Royal jelly, its composition, application and contraindications
Seventy six million seven hundred forty four thousand eight hundred five
Royal jelly is also known as Royal jelly, and the consistency is slightly reminiscent of sour cream, color it a slightly creamy or milky white. Quality and fresh product has a pearly color, and depending on the lighting changes the hues of your color. The taste of the milk slightly sour, but has a burning taste, and linger aftertaste.
Royal jelly and its reception is directly related to the nurse bees, this substance is allocated to them for feeding the uterus and larvae of bees. The worker bees receive this food only during the first three days, but the Queen bee is a substance rich in bioactive compounds, get constantly.What substances are part of malacosoma Royal jelly natural Royal jelly contains on average 65% water, the rest is dry matter. Proteins in the composition can range from 10% to 15% carbohydrates, 10 to 40%, the lipid belongs to from 2 to 10%. Also included biologically active substances and amino acids, their proportion can be up to 32%.
The composition and quantity required for a living organism amino acids Royal jelly is possible with breast milk to compare.
Its composition depends on external factors and is not constant. The final product is affected by the age of the larvae, time of collection, and more.
A special role in the composition of the product play Biotin and Pantothenic acid are bioactive compounds that normalize metabolism and heals wounds.
But not only are these clear and well-known components defined by the uniqueness of Royal jelly and its healing properties. More interesting — it is composed of a number of components that have not yet been identified. It's possible that "Royal jelly" thanks to them, has wonderful characteristics that are valued by traditional healers.
Effect of Royal jelly on organizationaa milk affects practically all organs and systems of the human body.
Immune system: milk has immunomodulatory effects.
Cardiovascular system: causes blood pressure to normal, normalizes lipid metabolism, if it is broken (it is considered a primary cause of atherosclerosis).
Autonomic nervous system: regulates interactions are disturbed, raises the tone of the parasympathetic NS and due to this a person improves the health, the negative effects of stress are reduced.
In addition, regular use of Royal jelly allows a lot to improve memory, increase vitality, normalize sleep, increase lean muscle mass.
In the treatment of what diseases is used?It has been proven that the use of Royal jelly is effective for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.
In atherosclerosis, heart disease, thrombosis and endarteritis in a high measure helps in speeding up recovery. When taking Royal jelly in the body lowers the level of cholesterol, are spasms of blood vessels, and peripheral blood flow gets better.
Coronary disease this product of bee is also very useful. Take twice a day 5 g 2% blend milk with fresh and high quality honey. The mixture should hold under tongue for as long as it does not dissolve.
Among the positive effects is the improvement of the myocardium, the disappearance of pain in the heart. In the complex treatment with the use of Royal jelly angina are less intense and happen less often.
Royal jelly helps with bronchitis, because it contains hormones, amino acids, vitamins, and other substances positively affecting the bronchi. In the complex treatment of bronchitis recovery greatly accelerated by taking the mixture of honey with Royal jelly in a ratio of 1:50, milk and honey respectively.
"Honey-milk" mixture is also indicated for laryngitis, tracheitis, rhinitis, chronic pneumonia and all diseases related to the respiratory system.
Royal jelly is useful in diseases of the liver, e.g. in hepatitis, cirrhosis. In this case, the mixture of Royal jelly and honey must be 1:100 and be taken twice a day, also laying under the tongue and holding until complete dissolution.
There are methods of complex treatment, which is used for Royal jelly, bee venom. This treatment is good for arthritis, polyneuritis, painful inflammation of muscles (myositis) neuralgia.
For diabetics it is also very useful Royal jelly. But we must remember that in this case, the reception of Royal jelly should appoint a specialist.
As Royal jelly is applied correctly?In the reception of Royal jelly is one of the basic rules — it must be fully dissolved in your mouth, because if it enters the stomach is lost most of its beneficial properties due to exposure to gastric juice. Therefore, this medicine in any case you cannot drink water or eat food.
Best prepare a mixture of Royal jelly with honey (1 part 50 milk and honey), and take a mixture of 10 grams for the reception, and wait until the mixture is completely dissolved in your mouth.
Contraindications to the use of uterine molossidae despite the usefulness of Royal jelly, there are a number of contraindications to it: Allergy (first thing in the honey and other bee products), acute infectious diseases (especially those that are accompanied by a fever), swelling (to be used only under the supervision of a specialist), Addison's disease (disease of the adrenal cortex).
Royal jelly should be very cautious when taken with hypertension or tendency to thrombosis and hypercoagulability (increased clotting is the blood).
Complications mechaniical high concentration of bioactive substances contained in Royal jelly can in some cases lead to excellent results in the treatment, but also to the complications and undesirable consequences.
Some people after ingestion of Royal jelly feel dry mouth, heart rate quickens, there is a sleep disorder. To these symptoms were necessary to reduce the dose or to abandon the use of Royal jelly.
No matter how wanted to get treatment fast effect, it is still important to adhere to recommended doses, because large quantities of Royal jelly may cause disturbances in the endocrine system, nervous disorders.
If milk is an allergic reaction on the skin may cause itching, rash, redness, in more severe cases there is indigestion, diarrhea, sometimes vomiting can be. If allergic symptoms appear, it is not recommended to continue taking Royal jelly. You should pick up a different treatment.
Pick a time of reception of Royal jelly on the assumption that the resulting excitation may be the cause of insomnia.
How to store Royal jelly?The conditions in which to store Royal jelly is crucial to its healing properties have been saved. Substance during storage loses its properties quite rapidly — within three months. If you violate the terms, you should not expect from treatment, good results.
To store the milk should cool and dry place to protect it from sunlight and other light sources; it is impossible that the temperature exceeded +14° to biologically active substances is not destroyed. And it is best when Royal jelly will be stored at a temperature close to 0°.
To preserve the Royal jelly to their properties longer than three months, you can resort to natural "preservatives", — honey and propolis. In the mix with them biological compounds milk to stay active up to one year.
How to distinguish the real milk from podelnikov home, unfortunately, there is no available methods for determining the quality of Royal jelly. Therefore, the best solution would be purchasing this product from a trusted beekeeper, with a guarantee of naturalness and quality of the substance. Keep in mind that bees produces very little Royal jelly, and large quantities of this product from one seller can say about a fake.
The pros and cons of treatment Royal jelly
"+" Pleasant to the taste
"+" Contains a high concentration of unique biologically active substances
"+" is well tolerated in recommended doses
"+" When you use do not need long preparations
"-" very difficult to distinguish the real product from the fake
"-" possible side effects, especially when recommended dose is exceeded
"-" the high cost.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
Royal jelly is also known as Royal jelly, and the consistency is slightly reminiscent of sour cream, color it a slightly creamy or milky white. Quality and fresh product has a pearly color, and depending on the lighting changes the hues of your color. The taste of the milk slightly sour, but has a burning taste, and linger aftertaste.
Royal jelly and its reception is directly related to the nurse bees, this substance is allocated to them for feeding the uterus and larvae of bees. The worker bees receive this food only during the first three days, but the Queen bee is a substance rich in bioactive compounds, get constantly.What substances are part of malacosoma Royal jelly natural Royal jelly contains on average 65% water, the rest is dry matter. Proteins in the composition can range from 10% to 15% carbohydrates, 10 to 40%, the lipid belongs to from 2 to 10%. Also included biologically active substances and amino acids, their proportion can be up to 32%.
The composition and quantity required for a living organism amino acids Royal jelly is possible with breast milk to compare.
Its composition depends on external factors and is not constant. The final product is affected by the age of the larvae, time of collection, and more.
A special role in the composition of the product play Biotin and Pantothenic acid are bioactive compounds that normalize metabolism and heals wounds.
But not only are these clear and well-known components defined by the uniqueness of Royal jelly and its healing properties. More interesting — it is composed of a number of components that have not yet been identified. It's possible that "Royal jelly" thanks to them, has wonderful characteristics that are valued by traditional healers.
Effect of Royal jelly on organizationaa milk affects practically all organs and systems of the human body.
Immune system: milk has immunomodulatory effects.
Cardiovascular system: causes blood pressure to normal, normalizes lipid metabolism, if it is broken (it is considered a primary cause of atherosclerosis).
Autonomic nervous system: regulates interactions are disturbed, raises the tone of the parasympathetic NS and due to this a person improves the health, the negative effects of stress are reduced.
In addition, regular use of Royal jelly allows a lot to improve memory, increase vitality, normalize sleep, increase lean muscle mass.
In the treatment of what diseases is used?It has been proven that the use of Royal jelly is effective for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.
In atherosclerosis, heart disease, thrombosis and endarteritis in a high measure helps in speeding up recovery. When taking Royal jelly in the body lowers the level of cholesterol, are spasms of blood vessels, and peripheral blood flow gets better.
Coronary disease this product of bee is also very useful. Take twice a day 5 g 2% blend milk with fresh and high quality honey. The mixture should hold under tongue for as long as it does not dissolve.
Among the positive effects is the improvement of the myocardium, the disappearance of pain in the heart. In the complex treatment with the use of Royal jelly angina are less intense and happen less often.
Royal jelly helps with bronchitis, because it contains hormones, amino acids, vitamins, and other substances positively affecting the bronchi. In the complex treatment of bronchitis recovery greatly accelerated by taking the mixture of honey with Royal jelly in a ratio of 1:50, milk and honey respectively.
"Honey-milk" mixture is also indicated for laryngitis, tracheitis, rhinitis, chronic pneumonia and all diseases related to the respiratory system.
Royal jelly is useful in diseases of the liver, e.g. in hepatitis, cirrhosis. In this case, the mixture of Royal jelly and honey must be 1:100 and be taken twice a day, also laying under the tongue and holding until complete dissolution.
There are methods of complex treatment, which is used for Royal jelly, bee venom. This treatment is good for arthritis, polyneuritis, painful inflammation of muscles (myositis) neuralgia.
For diabetics it is also very useful Royal jelly. But we must remember that in this case, the reception of Royal jelly should appoint a specialist.
As Royal jelly is applied correctly?In the reception of Royal jelly is one of the basic rules — it must be fully dissolved in your mouth, because if it enters the stomach is lost most of its beneficial properties due to exposure to gastric juice. Therefore, this medicine in any case you cannot drink water or eat food.
Best prepare a mixture of Royal jelly with honey (1 part 50 milk and honey), and take a mixture of 10 grams for the reception, and wait until the mixture is completely dissolved in your mouth.
Contraindications to the use of uterine molossidae despite the usefulness of Royal jelly, there are a number of contraindications to it: Allergy (first thing in the honey and other bee products), acute infectious diseases (especially those that are accompanied by a fever), swelling (to be used only under the supervision of a specialist), Addison's disease (disease of the adrenal cortex).
Royal jelly should be very cautious when taken with hypertension or tendency to thrombosis and hypercoagulability (increased clotting is the blood).
Complications mechaniical high concentration of bioactive substances contained in Royal jelly can in some cases lead to excellent results in the treatment, but also to the complications and undesirable consequences.
Some people after ingestion of Royal jelly feel dry mouth, heart rate quickens, there is a sleep disorder. To these symptoms were necessary to reduce the dose or to abandon the use of Royal jelly.
No matter how wanted to get treatment fast effect, it is still important to adhere to recommended doses, because large quantities of Royal jelly may cause disturbances in the endocrine system, nervous disorders.
If milk is an allergic reaction on the skin may cause itching, rash, redness, in more severe cases there is indigestion, diarrhea, sometimes vomiting can be. If allergic symptoms appear, it is not recommended to continue taking Royal jelly. You should pick up a different treatment.
Pick a time of reception of Royal jelly on the assumption that the resulting excitation may be the cause of insomnia.
How to store Royal jelly?The conditions in which to store Royal jelly is crucial to its healing properties have been saved. Substance during storage loses its properties quite rapidly — within three months. If you violate the terms, you should not expect from treatment, good results.
To store the milk should cool and dry place to protect it from sunlight and other light sources; it is impossible that the temperature exceeded +14° to biologically active substances is not destroyed. And it is best when Royal jelly will be stored at a temperature close to 0°.
To preserve the Royal jelly to their properties longer than three months, you can resort to natural "preservatives", — honey and propolis. In the mix with them biological compounds milk to stay active up to one year.
How to distinguish the real milk from podelnikov home, unfortunately, there is no available methods for determining the quality of Royal jelly. Therefore, the best solution would be purchasing this product from a trusted beekeeper, with a guarantee of naturalness and quality of the substance. Keep in mind that bees produces very little Royal jelly, and large quantities of this product from one seller can say about a fake.
The pros and cons of treatment Royal jelly
"+" Pleasant to the taste
"+" Contains a high concentration of unique biologically active substances
"+" is well tolerated in recommended doses
"+" When you use do not need long preparations
"-" very difficult to distinguish the real product from the fake
"-" possible side effects, especially when recommended dose is exceeded
"-" the high cost.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/