Benefits of soft tile

Shingles was created some time ago, so that it became a natural alternative to tile type. Advantages of bitumen analogue that it is much easier to original, in this case is an extremely cost budget.
Construction - a laborious and complex process that does not tolerate mistakes, so in order to process went quickly and sensibly need to find high-quality repair materials. So, for roofing shingles better use.
This type of tile or as it is called soft roof, was created some time ago, so that it became a natural alternative to tile type. Advantages bituminous analogue that it is much easier original in this case is extremely cost budget. Such advantageous purchase leads to a decrease in spending on building materials as a whole, because the light tile does not need too massive walls or foundation.
This type of tile can be represented as a tile roof type. In general, this cover is a flat sheet form and small size, one edge of which ends with notches carved. One such sheet replaces up to four tiles. On the composition of the coating can be attributed to soft materials such as roll. The main function of this type of tile - to provide roof insulation and protection from external factors. Extremely popular today considered shingles Tegola , which meets all technical requirements and specifications.
Roof of bitumen is at the heart of the canvas glazing type, sometimes it can be replaced with glazing cloth. And the canvas and the fabric must be covered with a layer of bitumen on both sides. The final chord is a special kind of bitumen coating crumbs: rock, mineral or color. It is this top layer is a staunch defender of the external factors, which is several times increases the durability of the roof of this type. If you are going to lay shingles overlap, you should use the adhesive bitumen, with which the sheets can be glued together. The side plates of bitumen, which is laid down, often covered with a layer of sand with admixtures of quartz. Sometimes it is replaced by a layer of bitumen, self-adhesive protective film on top.
If your roof is provided bias or she has a foundation that can not spoil the nails used for the installation of the roof tiles, which can be stuck without additional equipment and materials.
Sometimes the front layer of shingles cover plates of metal. Let this service is more expensive, however the design of the roof looks unique and aesthetically pleasing as possible.

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