Can you count in your mind at second grade level?
Surely every educated adult is convinced that he knows exactly, how fast to count. But what is his confidence based on? Do many of our readers know how to count in their minds? Is this skill really important in today’s world?
Having the ability to carry out at least simple calculations in your mind is as important as writing and talking competently, as having at least a basic idea of the world, as knowing a foreign language even at an elementary level.
Agree that numeracy It gives you some freedom. After all, you always have time to count the change in the store before the cashier begins to issue bills. Always invest in your budget when shopping at the supermarket.
And in general, you always cope better with everyday affairs, because everywhere you can figure out in numbers what is better to do and how. Therefore, you are better guided in what is happening.
To train the ability to count in the mind, you need not rush and move step by step. First, you should be able to operate well with single digits. When this happens quickly, you can start working with two-digit numbers. And if these mathematical manipulations will occur without errors and with sufficient speed, then you can train the work with three-digit numbers.
Try to add 28 and 47 in your mind. How exactly are you going to find the answer? What does all this look like? thought-process in your head? Try looking at all possible solutions to this simple example.
If you can count in your mind, you will find at least 5 ways to add 28 and 47. For example, you can mentally simplify the example: (20 + 40) + (8 + 7) = 60 + 15 = 75. You can also (28 + 7) + 40 = 35 + 40 = 75.
You can and (28 + 2) + 45 = 30 + 45 = 75. And you can and (47 + 30) - 2 = 77 - 2 = 75. Someone is more comfortable putting a larger number first. This is why they decide 47 + 28, which is a bit easier. And such a trick followed by a decision on one of the above algorithms also indicates that a person can count in his mind. Although we are talking about only two-digit numbers.
As you can see, even a fairly simple example has many solutions. Try these and other ways to hone your math skills. And to do this, solve our other examples that we published recently. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments.

Having the ability to carry out at least simple calculations in your mind is as important as writing and talking competently, as having at least a basic idea of the world, as knowing a foreign language even at an elementary level.

Agree that numeracy It gives you some freedom. After all, you always have time to count the change in the store before the cashier begins to issue bills. Always invest in your budget when shopping at the supermarket.
And in general, you always cope better with everyday affairs, because everywhere you can figure out in numbers what is better to do and how. Therefore, you are better guided in what is happening.

To train the ability to count in the mind, you need not rush and move step by step. First, you should be able to operate well with single digits. When this happens quickly, you can start working with two-digit numbers. And if these mathematical manipulations will occur without errors and with sufficient speed, then you can train the work with three-digit numbers.

Try to add 28 and 47 in your mind. How exactly are you going to find the answer? What does all this look like? thought-process in your head? Try looking at all possible solutions to this simple example.

If you can count in your mind, you will find at least 5 ways to add 28 and 47. For example, you can mentally simplify the example: (20 + 40) + (8 + 7) = 60 + 15 = 75. You can also (28 + 7) + 40 = 35 + 40 = 75.
You can and (28 + 2) + 45 = 30 + 45 = 75. And you can and (47 + 30) - 2 = 77 - 2 = 75. Someone is more comfortable putting a larger number first. This is why they decide 47 + 28, which is a bit easier. And such a trick followed by a decision on one of the above algorithms also indicates that a person can count in his mind. Although we are talking about only two-digit numbers.

As you can see, even a fairly simple example has many solutions. Try these and other ways to hone your math skills. And to do this, solve our other examples that we published recently. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments.
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