How to save on the construction of villas
We all somehow try to save money when building is to buy the materials at a discount, find cheaper service... So natural, accidental savings. And if you have any serious financial problems? There is already need system...
The seller in the construction market is advised to consult a person who knows a lot about this:
— His goal is to stay within a million. Their savings, plus loan. It is not a shed build, and a full house. And in a good location. I also initially skeptical snorts. But it is their cottage this year, the roof was covered. Don't know whether to stay within budget; go, ask him yourself, he likes to talk...
So I got in the suburban co-op, grown up to the level of the cottage settlement.
— Where's the crisis? Roman Ilyich with a smile nods in the direction of construction.
From the co-operative "Change" were only tin sign and a few old shield houses. Others have turned to modern mansions. Very beautiful, you can hardly call these houses simply giving.
— You have the location is good, close to town, that's building here, people with money, but in fact the crisis in the country. Very few people can afford such palaces. I think you have only now to save?
— Now, perhaps, not only to us. But for us this is the General way of living. Well, or a permanent crisis. How I got this footage from the Soviet state, and save since. We're not businessmen, and never have been. Here you can see that this construction trailer, we have since 1988, got written off from construction. Before we even spent the night. Now the stored materials.
— From "firewood"?
— We're all set. First, the large sales in DIY stores. I keep track of them each day, and friends of the managers calling to report important information. If you are lucky, you can buy quality products at a discount of 50-70%. Secondly, the wife talks on different Internet forums, mostly female. Oddly enough, there is also the regular "sale": people make repairs and are happy to get rid of the remnants. It happens that the gift of giving, just to free up space in the apartment. Only take out. And the forums truckers you can get it as a gift and seedlings, seeds, fertilizers...
Fortunately, we have a car. And when we planned to build, according to the ad I bought the trailer. So we have no problems with delivery. This is important if you're on a tight budget.
— I was told you absolutely everything built with your own hands.
— Not quite. The Foundation, for example, had to order the team of professionals. I'm still a baby doctor by profession, and here we need to understand the subtleties. For example, we have not very good soil – heaving. I have one neighbor saw the consequences of improperly constructed Foundation. A year after the end of the building, even the doors are never closed – so twisted house. If the soil is dry, for example, sand, then you can do ribbon Foundation. This is the easiest and most cost-effective option for a private house of small size.
But we have high groundwater, so first you need to drive concrete piles below the level of occurrence of water and make waterproofing. Then in the winter frozen in the soil water will not result in misalignment of the whole structure. We did so, and on top, put a strip Foundation under the walls of future giving. We have it on draft (by the way, I drew it myself), is small, only 60 square meters. One storey and attic. We live here together with my wife, children and grandchildren may come to visit — plenty to go around.
Read more about what types of Foundation are, how to choose and to do, explained in detail in this article: What Foundation to choose?
Wall Roman Ilyich built himself. Said, laying bricks learned in the service in the army. But giving him other material. Quite large blocks of sawdust and cement, by weight is much lighter than brick.
— What is this material?
Is arbolit — explains the master. – I long chose what to build. I had most to rely on their own strength, well, except that in the weekend son-in-law or son come to help. Brick laying easy, this is the best material, but expensive. Hardwood timber is too expensive, besides I have heard a lot about his ability to crack when drying, breaking walls and floors. The logs are environmentally friendly and look beautiful, but also give greater shrinkage upon drying, and are in our area a lot. And most importantly — putting a house of logs or timber me alone not under force.
One time was really attracted by the block of three layers: the inner (bearing) concrete, medium — polystyrene, exterior — decorative finish. They are good because they do not need to insulate and decorate the outside. But still came to the conclusion that such walls will "breathe" — because the insulation on two sides is sealed in concrete.
Then consider SIPS (structural insulated panels) for frame construction. I must say, the frame house is a leader in accessibility. He has a lot of advantages. For example, a very low weight, which means cheaper Foundation you can use screw piles. If you use high quality materials, the house "breathes" and is environmentally friendly. But the key word is "if". The market is now a lot of low-quality insulation panels with glass wool, which soon turns to a carcinogenic dust; in excess of materials containing formaldehyde and this substance is dangerous to health... If you ask for find the perfect components for frame houses, the cost ceases to be an advantage. After all, in the selection process, I visited several houses, one even spent the night. First, the audibility of the SIPS panel house is incredible, just musical instrument, and not a house. Secondly, I thought it was inappropriate for cold climates. In the South, perhaps this country good. But in the middle lane or in the North want greater heat capacity of the material. We're going to live in our country permanently. When you have adult children, the housing problem is very serious, so we decided to use the available land not only for growing vegetables.
In the end, I stopped at arbolita. It holds heat well, is light weight – which means I will be able to lay the walls on their own; strong enough, environmentally friendly – made from wood and cement. It is easy to handle, for example, to cut grooves for pipes and wiring, to adjust the block size. A good insulator, does not rot, support combustion, does not shrink.
Of course, there are drawbacks — for example, it will have to be plastered on both sides. This additional cost and effort, and funds. But this issue we have also researched and found the best options: first, don't apply a grid over the entire area of the walls – put it only on the corners. Second, use the plain white plaster, cement-based, it does not need further painting. Thirdly, in this work I was helped by friends.
But inside the house we used a special design course, which his wife noticed some Eastern dwellings.
Wall plaster is applied, and then it traversed a large brush – a gross ethnic pattern. This finish does not require alignment and can be performed on its own. At arbolita rough surface, so the plaster clings to it perfectly, no need to blot.
The floors are also poured cement wood: 1 part cement M-400, 6 parts of wood chips, 2 parts sand.
To personally evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of timber, read:
— How warm will it be a house? And what kind of heating you suggest?
— Arbolit holds heat well. It was built in the far North in Soviet times, and people still live in these houses. The house of quality arbolita allows you to save 20-30% of costs for heat. It is possible to do without forced ventilation: the walls were skipping and filtered air. To avoid cold bridges in the joints of the blocks, I used a trick: two layers of masonry blocks 20 mm thick, and put them in a checkerboard pattern. Insulation to 100%.
And as for heating we chose a warm floor. Water circuit made of polypropylene pipes themselves easy to assemble, and to pave the space between the joists, directly under the wood flooring. Tested – heats perfectly. For single storey house I think it's the best. As for the attic, the room was quite small, we will use it only for guests. Therefore, there is plan to put Underfloor heating in the electricity that turns on when needed.
To help you to choose the type of heating, insulate the house from the outside will help you with the following:
— The walls you have built for yourself. But I assume that the Windows still had to order in any firm. And it was a lot of costs.
— Yes, the window we do custom, but not in the window firm, and in the carpentry shop. Just a good dual frame of wood. Here, nature doesn't need protection from noise and dust. So double glazing not as relevant as in the big city. You see – our normal Windows look better than the expensive glass, and they keep the heat about the same. But the cost is 5 times lower.
And not only can you make the Windows with their hands, but also to decorate their shutters:
— Your home is roofed, but it seems to me, is not finished. You yourself were covering the house?
— No, roof we trusted the experts. Theoretically it is very simple, gable roof with soft tiles. Still, a roof is a complex "pie" from the rafters, sheathing, insulation, waterproofing, ventilation systems, gutters. And skill needed to work at the top. Most of the work the builders have done in the past year, and to finish nobody.
We had a team of 3 people from the Central Asian Republic, I paid them 30,000 rubles. They do almost everything little work on the gutters, which no one is too little money, and builders from Central Asia have gone home. Important point: in the case of construction of arbolit, who's not very fond of moisture, you need to make quite a long visor (not less than 50 cm) to the walls are not filled with water, and, of course, a good drainage system.
— You record your expenses?
— Usually, Yes. Make all the information in the phone. Look here:
The cesspool – that is, just a concrete pit without a bottom, also categorically do not want, although some gardeners use it (I even saw a pit, made from tires!). This, of course, the most economical option, but the waste water, poison the soil around it, so within a radius of 30-40 m can not plant fruit trees, vegetables, and the hole exudes an unpleasant smell and attract insects. And, again, the scavengers will be regular guests of your house.
— There's the wooden house "type toilet" — this is probably the more affordable option?
— Yes, it was built back in the eighties, but not inside the pit, and peat dry closet. Now, until the building is commissioned, we use them. This is a very good option for a small family. And as cheap as possible. The composting toilet we bought for 2000 rubles, the little house I built myself from some boards, got nothing. Peat requires no liquids, inside just sawdust or peat. Fecal matter eventually turn into fertilizer that can be used for a vegetable garden. Of course, when the children come, friends, this toilet is going through tough times and may just fall apart – he's made of plastic. You can do them if the cottage is used only in the summer, but in our case the Central Sewerage system – the best way.
What to look for when choosing a toilet how to deliver the outdoor toilet odor, read the following articles:
By the way, storm drain, I did it myself. It was most difficult to obtain permission to connect to a common drain. The rest — a trick: dig a trench around the house, a pit for the sump, to lay a pipe to the well, punch it, put on a trench grate. Yes, you can do surface drainage – just set up the groove and take them on the street, it is just cheaper. But then have nowhere to take free water, and in the country this is an important point. In my version, rain water collected in the sump, there is an additional filter and pump. Then it can be used for watering the garden, washing the car, even for washing. Yes, the materials for the stormwater drainage cost me about 50,000 rubles, but in the near future these costs will be repaid with interest.
By the way, this is the amount we missed thanks to the lucrative offers. Compare rates for construction markets tracked promotions in shopping malls and good deals on the boards. Maybe it's funny, but some things can be obtained even on the exchange. There are special forums. So recently the wife exchanged the remains of our cement on the inner door is also left someone after the repair. It would seem — a trifle, but they are in the process of construction of recruited many. Among truckers decided to share and change seedlings and sprouts, so why not put the question more broadly? At the entrance to the co-op on the Bulletin Board you can always see our leaflets: buy, sell, exchange. Yes, everyone knows that we are interested in it.
— So your secret is to purchase goods and services, bypassing the traditional retail network?
— Not at all. The main savings obtained due to the ability to communicate with people, to use their help and in turn, help them. My wife is an initiative group in our village. We all know we all know to solve common problems. This resulted in a decent save on connection to a Central water supply. On 12 houses nearest neighbors connection came at a cost of 400,000 rubles. We managed to negotiate with all the neighbors pitched in, and everyone now has their own water.
Human connection – that's the tool of overcoming all crises. If you find easily contact with people, save a lot of money. Friends will tell you where to find a specialist will call you to inform about the sale, propose a solution, "light" engine on a cold day...
Was in the old days, such a nice tradition to gather the whole world and build a house – a relative, friend, neighbor. Our construction started with a gathering of relatives and friends. Women cooked BBQ, covered tables, while the men erected the first walls. Two years later we repeated this outing, but now has plastered walls outside. Gathered twelve men from eighteen to seventy years. Leased forest, brought, gathered, and one day did the main work. Only small finishing touch.
In the same way are planning to put up a fence. About boards have already agreed on the mill and the mixer always borrow from a neighbor. To make a fence, dig a hole, pour the concrete support is a matter of one day. Will only attach to the posts ready bays. Of course, the same mass and together will celebrate a housewarming party at our cottage. And you come, be sure!
If you have fences, practical advice from personal experience in its construction will help to avoid many errors:
Roman Ilyich frankly told how he was able to save on the construction of villas. Like a helping hand to those who are desperate because of the constant shortage of money for construction. Let's support him in this undertaking, share your experience savings, because someone he is very, very necessary! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.7dach.ru
The seller in the construction market is advised to consult a person who knows a lot about this:
— His goal is to stay within a million. Their savings, plus loan. It is not a shed build, and a full house. And in a good location. I also initially skeptical snorts. But it is their cottage this year, the roof was covered. Don't know whether to stay within budget; go, ask him yourself, he likes to talk...

So I got in the suburban co-op, grown up to the level of the cottage settlement.
— Where's the crisis? Roman Ilyich with a smile nods in the direction of construction.
From the co-operative "Change" were only tin sign and a few old shield houses. Others have turned to modern mansions. Very beautiful, you can hardly call these houses simply giving.
— You have the location is good, close to town, that's building here, people with money, but in fact the crisis in the country. Very few people can afford such palaces. I think you have only now to save?
— Now, perhaps, not only to us. But for us this is the General way of living. Well, or a permanent crisis. How I got this footage from the Soviet state, and save since. We're not businessmen, and never have been. Here you can see that this construction trailer, we have since 1988, got written off from construction. Before we even spent the night. Now the stored materials.
— From "firewood"?
— We're all set. First, the large sales in DIY stores. I keep track of them each day, and friends of the managers calling to report important information. If you are lucky, you can buy quality products at a discount of 50-70%. Secondly, the wife talks on different Internet forums, mostly female. Oddly enough, there is also the regular "sale": people make repairs and are happy to get rid of the remnants. It happens that the gift of giving, just to free up space in the apartment. Only take out. And the forums truckers you can get it as a gift and seedlings, seeds, fertilizers...
Fortunately, we have a car. And when we planned to build, according to the ad I bought the trailer. So we have no problems with delivery. This is important if you're on a tight budget.

— I was told you absolutely everything built with your own hands.
— Not quite. The Foundation, for example, had to order the team of professionals. I'm still a baby doctor by profession, and here we need to understand the subtleties. For example, we have not very good soil – heaving. I have one neighbor saw the consequences of improperly constructed Foundation. A year after the end of the building, even the doors are never closed – so twisted house. If the soil is dry, for example, sand, then you can do ribbon Foundation. This is the easiest and most cost-effective option for a private house of small size.
But we have high groundwater, so first you need to drive concrete piles below the level of occurrence of water and make waterproofing. Then in the winter frozen in the soil water will not result in misalignment of the whole structure. We did so, and on top, put a strip Foundation under the walls of future giving. We have it on draft (by the way, I drew it myself), is small, only 60 square meters. One storey and attic. We live here together with my wife, children and grandchildren may come to visit — plenty to go around.
Read more about what types of Foundation are, how to choose and to do, explained in detail in this article: What Foundation to choose?

Wall Roman Ilyich built himself. Said, laying bricks learned in the service in the army. But giving him other material. Quite large blocks of sawdust and cement, by weight is much lighter than brick.
— What is this material?
Is arbolit — explains the master. – I long chose what to build. I had most to rely on their own strength, well, except that in the weekend son-in-law or son come to help. Brick laying easy, this is the best material, but expensive. Hardwood timber is too expensive, besides I have heard a lot about his ability to crack when drying, breaking walls and floors. The logs are environmentally friendly and look beautiful, but also give greater shrinkage upon drying, and are in our area a lot. And most importantly — putting a house of logs or timber me alone not under force.
One time was really attracted by the block of three layers: the inner (bearing) concrete, medium — polystyrene, exterior — decorative finish. They are good because they do not need to insulate and decorate the outside. But still came to the conclusion that such walls will "breathe" — because the insulation on two sides is sealed in concrete.
Then consider SIPS (structural insulated panels) for frame construction. I must say, the frame house is a leader in accessibility. He has a lot of advantages. For example, a very low weight, which means cheaper Foundation you can use screw piles. If you use high quality materials, the house "breathes" and is environmentally friendly. But the key word is "if". The market is now a lot of low-quality insulation panels with glass wool, which soon turns to a carcinogenic dust; in excess of materials containing formaldehyde and this substance is dangerous to health... If you ask for find the perfect components for frame houses, the cost ceases to be an advantage. After all, in the selection process, I visited several houses, one even spent the night. First, the audibility of the SIPS panel house is incredible, just musical instrument, and not a house. Secondly, I thought it was inappropriate for cold climates. In the South, perhaps this country good. But in the middle lane or in the North want greater heat capacity of the material. We're going to live in our country permanently. When you have adult children, the housing problem is very serious, so we decided to use the available land not only for growing vegetables.
In the end, I stopped at arbolita. It holds heat well, is light weight – which means I will be able to lay the walls on their own; strong enough, environmentally friendly – made from wood and cement. It is easy to handle, for example, to cut grooves for pipes and wiring, to adjust the block size. A good insulator, does not rot, support combustion, does not shrink.
Of course, there are drawbacks — for example, it will have to be plastered on both sides. This additional cost and effort, and funds. But this issue we have also researched and found the best options: first, don't apply a grid over the entire area of the walls – put it only on the corners. Second, use the plain white plaster, cement-based, it does not need further painting. Thirdly, in this work I was helped by friends.
But inside the house we used a special design course, which his wife noticed some Eastern dwellings.

Wall plaster is applied, and then it traversed a large brush – a gross ethnic pattern. This finish does not require alignment and can be performed on its own. At arbolita rough surface, so the plaster clings to it perfectly, no need to blot.
The floors are also poured cement wood: 1 part cement M-400, 6 parts of wood chips, 2 parts sand.
To personally evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of timber, read:
— How warm will it be a house? And what kind of heating you suggest?
— Arbolit holds heat well. It was built in the far North in Soviet times, and people still live in these houses. The house of quality arbolita allows you to save 20-30% of costs for heat. It is possible to do without forced ventilation: the walls were skipping and filtered air. To avoid cold bridges in the joints of the blocks, I used a trick: two layers of masonry blocks 20 mm thick, and put them in a checkerboard pattern. Insulation to 100%.
And as for heating we chose a warm floor. Water circuit made of polypropylene pipes themselves easy to assemble, and to pave the space between the joists, directly under the wood flooring. Tested – heats perfectly. For single storey house I think it's the best. As for the attic, the room was quite small, we will use it only for guests. Therefore, there is plan to put Underfloor heating in the electricity that turns on when needed.
To help you to choose the type of heating, insulate the house from the outside will help you with the following:
— The walls you have built for yourself. But I assume that the Windows still had to order in any firm. And it was a lot of costs.
— Yes, the window we do custom, but not in the window firm, and in the carpentry shop. Just a good dual frame of wood. Here, nature doesn't need protection from noise and dust. So double glazing not as relevant as in the big city. You see – our normal Windows look better than the expensive glass, and they keep the heat about the same. But the cost is 5 times lower.
And not only can you make the Windows with their hands, but also to decorate their shutters:
— Your home is roofed, but it seems to me, is not finished. You yourself were covering the house?
— No, roof we trusted the experts. Theoretically it is very simple, gable roof with soft tiles. Still, a roof is a complex "pie" from the rafters, sheathing, insulation, waterproofing, ventilation systems, gutters. And skill needed to work at the top. Most of the work the builders have done in the past year, and to finish nobody.

We had a team of 3 people from the Central Asian Republic, I paid them 30,000 rubles. They do almost everything little work on the gutters, which no one is too little money, and builders from Central Asia have gone home. Important point: in the case of construction of arbolit, who's not very fond of moisture, you need to make quite a long visor (not less than 50 cm) to the walls are not filled with water, and, of course, a good drainage system.
— You record your expenses?
— Usually, Yes. Make all the information in the phone. Look here:
- wood concrete blocks of high strength cost me 175500 rubles, which is 45 cubic metres, with a 15% discount;
- the bricks for the plinth sold me the neighbor who was left from the construction. They cost 5000 rubles (I considered the value of this quantity at the price the store was about 15,000 rubles);
- cement partially bought in store at full price – 280 rubles per bag of 50 kg. Well that did not take the whole amount at once. Later I found a friend who helped me buy cement directly from the factory of concrete products in the Moscow region. From there came the machine with concrete for the pouring of the Foundation;
- sand bought at the quarry – dump truck for 5000 rubles;
- the materials for the roof left 100,000 rubles;
- spent that on a connection to a Central sewage system.

The cesspool – that is, just a concrete pit without a bottom, also categorically do not want, although some gardeners use it (I even saw a pit, made from tires!). This, of course, the most economical option, but the waste water, poison the soil around it, so within a radius of 30-40 m can not plant fruit trees, vegetables, and the hole exudes an unpleasant smell and attract insects. And, again, the scavengers will be regular guests of your house.
— There's the wooden house "type toilet" — this is probably the more affordable option?
— Yes, it was built back in the eighties, but not inside the pit, and peat dry closet. Now, until the building is commissioned, we use them. This is a very good option for a small family. And as cheap as possible. The composting toilet we bought for 2000 rubles, the little house I built myself from some boards, got nothing. Peat requires no liquids, inside just sawdust or peat. Fecal matter eventually turn into fertilizer that can be used for a vegetable garden. Of course, when the children come, friends, this toilet is going through tough times and may just fall apart – he's made of plastic. You can do them if the cottage is used only in the summer, but in our case the Central Sewerage system – the best way.
What to look for when choosing a toilet how to deliver the outdoor toilet odor, read the following articles:
By the way, storm drain, I did it myself. It was most difficult to obtain permission to connect to a common drain. The rest — a trick: dig a trench around the house, a pit for the sump, to lay a pipe to the well, punch it, put on a trench grate. Yes, you can do surface drainage – just set up the groove and take them on the street, it is just cheaper. But then have nowhere to take free water, and in the country this is an important point. In my version, rain water collected in the sump, there is an additional filter and pump. Then it can be used for watering the garden, washing the car, even for washing. Yes, the materials for the stormwater drainage cost me about 50,000 rubles, but in the near future these costs will be repaid with interest.
By the way, this is the amount we missed thanks to the lucrative offers. Compare rates for construction markets tracked promotions in shopping malls and good deals on the boards. Maybe it's funny, but some things can be obtained even on the exchange. There are special forums. So recently the wife exchanged the remains of our cement on the inner door is also left someone after the repair. It would seem — a trifle, but they are in the process of construction of recruited many. Among truckers decided to share and change seedlings and sprouts, so why not put the question more broadly? At the entrance to the co-op on the Bulletin Board you can always see our leaflets: buy, sell, exchange. Yes, everyone knows that we are interested in it.
— So your secret is to purchase goods and services, bypassing the traditional retail network?
— Not at all. The main savings obtained due to the ability to communicate with people, to use their help and in turn, help them. My wife is an initiative group in our village. We all know we all know to solve common problems. This resulted in a decent save on connection to a Central water supply. On 12 houses nearest neighbors connection came at a cost of 400,000 rubles. We managed to negotiate with all the neighbors pitched in, and everyone now has their own water.

Human connection – that's the tool of overcoming all crises. If you find easily contact with people, save a lot of money. Friends will tell you where to find a specialist will call you to inform about the sale, propose a solution, "light" engine on a cold day...
Was in the old days, such a nice tradition to gather the whole world and build a house – a relative, friend, neighbor. Our construction started with a gathering of relatives and friends. Women cooked BBQ, covered tables, while the men erected the first walls. Two years later we repeated this outing, but now has plastered walls outside. Gathered twelve men from eighteen to seventy years. Leased forest, brought, gathered, and one day did the main work. Only small finishing touch.
In the same way are planning to put up a fence. About boards have already agreed on the mill and the mixer always borrow from a neighbor. To make a fence, dig a hole, pour the concrete support is a matter of one day. Will only attach to the posts ready bays. Of course, the same mass and together will celebrate a housewarming party at our cottage. And you come, be sure!
If you have fences, practical advice from personal experience in its construction will help to avoid many errors:
Roman Ilyich frankly told how he was able to save on the construction of villas. Like a helping hand to those who are desperate because of the constant shortage of money for construction. Let's support him in this undertaking, share your experience savings, because someone he is very, very necessary! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.7dach.ru