Cake recipe with cherry and chocolate
A culinary friend shared an exclusive recipe fruit-chocolate cake. This treat will definitely please all sweet tooth, because cherry with chocolate is always a win-win option! Cooking a cake is not easy, but thanks to the recommendations in this article, you will brilliantly cope with everything!
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to cook. Fantasia cake. It's impossible to break away!
Fruit cake with gelatin Ingredients for dough
Ingredients for the fruit layer
Cream ingredients
Fantasy ingredients
There are moments when the spooky creeps up unnoticed and overcomes you. You can succumb to this weakness, or you can fight it. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe for a homemade cake with cherries, which will help cure any longing.
Be sure to try cooking this one. fruit and chocolate "Fantasia" They will not leave your loved ones indifferent, and the guests will come in full delight and ask for a recipe.
This cake can be made with different tastes. There will be something new every time!
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to cook. Fantasia cake. It's impossible to break away!

Fruit cake with gelatin Ingredients for dough
- 130g flour
- 2 eggs
- 150g poppy
- 160g sugar
- 1 piece sour cream
- 1.5 tsp baking powder
- pinch
Ingredients for the fruit layer
- 400g cherry
- 200 ml of water
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 6 gelatin plates (or 10 g)
- pinch
Cream ingredients
- 3 eggs
- 3 yolks
- 90g sugar
- 200g butter
- 3 tbsp flour
- 100 ml of milk
- 2g vanilla
Fantasy ingredients
- 2 tbsp fudge
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp sour cream
- 2 tbsp butter

- In a small pot or pot with a thick bottom send cherries. By the way, you can use any fruit you have in this cake. If you use frozen ones, thaw them first. Pour a glass of water to the cherries, add a pinch of salt and sugar. Put the steak on the fire and cook for 3 minutes after boiling. Don't forget to stir periodically!
- To prepare the cream in a pan with a thick bottom, whip the eggs, as well as add 3 yolks. Sugar and vanilla sugar. Stir it all together. Get the butter out of the fridge to soften it. Add to the eggs 3 tablespoons of flour and pour the milk, stir. Put the pan on the stove on the medium fire. Cook the cream about 15 minutes before thickening, stirring constantly. When the cream begins to fold, reduce the fire. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes until the cream is completely folded.
- To prepare the cake in a convenient container drive 2 eggs, add a pinch of salt. Hit everything with a mixer until it foams. Add all the sugar and whip the mixer for another 3-5 minutes. Put all the mass in a deep bowl. Add sour cream, poppy, flour and baking powder. Stir it all together.
- Pour the dough into the baking mold, straighten it evenly. Bake the cake in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for half an hour. Check your readiness with a wooden stick.
- With the help of a mixer, beat the softened butter, and beat the cream with a blender. To the butter send half the cream, hit the mixer. As soon as it is uniform, add the other half of the cream. Get it all over again. 407165
- For the preparation of the jelly layer, it is better to use sheet gelatin, but if you do not have it, ordinary instant soluble is also suitable. Pour the cherry juice into a separate container. Leaf gelatin for 5 minutes soak in water. Squeeze the gelatin, put it in a convenient container and heat it in the microwave. In diluted gelatin, pour cherry juice, mix, and then pour this mixture into the cherry itself. Put it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes to thicken.
- While the gelatin is slightly grasping, take the crust out of the mold and cut it into 2 parts. Use the top part for the bottom layer of the cake.
- Take the baking form again, lay out the bottom with parchment paper. The side of the form for baking is also cut with parchment, and the paper should be slightly higher than the edges of the form. At the bottom of the form, lay the cake, pour cream on it and level it evenly with a teaspoon. On the cream pour a slightly grasped cherry jelly. Also evenly distributed throughout the surface.
- Cover the jelly layer with the second cake. Send the cake to the fridge all night.
- It is better to cook the fudge before serving the cake on the table. Send cocoa, sugar, sour cream, butter to the pot. Cook the lipstick on average heat for 3 minutes after boiling. Don't forget to stir periodically. Chill the fudge.
- Free the cake from the mold and parchment, put the cake on the plate with a wooden spatula. Cover the cake with chocolate icing.
- That's it, poppy-cake cherry and chocolate ready. Bon appetit!
There are moments when the spooky creeps up unnoticed and overcomes you. You can succumb to this weakness, or you can fight it. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the recipe for a homemade cake with cherries, which will help cure any longing.
Be sure to try cooking this one. fruit and chocolate "Fantasia" They will not leave your loved ones indifferent, and the guests will come in full delight and ask for a recipe.
This cake can be made with different tastes. There will be something new every time!