that people can't seem to focus. It happens that a man comes a state of "derealization personal" can be compared with the denial of reality. Such a definition as this gave Freud. But Bergson gave his definition of deja vu: he believed that this "memory about the present". He was sure at this moment people perceive reality as if forked in some degree mentally transported into the past.
The study showed that the phenomenon of deja vu is a very common phenomenon. 97% of perfectly healthy people at least once in my life been in such a state. But among people who suffer from epilepsy, this percentage is even higher. Try as he might, scientists artificially induce the phenomenon of deja vu or does not manage. This is the reason why so few scientists can tell us about this strange phenomenon. The exact reasons for which a person is experiencing deja vu, is not known. The only thing agreed views of scientists, is that déjà vu is caused by the interaction of various processes in areas of the brain responsible for perception and memory.
At the moment the most plausible proposition can be the following: the effect of déjà vu is caused by nothing other than the pre-treatment information, for example, during sleep. In life a person gets into a situation that his subconscious thought and lost in sleep, and the brain is very well modeled, while the event is very close to the real situation. And there is an effect of déjà vu. Psychiatrists say that if the phenomenon of déjà vu the person experiences too often, it indicates mental personality disorder.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua