The arrangement of the sump: the rules of the organization and waterproofing
The lack of a centralized sewage causes the installation in the suburban areas of various types of local treatment facilities. But sometimes instead of an expensive standalone structures are quite simple installation of cesspit. Try to understand how the arrangement of the sump and what its types are suitable for self-construction.
Types of modern cesspools
Today, the functional load of the drainage holes has grown significantly, as a home sewer and basic system of cold water supply increases the volume of water several times. In this regard, there are new modifications of sewage facilities, a larger and more perfect from the point of view of recycling.
Seventy nine million four hundred nineteen thousand one hundred forty eight
Diagram of suburban toilet from the last century. The role of waterproofing protection plays a simple clay castle, therefore, there is a risk of penetration of sewage into the soil
Remember, looked like before the drain hole – a small pit, which methodically poured all the waste until filling is complete. The sides of the well were lined with boards laid out with stones or reinforce other improvised material. When the level of the wastewater became a maximum septic system caused the car to pump.
Two million ninety one thousand four hundred two
If you have installed the cumulative septic tank — a sealed container which is periodically emptied with vacuum trucks. To the place of its installation it is necessary to conduct a driveway
Of course, none of what the environment or the protection of the environment from pollution in those days was out of the question. But today all want to preserve the purity of the soil at the site, therefore, strictly follow the sealing treatment facilities. Manufacturers choose materials that do not require long installation or special waterproofing. Example of the modern models are derived from bulk polymer tanks.
Fifty four million four hundred eleven thousand seven hundred seventy four
Large plastic container – this kind of sump with one, two or more cameras for sewers. Recycling of wastewater is realized with the help of anaerobic microorganisms
Lost popularity monolithic one - and two-piece constructions made of concrete, and installation of one, two or even three concrete wells. The choice was due to the relative ease of installation (fill) and a decent (up to 30 years) service life.
Twelve million eight hundred twenty thousand six hundred ninety three
The scheme is simple to septic tanks for cottages filtering well from concrete rings with leaking and cleaning drains gravel-sandy bottom, a ventilation pipe and a hatch for direct access
The point spread mine with a brick disappeared, because to install several rings is much easier than to create a solid brickwork. The main quality of the new devices is integrity, protecting the soil from pollution with sewage.
The choice of location with the sanitary norms
When the installation of new cesspools should be guided by the requirements of SNiP. Of course, for ease of use I would like to be closer to home, however, the distance from the Foundation to the tank should be at least 10m (taking into account force-majeure circumstances related to the breach of containment and the Foundation and storage tanks).
Twenty six million six hundred twenty one thousand three hundred fifty seven
The scheme, which indicated the minimum allowable distance from the sump to the important objects. In drafting we should not forget about similar facilities in neighboring areas
The planning process also mention that the fence delineating the boundaries of the area must be no closer than 4 m and the roadway no closer than 5 m. the largest interval to the water source (well or well) is not less than 25 m, with loose sandy soil to 50 m. If nearby is a pond with stagnant water (pond or lake), and needs to be considered is 30 m.
Concrete ring – the actual material
Concrete rings for construction of drinking wells and septic tanks so popular that many factories began to specialize in their issue. Moreover, in addition to the main parts they made rings, fitted bottom, separate the neck, the overlap and the upper segment with Luke. Consider two options for the construction of cesspools, with bottom and without bottom.
Absorbing well from concrete
Open container without a bottom, in other words, absorbing the well is a combined option that resembles an ordinary storage vessel, but acting on the principle of a filter element of a septic tank.
Forty three million seven hundred sixty five thousand ninety three
The absence of the lower plane and sand and gravel drainage layer are the partial filtration of wastewater: the liquid goes into the soil, therefore, the services of sanitary workers are required much less frequently
There are conditions under which you should avoid construction of buildings with "open" bottom:
One million one hundred fifty four thousand six hundred forty six
Due to the large weight of the concrete blanks you need to rent a crane or other manipulator for the installation of rings, as well as a team of workers to reduce the time of the construction process
Operating procedure:
Three million two hundred eighty two thousand nine hundred thirty four
The use of waterproofing material, Penetron, which used for waterproofing of monolithic and prefabricated constructions of concrete, and related means – Penetrate, Pinelake, Waterplace
Even if you are using concrete rings with a locking connection must be sealed with internal and external parties. From the outside you can use the gluing bitumen roll material, which is placed in several layers, with the internal – a combination of Penetron and Penetrate or cement mortar Aquabarrier.
To ensure that the process of pumping in the upper part it is necessary to equip the hatch with a tight-fitting, insulated cover.
Storage tank of the rings
High groundwater level (quite common) does not allow to install the manholes without a bottom, so the most successful option is to device a simple accumulator. You can use a plastic tank or large polymer barrel, but we consider the project from concrete rings.
Seventy seven million six hundred ninety five thousand four hundred forty three
The design of the drive similar to the device of the previous model, but unlike the filter of the well, the reservoir bottom is deaf, waterproof. This means that the only way to clean it is pumping sewage vacuum trucks
Conveniently, almost all items can be purchased in finished form. The cost of one manhole rings with a diameter of 110 cm (wall thickness 16 cm height – 89 cm) – from 1500 to 2000 RUB, 6-inch transoms – 250-300 RUB., etc., therefore, the whole construction in an amount not exceeding 10 000 rubles.
Progress of work:
Budget option with rubber tires
Advantages of this project are accessibility, efficiency, ease of installation disadvantages – the fragility, the lack of a good seal, "disposable" designs. To repair or modify the set structure is impossible.
Thirty seven million seven hundred eighty two thousand eight hundred four
The main construction material – used car or tractor tires – you can collect over a few years or buy in the service station. For the pit, designed for a family of 3 people, you will need 9-10 pieces
The first step is the excavation and the device of the pit. The depth can be calculated, knowing the number of tires width – placing one piece on the ground and outlining a circle around it, adding 30-40 cm When the pit is ready, it is necessary to make a drainage hole. Drill it in the center of the hole with the drill.
Inserted into the hole of the pipe so that it is raised above the base by about 100-120, see Meter supply drain outlet prevents clogging from large debris that accumulate on the bottom. The liquid to flow freely in the challenge, his side advanced perforeret, and the upper end covered with a protective mesh. The bottom around the pipe, cover with gravel or crushed stone.
Forty two million one hundred forty one thousand one hundred twenty three
To the sewer waste flowed freely down, do not linger in the folds of the rubber, the inner rim of the tire is recommended to cut using a knife or jigsaw
Tires stacked on one another, accurately the joints with sealant. Around 2 or 3 on top of the lid cut a hole and insert the end of a sewer pipe leading from the house, the place connections are also carefully sealed. On top of the design close the makeshift cover made of plastic or wood with a small cutout (diameter = 10cm) for the ventilation pipe.
Installing plastic container
The main advantage of the installation of polymer reservoir, no additional construction measures. Enough to dig a pit, connect sewer communications, bury it, and septic tank ready. Conveying plastic container is also easy, because, unlike concrete structures, it is light in weight.
Suitable metal barrel, but it is inferior in its characteristics as subject to corrosion, therefore, will quickly rust away and fail.
One million seventy nine thousand five hundred four
Plastic tanks are different shape and sizes. For a family of 2 persons, occasionally visiting the country, you will need a barrel of a relatively small volume of 100-150 l
Before installation in the pit capacity, you must prepare to make the perforations over the entire surface. For this drill, the drilled holes in a staggered manner, the interval between holes of 15-20 cm Perforation devices necessary for natural drainage of liquid, is a kind of filter.
In the upper part or the side (depending on the tabulation sewer pipe) cut a hole and install the flange. Special polymer sealants thoroughly coat all joints and connections. It is possible to use bitumen mastic, which acts as an additional waterproofing. It is desirable that the pipe and fittings were also made of plastic.
To protect the receptacle against ingress of particles of soil, using a geotextile. It copes with the function of filtering, does not rot and rapid deterioration. Wrap the tank from all sides of the roll of geotextile, fastened it at the neck synthetic cord.
Sixty eight million five hundred fifty eight thousand
Dimensions of the pit we expect to install the barrel: it must be fully contained in the soil, except for top fittings – for control and pumping
Install a barrel into a pit to be attached to the communications. The slope of the pipes allows sewage to naturally flow into the tank. The free space at the sides, and fill the sandy-gravel mixture, sprinkle the top with soil. Cleaning mini-septic tank to be performed, focusing on the degree of filling.
The construction of the pits of reinforced concrete
Not always ready capacity suitable shape or size, besides the cost of the surround system arranges not all, so still practice this method of device cesspools, as the construction of a monolithic one - or two-chamber concrete tank. Get acquainted with the instructions for its manufacture.
How to dig a pit
When construction is not limited to a single-chamber structure, as fundamental difference, or additional difficulties during the device of the second Department would arise. Will have to dig a pit two times bigger and can cook more building material for the formwork and pouring. The first compartment of the septic tank is intended for clarification of wastewater, the second to filter.
Eighty five million three hundred sixty three thousand fifty seven
Diagram of monolithic concrete two-chamber septic tank with volume of 5000 l, reinforced reinforced and equipped with waterproofing for a large number of users (up to 8 people)
The first stage is excavation of the required size. There are two options for excavation, either manually or using construction equipment. The first method is time-consuming, but more accurate, second one is fast, but expensive and not exactly suitable for subsequent forming. The fact that support for the wooden boards necessary smooth the edge of the pit. If the soil is sufficiently firm, stable, formwork design can be made unilateral.
The second chamber of the septic tank – filter, therefore, part of the excavation must be deepened and furnish sand-gravel cushion thickness of about 30 cm of the Wall should be levelled, but if the soil is loose, will have to build a two way design as the Foundation.
The construction of wooden formwork
To the underground wet environment is minimally impacted concrete structure, before installing the formwork, the excavation covered the roll of geotextile. The canvas is disposable so that the fluid flow was directed toward the soil. Separate pieces must be bonded, and the edges should protrude by about 40 cm.
With external side-mounted metal frame for reinforcement suitable steel rods, thick wire mesh from the old beds. Metal parts can be replaced with fiberglass. Performing shading, you must make sure that the solution is completely closed iron elements, otherwise the corrosion will cause cracks.
Eighty one million two hundred fifty three thousand four hundred eight
Installation of formwork use improvised material: wooden boards, planks, pieces of plywood. After hardening of a solution the wooden frame you must remove
By themselves, the panel and Board to stay are not, so they commit should build the strut from bars or of metal segments. In places of an adjunction of pipes in advance to make the mortgage. Distance from the casing to the wall of the pit is about 20-25 cm (future wall thickness of the septic tank) If the design is bilateral, the distance kept between two flanges around the perimeter.
Concrete fill and waterproofing
Prepare the solution according to the following scheme: for every 200 kg of cement and 300 kg of sand, 100 liters of water, 2.5 l of superplasticizer (in liquid form). If you need a filler add small amount of crushed stone fines.
Concrete is never poured on the entire amount. If you want the design was durable and was, produce fill layers, each no thicker than 40-50 cm otherwise in material voids, which will cause a quick destruction of the structure. To make the mass more dense, use a vibrator.
Experts recommend to equip the overflow tee that will reduce the risk of contamination and eliminate the large particles during the second filtration compartment.
Sixty six million nine hundred fifty four thousand seven hundred sixty
In the process of concrete pouring not forget about the designated overflow and the inlet openings: the first must be lower than the second by about two feet
During hardening of the concrete mass will appear small cracks that need to cover the same solution. After drying, you can increase the tightness of cameras and to produce additional internal waterproofing.
The last stage of the concreting device the upper floors. It is installed after complete drying of the walls (the required period from 10 days to 2 weeks).
Order of actions:
Backfill and external design
Before backfilling the produced waterproofing is applied to all concrete surfaces, interior and exterior, the layer of bitumen mastic. It will protect the concrete from moisture penetration and rapid destruction. In the Northern regions need more insulation. For insulation chambers with the outer sides along the walls of stacked pieces of foam, then fill remaining space with soil.
Seventy million eight hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred fifty five
One of the design options of hatches – installation of factory of polymeric products. Advantages of ready-made hatches: optimal size, tight adhesion of the cover, neat appearance
Don't forget about the vent pipe. To its exit arranged a separate hole or rig up a hatch. More efficient operation of the septic tank provides the set of two pipes, one of which pumps fresh air in, and the second serves for the withdrawal of accumulated gases. The pipe must rise above the level of the soil 40-60 cm.
As you can see, to make a holding tank or a simple sewage treatment plant is a snap, some types of cesspools afford to equip even one person. But do not forget that consultation with an expert in the field of sewer systems will increase the chances of creating the most functional and efficient structure. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: sovet-ingenera.com/kanaliz/sliv-vygreb/obustrojstvo-vygrebnoj-yamy.html
Types of modern cesspools
Today, the functional load of the drainage holes has grown significantly, as a home sewer and basic system of cold water supply increases the volume of water several times. In this regard, there are new modifications of sewage facilities, a larger and more perfect from the point of view of recycling.
Seventy nine million four hundred nineteen thousand one hundred forty eight
Diagram of suburban toilet from the last century. The role of waterproofing protection plays a simple clay castle, therefore, there is a risk of penetration of sewage into the soil
Remember, looked like before the drain hole – a small pit, which methodically poured all the waste until filling is complete. The sides of the well were lined with boards laid out with stones or reinforce other improvised material. When the level of the wastewater became a maximum septic system caused the car to pump.
Two million ninety one thousand four hundred two
If you have installed the cumulative septic tank — a sealed container which is periodically emptied with vacuum trucks. To the place of its installation it is necessary to conduct a driveway
Of course, none of what the environment or the protection of the environment from pollution in those days was out of the question. But today all want to preserve the purity of the soil at the site, therefore, strictly follow the sealing treatment facilities. Manufacturers choose materials that do not require long installation or special waterproofing. Example of the modern models are derived from bulk polymer tanks.
Fifty four million four hundred eleven thousand seven hundred seventy four
Large plastic container – this kind of sump with one, two or more cameras for sewers. Recycling of wastewater is realized with the help of anaerobic microorganisms
Lost popularity monolithic one - and two-piece constructions made of concrete, and installation of one, two or even three concrete wells. The choice was due to the relative ease of installation (fill) and a decent (up to 30 years) service life.
Twelve million eight hundred twenty thousand six hundred ninety three
The scheme is simple to septic tanks for cottages filtering well from concrete rings with leaking and cleaning drains gravel-sandy bottom, a ventilation pipe and a hatch for direct access
The point spread mine with a brick disappeared, because to install several rings is much easier than to create a solid brickwork. The main quality of the new devices is integrity, protecting the soil from pollution with sewage.
The choice of location with the sanitary norms
When the installation of new cesspools should be guided by the requirements of SNiP. Of course, for ease of use I would like to be closer to home, however, the distance from the Foundation to the tank should be at least 10m (taking into account force-majeure circumstances related to the breach of containment and the Foundation and storage tanks).
Twenty six million six hundred twenty one thousand three hundred fifty seven
The scheme, which indicated the minimum allowable distance from the sump to the important objects. In drafting we should not forget about similar facilities in neighboring areas
The planning process also mention that the fence delineating the boundaries of the area must be no closer than 4 m and the roadway no closer than 5 m. the largest interval to the water source (well or well) is not less than 25 m, with loose sandy soil to 50 m. If nearby is a pond with stagnant water (pond or lake), and needs to be considered is 30 m.
Concrete ring – the actual material
Concrete rings for construction of drinking wells and septic tanks so popular that many factories began to specialize in their issue. Moreover, in addition to the main parts they made rings, fitted bottom, separate the neck, the overlap and the upper segment with Luke. Consider two options for the construction of cesspools, with bottom and without bottom.
Absorbing well from concrete
Open container without a bottom, in other words, absorbing the well is a combined option that resembles an ordinary storage vessel, but acting on the principle of a filter element of a septic tank.
Forty three million seven hundred sixty five thousand ninety three
The absence of the lower plane and sand and gravel drainage layer are the partial filtration of wastewater: the liquid goes into the soil, therefore, the services of sanitary workers are required much less frequently
There are conditions under which you should avoid construction of buildings with "open" bottom:
- the groundwater level must be at least 100 cm below the base of the manhole, otherwise, wastewater will mix with the underground water horizons, which will cause contamination of soil with harmful substances;
- the soil type must meet the requirements of filtering, i.e. to be permeable: sand, gravel, or gravel with a high content of sand. Rock, loam and clay do not have such properties and may eventually become an insurmountable barrier for the flows.
One million one hundred fifty four thousand six hundred forty six
Due to the large weight of the concrete blanks you need to rent a crane or other manipulator for the installation of rings, as well as a team of workers to reduce the time of the construction process
Operating procedure:
- digging to a depth equal to the total height of the rings (2 or 3) plus two feet for drainage layer and 20-30 cm in the arrangement of the neck;
- laying a two-layer filter base from bulk materials – sand, gravel, crushed stone, gravel (for example, the bottom layer is sand, the upper coarse gravel);
- for cleaning efficiency, you can use perforated concrete base or geotextile;
- the mounting rings with a crane;
- joining sewer pipes in advance done by the drill hole;
- waterproofing the well – sealing of seams, joints, connections; backfilling.
Three million two hundred eighty two thousand nine hundred thirty four
The use of waterproofing material, Penetron, which used for waterproofing of monolithic and prefabricated constructions of concrete, and related means – Penetrate, Pinelake, Waterplace
Even if you are using concrete rings with a locking connection must be sealed with internal and external parties. From the outside you can use the gluing bitumen roll material, which is placed in several layers, with the internal – a combination of Penetron and Penetrate or cement mortar Aquabarrier.
To ensure that the process of pumping in the upper part it is necessary to equip the hatch with a tight-fitting, insulated cover.
Storage tank of the rings
High groundwater level (quite common) does not allow to install the manholes without a bottom, so the most successful option is to device a simple accumulator. You can use a plastic tank or large polymer barrel, but we consider the project from concrete rings.
Seventy seven million six hundred ninety five thousand four hundred forty three
The design of the drive similar to the device of the previous model, but unlike the filter of the well, the reservoir bottom is deaf, waterproof. This means that the only way to clean it is pumping sewage vacuum trucks
Conveniently, almost all items can be purchased in finished form. The cost of one manhole rings with a diameter of 110 cm (wall thickness 16 cm height – 89 cm) – from 1500 to 2000 RUB, 6-inch transoms – 250-300 RUB., etc., therefore, the whole construction in an amount not exceeding 10 000 rubles.
Progress of work:
- the device of the trench (50-80 cm wider than the well) with the simultaneous laying of trenches for sewer pipe;
- installation and insulation of piping;
- backfilling and compaction of sand-gravel cushion (30-40 cm thick);
- the installation of concrete bottoms (strictly horizontal, check the level);
- instead of a complete element, you can build a reinforced screed;
- the installation of major parts;
- waterproofing joints with rubber tape, concrete mortar with addition of liquid glass;
- coating internal seams bitumen mastic, bitumen waterproofing okleechnoy;
- backfill;
- assembling the upper plate with hole for the hatch, locking cap.
Budget option with rubber tires
Advantages of this project are accessibility, efficiency, ease of installation disadvantages – the fragility, the lack of a good seal, "disposable" designs. To repair or modify the set structure is impossible.
Thirty seven million seven hundred eighty two thousand eight hundred four
The main construction material – used car or tractor tires – you can collect over a few years or buy in the service station. For the pit, designed for a family of 3 people, you will need 9-10 pieces
The first step is the excavation and the device of the pit. The depth can be calculated, knowing the number of tires width – placing one piece on the ground and outlining a circle around it, adding 30-40 cm When the pit is ready, it is necessary to make a drainage hole. Drill it in the center of the hole with the drill.
Inserted into the hole of the pipe so that it is raised above the base by about 100-120, see Meter supply drain outlet prevents clogging from large debris that accumulate on the bottom. The liquid to flow freely in the challenge, his side advanced perforeret, and the upper end covered with a protective mesh. The bottom around the pipe, cover with gravel or crushed stone.
Forty two million one hundred forty one thousand one hundred twenty three
To the sewer waste flowed freely down, do not linger in the folds of the rubber, the inner rim of the tire is recommended to cut using a knife or jigsaw
Tires stacked on one another, accurately the joints with sealant. Around 2 or 3 on top of the lid cut a hole and insert the end of a sewer pipe leading from the house, the place connections are also carefully sealed. On top of the design close the makeshift cover made of plastic or wood with a small cutout (diameter = 10cm) for the ventilation pipe.
Installing plastic container
The main advantage of the installation of polymer reservoir, no additional construction measures. Enough to dig a pit, connect sewer communications, bury it, and septic tank ready. Conveying plastic container is also easy, because, unlike concrete structures, it is light in weight.
Suitable metal barrel, but it is inferior in its characteristics as subject to corrosion, therefore, will quickly rust away and fail.
One million seventy nine thousand five hundred four
Plastic tanks are different shape and sizes. For a family of 2 persons, occasionally visiting the country, you will need a barrel of a relatively small volume of 100-150 l
Before installation in the pit capacity, you must prepare to make the perforations over the entire surface. For this drill, the drilled holes in a staggered manner, the interval between holes of 15-20 cm Perforation devices necessary for natural drainage of liquid, is a kind of filter.
In the upper part or the side (depending on the tabulation sewer pipe) cut a hole and install the flange. Special polymer sealants thoroughly coat all joints and connections. It is possible to use bitumen mastic, which acts as an additional waterproofing. It is desirable that the pipe and fittings were also made of plastic.
To protect the receptacle against ingress of particles of soil, using a geotextile. It copes with the function of filtering, does not rot and rapid deterioration. Wrap the tank from all sides of the roll of geotextile, fastened it at the neck synthetic cord.
Sixty eight million five hundred fifty eight thousand
Dimensions of the pit we expect to install the barrel: it must be fully contained in the soil, except for top fittings – for control and pumping
Install a barrel into a pit to be attached to the communications. The slope of the pipes allows sewage to naturally flow into the tank. The free space at the sides, and fill the sandy-gravel mixture, sprinkle the top with soil. Cleaning mini-septic tank to be performed, focusing on the degree of filling.
The construction of the pits of reinforced concrete
Not always ready capacity suitable shape or size, besides the cost of the surround system arranges not all, so still practice this method of device cesspools, as the construction of a monolithic one - or two-chamber concrete tank. Get acquainted with the instructions for its manufacture.
How to dig a pit
When construction is not limited to a single-chamber structure, as fundamental difference, or additional difficulties during the device of the second Department would arise. Will have to dig a pit two times bigger and can cook more building material for the formwork and pouring. The first compartment of the septic tank is intended for clarification of wastewater, the second to filter.
Eighty five million three hundred sixty three thousand fifty seven
Diagram of monolithic concrete two-chamber septic tank with volume of 5000 l, reinforced reinforced and equipped with waterproofing for a large number of users (up to 8 people)
The first stage is excavation of the required size. There are two options for excavation, either manually or using construction equipment. The first method is time-consuming, but more accurate, second one is fast, but expensive and not exactly suitable for subsequent forming. The fact that support for the wooden boards necessary smooth the edge of the pit. If the soil is sufficiently firm, stable, formwork design can be made unilateral.
The second chamber of the septic tank – filter, therefore, part of the excavation must be deepened and furnish sand-gravel cushion thickness of about 30 cm of the Wall should be levelled, but if the soil is loose, will have to build a two way design as the Foundation.
The construction of wooden formwork
To the underground wet environment is minimally impacted concrete structure, before installing the formwork, the excavation covered the roll of geotextile. The canvas is disposable so that the fluid flow was directed toward the soil. Separate pieces must be bonded, and the edges should protrude by about 40 cm.
With external side-mounted metal frame for reinforcement suitable steel rods, thick wire mesh from the old beds. Metal parts can be replaced with fiberglass. Performing shading, you must make sure that the solution is completely closed iron elements, otherwise the corrosion will cause cracks.
Eighty one million two hundred fifty three thousand four hundred eight
Installation of formwork use improvised material: wooden boards, planks, pieces of plywood. After hardening of a solution the wooden frame you must remove
By themselves, the panel and Board to stay are not, so they commit should build the strut from bars or of metal segments. In places of an adjunction of pipes in advance to make the mortgage. Distance from the casing to the wall of the pit is about 20-25 cm (future wall thickness of the septic tank) If the design is bilateral, the distance kept between two flanges around the perimeter.
Concrete fill and waterproofing
Prepare the solution according to the following scheme: for every 200 kg of cement and 300 kg of sand, 100 liters of water, 2.5 l of superplasticizer (in liquid form). If you need a filler add small amount of crushed stone fines.
Concrete is never poured on the entire amount. If you want the design was durable and was, produce fill layers, each no thicker than 40-50 cm otherwise in material voids, which will cause a quick destruction of the structure. To make the mass more dense, use a vibrator.
Experts recommend to equip the overflow tee that will reduce the risk of contamination and eliminate the large particles during the second filtration compartment.
Sixty six million nine hundred fifty four thousand seven hundred sixty
In the process of concrete pouring not forget about the designated overflow and the inlet openings: the first must be lower than the second by about two feet
During hardening of the concrete mass will appear small cracks that need to cover the same solution. After drying, you can increase the tightness of cameras and to produce additional internal waterproofing.
The last stage of the concreting device the upper floors. It is installed after complete drying of the walls (the required period from 10 days to 2 weeks).
Order of actions:
- installation of the metal profile parts;
- laying the Foundation of flat slate or wooden boards;
- the flooring of the roofing material with subsequent reinforcement;
- concrete is poured in.
Backfill and external design
Before backfilling the produced waterproofing is applied to all concrete surfaces, interior and exterior, the layer of bitumen mastic. It will protect the concrete from moisture penetration and rapid destruction. In the Northern regions need more insulation. For insulation chambers with the outer sides along the walls of stacked pieces of foam, then fill remaining space with soil.
Seventy million eight hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred fifty five
One of the design options of hatches – installation of factory of polymeric products. Advantages of ready-made hatches: optimal size, tight adhesion of the cover, neat appearance
Don't forget about the vent pipe. To its exit arranged a separate hole or rig up a hatch. More efficient operation of the septic tank provides the set of two pipes, one of which pumps fresh air in, and the second serves for the withdrawal of accumulated gases. The pipe must rise above the level of the soil 40-60 cm.
As you can see, to make a holding tank or a simple sewage treatment plant is a snap, some types of cesspools afford to equip even one person. But do not forget that consultation with an expert in the field of sewer systems will increase the chances of creating the most functional and efficient structure. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: sovet-ingenera.com/kanaliz/sliv-vygreb/obustrojstvo-vygrebnoj-yamy.html
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