Why throw cropped tomato leaves in the latrines in the country
Each owner of the cottage wants to rest on his site was as comfortable as possible. However, sewerage and water supply are not everywhere. And about a real faience throne, many have only to dream. How to solve the problem of unpleasant smell in such conditions? It will help the tool for the country toilet, which we were told by resourceful readers.
Do not think that the methods listed here are a panacea. If the hole has not been serviced for a long time, then, as we think, it is easier to either clean it or dig a new one. If you are not a frequent visitor, but there is a problem, then try something of this.
Phytosporine Many have seen the advertising of the biological drug "Successful" for toilets and cesspools. It contains spores of beneficial bacteria that can decompose organic matter and eliminate unpleasant odors. But, like any advertised tool, it costs much more than the real price.
Savvy summer residents carefully studied its composition and made an interesting discovery. It turns out that the basis of "Successful" are hay sticks. The same, which consists of a well-known gardeners biofungicide "Phytosporine". The price of the latter is several times less.
To use "Phytosporine" in the toilet, it must be diluted in advance. This can be done by following the instructions on the packaging. Then add about a liter of ripened "Phytosporin" in a bucket of water and fields them with the contents of the cesspool.
At the end, pour half a bucket of coal for the grill. Coal is a good adsorbent and will provide additional absorption of unpleasant odors. As a result, the air in the toilet will become fresher, and the organic matter in the cesspool will be better and faster to process.
Botha tomatoes
The inflorescences, stems and leaves of tomatoes contain the alkaloid tomato. This substance has an antimicrobial effect. Therefore, the tomato top is used to eliminate odors in street toilets. In addition, the topva helps to get rid of the ubiquitous flies that so annoy summer residents.
Wood sawdust and ash, which many simply throw away, has a number of valuable properties. We already wrote how to feed ash tomatoes. Today we will tell you why there is a bucket of ash in the toilet.
There is a barbecue or stove in almost every area. Collect the ash in a bucket and put it in the toilet. After each trip to the toilet, pour 1-2 scoops of ash into the cesspool. This will eliminate unwanted odors and scare away insects.
Phere Wood sawdust contributes to loosening the contents of the cesspool and perfectly absorb moisture. In the future, they are decomposed and processed by bacteria. And if you add to them the bark of conifers and needles, then this mixture will fill the room with a pleasant aroma.
In conclusion, we say that the issue of cesspool in the country is quite relevant. Whatever you do, you have to call the car from time to time. But, it turns out, it is possible to make sure that specialists come at least less often. At most, they didn’t show up at the station at all.

Do not think that the methods listed here are a panacea. If the hole has not been serviced for a long time, then, as we think, it is easier to either clean it or dig a new one. If you are not a frequent visitor, but there is a problem, then try something of this.
Phytosporine Many have seen the advertising of the biological drug "Successful" for toilets and cesspools. It contains spores of beneficial bacteria that can decompose organic matter and eliminate unpleasant odors. But, like any advertised tool, it costs much more than the real price.

Savvy summer residents carefully studied its composition and made an interesting discovery. It turns out that the basis of "Successful" are hay sticks. The same, which consists of a well-known gardeners biofungicide "Phytosporine". The price of the latter is several times less.

To use "Phytosporine" in the toilet, it must be diluted in advance. This can be done by following the instructions on the packaging. Then add about a liter of ripened "Phytosporin" in a bucket of water and fields them with the contents of the cesspool.

At the end, pour half a bucket of coal for the grill. Coal is a good adsorbent and will provide additional absorption of unpleasant odors. As a result, the air in the toilet will become fresher, and the organic matter in the cesspool will be better and faster to process.
Botha tomatoes

The inflorescences, stems and leaves of tomatoes contain the alkaloid tomato. This substance has an antimicrobial effect. Therefore, the tomato top is used to eliminate odors in street toilets. In addition, the topva helps to get rid of the ubiquitous flies that so annoy summer residents.
Wood sawdust and ash, which many simply throw away, has a number of valuable properties. We already wrote how to feed ash tomatoes. Today we will tell you why there is a bucket of ash in the toilet.

There is a barbecue or stove in almost every area. Collect the ash in a bucket and put it in the toilet. After each trip to the toilet, pour 1-2 scoops of ash into the cesspool. This will eliminate unwanted odors and scare away insects.

Phere Wood sawdust contributes to loosening the contents of the cesspool and perfectly absorb moisture. In the future, they are decomposed and processed by bacteria. And if you add to them the bark of conifers and needles, then this mixture will fill the room with a pleasant aroma.
In conclusion, we say that the issue of cesspool in the country is quite relevant. Whatever you do, you have to call the car from time to time. But, it turns out, it is possible to make sure that specialists come at least less often. At most, they didn’t show up at the station at all.
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