First planted "Sgt. Pepper", hoping for a good harvest and watering in a special way

It was the first time she had arrested Sergeant Pepper. Only the tomatoes were sad, lowering the sluggish foliage. I decided to take urgent measures, turning to an experienced neighbor-gardener, who has been selling his vegetables on the market for 10 years. He certainly knows how to do it. waterSo that they will mature and mature.

They say that in the heat, the rules of watering change. Today's edition. "Site" will tell watering Tomatoes in summer. All amateur gardeners on notice!

Last summer I noticed a variety of tomatoes “Sgt. Pepper”. So big, you know, pink and fleshy. It tastes delicious!

This variety is distinguished by high yield, exotic and incredibly tasty fruits. The only drawback is that he does not like the tightness and lack of sun, he needs space and as much light as possible. Well, the watering is good.

Taste of these tomatoes directly depends on weather conditions. The more sun, the brighter the taste and color. Tomatoes are quite dense and can lie down for a while.

That's just the fruit must be ripe, that's when you can feel the rich taste of the "Sgt. Pepper" variety.

Instagram / @5sotok Watering tomatoes "Put cropped bottles under each bush, pour full water and everything will be fine." The ground under the bushes will be moist, add water as it dries. You can put smaller bottles. Try watering as the soil dries! the neighbor advised me, learning of my sadness with the grafted leaves of tomatoes of this variety.

Indeed, in the daytime, when it's hot, "Sgt. Pepper" is the only one of all my varieties to drop the flaccid foliage.

Instagram / @irin.jardin In the greenhouse, you need to water tomatoes as the soil dries. Not yet strong, growing plants need to be watered more often than adults.

Tomatoes love watering solid, deep, but not daily. Less often, but a lot of water and only under the root. The fewer drops of water get on the leaves, the more likely that they will not catch the disease. You can't water tomatoes on the leaf! Only you can handle the sheet.

And remember: watering tomatoes is important to produce only in morning. From plants, you need to remove all the leaves to the first brush of tomatoes, since extra branches delay the formation of a green mass, and can also be affected by watering and become a source of ailments if pathogenic organisms from the soil fall on the lower leaves.

But at a time, you should not cut off all the leaves - stretch the process into 2-3 stages, removing several branches every day in the morning.

Especially carefully you need to monitor soil moisture during dense plantings of tomato seedlings. You can easily determine whether the plants have enough moisture: if the upper leaves begin to twist, it is necessary to increase the frequency of irrigation. But cracks on the fruits indicate the opposite - the frequency or intensity should be reduced.

I also suggest you find out how to feed tomatoes in June so that they gain strength. An important part of the process that every person who loves working with the land should know!

Instagram / @tomati_ot_vital When tomatoes start to sing, frequent watering can speed ripening. But it is important not to overdo it, since various fungal ailments can develop from excess moisture, such as phytophthorosis.

Now you know how water properly Tomatoes, especially Sergeant Pepper. By the way, if you have not yet grown it, I highly recommend to look at it. The taste of these tomatoes is unusual, fruity rather than vegetable, and only a pinch of salt returns the classic tomato taste.

These tomatoes are the decoration of the table: sweet, with a thin skin and very beautiful!


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