Idea for business: Manufacturer of shingle roofing
It would seem that at the present time to surprise someone with new delights in the field of individual construction rather difficult. Especially in roofing materials because of their there is a great variety, ranging from cheap and expensive finishing slate with copper. However, there is one type of roof that is not only universal admiration, but the desire to have something similar in its suburban area, and it is ashingle roof (wooden roof).
A huge plus of this business idea is that the production of shingles and the construction of a variety of designs of roof you can do without serious investment, with great prospects for further development, as the market shingle roof to date is completely empty.
What is a shingle roof?
Design shingle roof is arranged on the same principle as a tile, but instead of clay tile used hardwood. At the same time the operating life of a wooden roof can easily stand for 50-70 years. Similar durability ensured by a high angle of elevation and wood planks (shingles, lath, etc.) stab hand.
The fact is that when shingle splitting splitting wood goes strictly by the fibers, the pores remain closed, and even without the additional treatment with antiseptics wooden shingles perfectly repels and does not absorb moisture. While in sawn materials there is a completely different picture, and the roof is covered with sawn shingles, forgive no more than 20-25 years.
Raw materials for shingles
The best raw material for the production of shingles are wood, larch wood, oak and ash. However, not each region are available, andoften shingles made from aspen or pine tar rocks. But not every part of a tree trunk is suitable for the manufacture of shingles.
The most viable option is the butt log, which starts from the tree root and ends at the formation of its crown. It is in the butt section of the log contains the largest number of resinous substances, less moisture, high density wood fibre and complete lack of inclusions of knots.
Another plus production shingle that raw materials cost is very cheap. That is not necessary to buy expensive timber-logs, for these purposes will fit any illiquid or low-grade the forest.
Machinery for manufacturing shingles
The first thing to know is that shingles are made only from dry wood. Otherwise, up to 50% of the shingle when dried will go into the marriage, as the surface of the wooden tiles covered with deep cracks and heavily deformed. And made the shingles as follows:
Sawing logs. For 1-2 months before splitting shingle logs are cut into lumps of appropriate length – 25-35 cm Pre-cut into lumps need to wood evaporate excess moisture. But the length of the chocks of which will be shingles, depends on the type of your future roof.
Colca gaunt. Pick shingles use an axe with a wide blade and a wooden mallet, which cause a sharp, short blows by an axe butt. For the convenience of lumps with a diameter of 25 cm, split into several parts and have each a portion of the chopping on the wooden shingles with a thickness of 2-2,5 see
Treatment of shingles. In a subsequent shingle is not necessary to give a clear geometric forms, such as for boards or timber. All you need to do is chamfer two end sides of the lath at the angle of 45°, and edges of the shingle, like its a flat surface, you can handle on woodworking machines, which significantly speeds up its production.
The construction of a shingle roof
There are 5 types of shingle roofing:
The first is the frame construction that can be made from sawn timber (timber, Board) and TES (rocks, sticks, logs). If you intend to make a roof for the gazebo, the design of the frame to perform better hewn, as this approach will give the whole structure a more attractive appearance.
And most importantly – the inclination angle of each slope of the roof overlap must be at least 55°, otherwise it will leak.
The second is the fastening of the shingle. Especially should pay attention to the nails, they should be the size of 70-80 mm, with a minimum shaft diameter and a wide hat. Simply put, the thinner the nail is, the less it will "tear" the wooden shingles. And fastened shingles according to the following scheme:
The first row of shingles are laid from the base of the roof slope, laying wooden shingles tight to each other – joint to joint. Next, the first layer of wooden shingles of the first row lay the second layer of the shingle, closing them all joints.
The second row of shingles put on the same principle as the first, with only one difference: it needs to beat the first row on 8-10 see Well, and then 3 row, 4 row, etc., to the ridge of the roof.
The production area for the manufacture of shingles.
To deliver the production and sale of shingles on stream, you will need the following:
Plot of land with a minimum area of 100 m2, with convenient access to timber and location for the forest-timber, the amount of which shall not be less than 60-70 m3 / month.
Production Department, he is concurrently a warehouse for storage of finished products.
Woodworking table saw for making the shingle is more clear and correct form.
The implementation of shingles
From the foregoing it is clear that to make shingles and build the simple types of shingle roofs is quite simple.
But how to promote this unusual for the construction market the product?
But the solution to this problem lies in the large stores of building materials, with their open areas where they sell not only lumber, but also ready-built type of bath or gazebos.
That is, you need to build some kind of pergola, for example, in the old Russian style, of course, with a shingle roof and place it on a similar site any large store, as a live, promotional material. In addition, the store can place a small banner stand, with contacts and a photo gallery with efficient photos shingle roofs.
Read more specialized article on the methods of implementation of stroymaterialov.
Investment income and expenses
Business idea: the columnar Apple trees in a high yield
Money or Conscience. The reality about morality ...
The calculation of revenue and profitability
To calculate profitability at the production shingle roofs, we assume that during the season may-October the enterprise is run only 15 orderswith a total area of 1 200 m2.
The average cost of the work subject material is 800 RUB per 1 m2.
Thus, revenues in this activity for a season (6 months) maybe will be 960 thousand.
The profitability of 50-60%, with such levels of profitability, all costs in the organization of production will pay for itself in 1 season.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/smart4you?w=wall-34483558_100416
A huge plus of this business idea is that the production of shingles and the construction of a variety of designs of roof you can do without serious investment, with great prospects for further development, as the market shingle roof to date is completely empty.

What is a shingle roof?
Design shingle roof is arranged on the same principle as a tile, but instead of clay tile used hardwood. At the same time the operating life of a wooden roof can easily stand for 50-70 years. Similar durability ensured by a high angle of elevation and wood planks (shingles, lath, etc.) stab hand.
The fact is that when shingle splitting splitting wood goes strictly by the fibers, the pores remain closed, and even without the additional treatment with antiseptics wooden shingles perfectly repels and does not absorb moisture. While in sawn materials there is a completely different picture, and the roof is covered with sawn shingles, forgive no more than 20-25 years.
Raw materials for shingles
The best raw material for the production of shingles are wood, larch wood, oak and ash. However, not each region are available, andoften shingles made from aspen or pine tar rocks. But not every part of a tree trunk is suitable for the manufacture of shingles.
The most viable option is the butt log, which starts from the tree root and ends at the formation of its crown. It is in the butt section of the log contains the largest number of resinous substances, less moisture, high density wood fibre and complete lack of inclusions of knots.
Another plus production shingle that raw materials cost is very cheap. That is not necessary to buy expensive timber-logs, for these purposes will fit any illiquid or low-grade the forest.
Machinery for manufacturing shingles
The first thing to know is that shingles are made only from dry wood. Otherwise, up to 50% of the shingle when dried will go into the marriage, as the surface of the wooden tiles covered with deep cracks and heavily deformed. And made the shingles as follows:
Sawing logs. For 1-2 months before splitting shingle logs are cut into lumps of appropriate length – 25-35 cm Pre-cut into lumps need to wood evaporate excess moisture. But the length of the chocks of which will be shingles, depends on the type of your future roof.
Colca gaunt. Pick shingles use an axe with a wide blade and a wooden mallet, which cause a sharp, short blows by an axe butt. For the convenience of lumps with a diameter of 25 cm, split into several parts and have each a portion of the chopping on the wooden shingles with a thickness of 2-2,5 see
Treatment of shingles. In a subsequent shingle is not necessary to give a clear geometric forms, such as for boards or timber. All you need to do is chamfer two end sides of the lath at the angle of 45°, and edges of the shingle, like its a flat surface, you can handle on woodworking machines, which significantly speeds up its production.
The construction of a shingle roof
There are 5 types of shingle roofing:
- Plank roof.
- Scaly roof.
- The roof from drani.
- Multi-layered roof.
- Double-layer roof (overlapping).
The first is the frame construction that can be made from sawn timber (timber, Board) and TES (rocks, sticks, logs). If you intend to make a roof for the gazebo, the design of the frame to perform better hewn, as this approach will give the whole structure a more attractive appearance.
And most importantly – the inclination angle of each slope of the roof overlap must be at least 55°, otherwise it will leak.
The second is the fastening of the shingle. Especially should pay attention to the nails, they should be the size of 70-80 mm, with a minimum shaft diameter and a wide hat. Simply put, the thinner the nail is, the less it will "tear" the wooden shingles. And fastened shingles according to the following scheme:
The first row of shingles are laid from the base of the roof slope, laying wooden shingles tight to each other – joint to joint. Next, the first layer of wooden shingles of the first row lay the second layer of the shingle, closing them all joints.
The second row of shingles put on the same principle as the first, with only one difference: it needs to beat the first row on 8-10 see Well, and then 3 row, 4 row, etc., to the ridge of the roof.
The production area for the manufacture of shingles.
To deliver the production and sale of shingles on stream, you will need the following:
Plot of land with a minimum area of 100 m2, with convenient access to timber and location for the forest-timber, the amount of which shall not be less than 60-70 m3 / month.
Production Department, he is concurrently a warehouse for storage of finished products.
Woodworking table saw for making the shingle is more clear and correct form.

The implementation of shingles
From the foregoing it is clear that to make shingles and build the simple types of shingle roofs is quite simple.
But how to promote this unusual for the construction market the product?
But the solution to this problem lies in the large stores of building materials, with their open areas where they sell not only lumber, but also ready-built type of bath or gazebos.
That is, you need to build some kind of pergola, for example, in the old Russian style, of course, with a shingle roof and place it on a similar site any large store, as a live, promotional material. In addition, the store can place a small banner stand, with contacts and a photo gallery with efficient photos shingle roofs.
Read more specialized article on the methods of implementation of stroymaterialov.
Investment income and expenses
- Production shop. For the production and storage of the monthly norm of shingles you need to build a shop area of not less than 100 m2. So how to calculate for this structure the number and cost of building materials is quite difficult, we put the notional amount of 200 thousand rubles., ie the shop we will not be heated, which in principle is not important.
- Circular saw TSC-01, cost – 120 thousand.
- Tools and construction tools (chainsaw, axes, cleavers, other) – 50 thousand rubles.
- Purchase of raw materials (monthly volume - 50 m3;) — 100 thousand rubles.
- Registration activities in INFS, print order, opening a Bank account, other expenses – 50 thousand rubles.
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Money or Conscience. The reality about morality ...
The calculation of revenue and profitability
To calculate profitability at the production shingle roofs, we assume that during the season may-October the enterprise is run only 15 orderswith a total area of 1 200 m2.
The average cost of the work subject material is 800 RUB per 1 m2.
Thus, revenues in this activity for a season (6 months) maybe will be 960 thousand.
The profitability of 50-60%, with such levels of profitability, all costs in the organization of production will pay for itself in 1 season.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/smart4you?w=wall-34483558_100416
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