Raw vegan food and its benefits

Raw vegan diet or a raw food diet involves living food, vegetable, fresh, raw and ideally organic. Not used products of animal origin: meat, dairy products, eggs. In raw food are used only natural products, sprouts, grains, seeds, dried fruits, dried at a low temperature, as well as juices, seaweed.
The benefits of raw vegetarian diet:
Raw vegan diet is recommended for people with high blood pressure, asthma, it helps to cleanse the body (liver, kidneys, colon), strengthens the immune system, is effective in cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diseases of the brain. However, the most effective way of this supply will manifest themselves after a long period of time.
Raw food is considered a food with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as it is not consumed sugar, bad fats, flour products, which are known for their adverse influence on the human body.
Living food promotes the production in the body of nutrients and enzymes that lowers the level of glucose and insulin, regulate cholesterol and suppress appetite. These substances can't semiaccurate, for the operation they need healthy fresh food and sweets, heavy fats, bakery products have to the inflammation and purulent processes, improve glycemia and insulin, cholesterol, appetite, and fat deposition also leads to excess weight. Accordingly, we are constantly required to make correct choices regarding the foods we eat.
Should be treated more carefully when choosing a food for pregnant, lactating women and children. Some scientists claim that eating a diet lacking protein and protein for baby's growth, but a lot of experience among raw-foodists throughout the world proves the opposite – the sooner the child becomes a raw eater (ideally in the belly of the mother-of Sirkeci), the healthier it grows, and to a lesser extent, experiencing dependency on cooked food. The secret is that when you restore a healthy intestinal flora, which occurs in the first year of raw food, all the necessary substances – proteins, amino acids and vitamins, will be produced in the required quantity and composition. It's hard to believe that the crown of creation – Man was created as being dependent on killing animals, fire and pots.
Source: www.ecology.md
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