Recommendations for the improvement of the cottage
Theatre, as you know, begins with a hanger, and any construction – with a toilet. It is possible to install a house for reflection on a country plot without the involvement of specialists. However, such construction is still accompanied by a number of features.
And if the improvement of your six acres is just beginning, then it is time to deal with the rules and basic stages of creating an inexpensive, but at the same time the most convenient garden toilet.
How to make a toilet in the country The first thing is to decide on the design. According to the method of waste disposal, there are two main types of toilets: with a sewage pit and without. Sewage pit It is considered the simplest and cheapest solution, so we will focus on this option.
Use the tips from our article, add to this a little imagination and diligence, and street-room It will serve you for many years, providing comfort and comfort in the country.

And if the improvement of your six acres is just beginning, then it is time to deal with the rules and basic stages of creating an inexpensive, but at the same time the most convenient garden toilet.
How to make a toilet in the country The first thing is to decide on the design. According to the method of waste disposal, there are two main types of toilets: with a sewage pit and without. Sewage pit It is considered the simplest and cheapest solution, so we will focus on this option.
- Choose a place for the toilet
Sanitary standards impose a number of requirements on the location of the toilet. The distance between the toilet and the nearest water source should be at least 30 meters. From the border or fence of the neighbor must retreat at least 1 meter.
From residential buildings, a retreat of at least 8 meters is made. If the site has a strong slope, then the country toilet is better to build in the lowlands. At the same time, it is necessary to provide an access road for a special machine that will pump out the contents of the pit. - We're building a cesspool.
The size of the cesspool depends on the level of groundwater: the higher it is, the less you will have to make a cesspool and the more often you will need to call drainers accordingly. At the bottom of the pit in any case, you need to lay a layer of river sand, porcelain, and then large rubble to ensure high-quality filtration of sewage.
One of the easiest options for a sewage pit involves the use of old metal barrels with a volume of 200 liters.
They should be placed on top of each other, cutting the upper and lower parts. Budget option, but with a short service life. The thin metal of the barrels quickly lends itself to corrosion, holes appear in them, through which sewage enters the ground.
Another budget and durable material for a cesspool is used tires. At the same time, in each tire, you need to trim the sides to get a rubber hoop with edges of about 5 cm, and the gaps between the tires should be laid out with silicate bricks or crushed stone.
There are practically no competitors in terms of quality and duration of operation, cesspools assembled from reinforced concrete rings, but for their arrangement you will need a crane, which immediately increases the cost of the entire project. Plastic containers for toilets are widely popular, their shape can be vertical and horizontal, which is especially convenient if the groundwater level is high. - Making the foundation
The installation level of the garden toilet should be 10-20 cm above the ground level to prevent rainwater filling the pit. For this we make a columnary foundation. Under each corner of the box we dig concrete blocks of small size.
This will avoid rotting walls and floors from wood. To improve waterproofing, we lay a ruberoid or pieces of fused roofing material on the foundation. - Mounting the above-ground part
We fasten a frame of wooden timber to the foundation and sheath it with a wagon. Flooring is made of thick boards with a minimum thickness of 4 cm. Mount the door. In order for sunlight to penetrate the toilet, it is advisable to provide a small window.
The roof of the building can be covered with various types of materials. Best for these purposes is suitable asbestos cement sheet, ruberoid, profile sheet made of steel. To avoid rotting, wooden superstructures should be treated with moisture-resistant varnish or paint. - Provide ventilation
When arranging the toilet, do not forget about ventilation. Even the simplest pipe will be enough to remove air from the pit with waste outside. Such a pipe should have a diameter of at least 10 cm, end with a deflector and rise above the roof at least 20 cm. - Install the toilet.
A country toilet without an odor is a part of civilization, and every summer resident would like to make his bathroom just like that.
A simple hole in the floor or toilet, in which you have to flush with a bucket, can hardly boast of such convenience.
It should be noted that the faience floor toilet has a lot of weight, so for all its convenience it is not suitable for installation on the flooring of thin boards. It is recommended to strengthen it around the perimeter with strong bars on which the product will be installed.
The water for flushing in the warm season can serve as a reservoir with water located on the street, such as the Eurocube in our photo. It remains to connect it with a flexible hose so that water can flow spontaneously into the flush tank. Only in winter water from the toilet will have to be pumped out to prevent it from freezing.
Use the tips from our article, add to this a little imagination and diligence, and street-room It will serve you for many years, providing comfort and comfort in the country.