How to choose a lotion for the face?
Cleansing Milk Face is a classic cosmetic product, whose mission - to clean our skin and moisturize it. Like any other tool, taking care of the skin, milk must in the first place, appropriate to its type. For dry and sensitive skin you need a product containing about thirty percent fat. The effect that milk, because its ingredients are dissolved active lipids, sweat and dead cells of the skin, and then open the clogged pores, cleansing them from contamination. Cleansing the face of makeup before going to bed - the main rule of care, which in any case can not be broken. No matter how you were tired at the end of the day, help your skin to start the process of cell regeneration during the night.
Where better to buy milk for a good person or a gel for washing? Avoid the merchandise on open trays in the markets. In search of cosmetics is better to go to the pharmacy or specialty shops. A good way to cheaply buy quality cosmetics - look at the site Tangle where pictured in the ads in a variety of the products of well-known foreign brands, as well as high-quality cosmetics made in Ukraine, the price of which is different accessibility. Be sure to read the recommendations for use on the label product, make sure that it is designed for your skin type, check the expiry date and check the list of ingredients.
How to use the milk for the face? It is applied to the skin with a cotton circles or just your fingertips. Movement of light, without pressure. Then must wait until the milk is absorbed into the skin. Remove means better cloth. Complete purification procedure should be using tonic or lotion. Tonic choose for oily skin and for problem - lotion with herbal extracts. Sensitive skin reacts negatively to ordinary soap, why not take a chance - you need a gentle lotion or gel for washing. A nourishing mask that you apply on your face after cleansing will be a real salvation for dry skin. It can easily be made at home from all-natural components or buy ready-made (recommended from the same cosmetic series as milk).
Milk should use every day, but keeping a sense of proportion. Too frequent cleansing can lead to deficiency of moisture, dryness and improve the degree of sensitivity. This means that the intensity of purification also depends on skin type and condition.