Now you won't throw out cherry seeds for anything! Cherries treat joints, diabetes, anemia and vitamin deficiency.
Cherry is one of the most famous and useful plants for humans. Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid) are very successfully combined in cherry fruits with such trace elements as magnesium, cobalt, iron.
Together, this helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of anemia and increases immunity. In folk medicine, not only berries are widely used, but also leaves, twigs, peduncles and bones. We will talk about cherry seeds in more detail.
In cherry seeds, as well as in peach, plum, apricots, apples, cherries contains some amygdalin. It is this glycoside that gives them a bitter taste.
Under the action of gastric juice, amygdalin breaks down into glucose and hydrocyanic acid. The latter causes the toxicity of cherry kernels. As a percentage of the weight of the seeds in the almond contains 3%, apricot 1.5%, peach 2.5%, cherry 0.9% toxic substance.
But if there is a cherry with seeds and at the same time the bone is not broken, then the prussic acid will not enter the human body: in the stomach the cherry bone will not be able to digest, the prussic acid will not be released, and the cherry bone will simply come out almost whole from the body naturally.
Most people are of the opinion that hydrocyanic acid, dangerous for the body, is contained in cherry seeds constantly, regardless of whether the berry was fresh or boiled in jam or compote. Scientists have conducted a number of studies, which proved the opposite.
The content of hydrocyanic acid was tested in compote and in tincture prepared on the basis of fresh berries. In the first case, the dangerous substance could not be detected, since the preparation of compote requires boiling. In tincture, the same hydrocyanic acid is contained in significant quantities.
Thus, cherry seeds are safe for the body if they are in jam or compote. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of high temperature (over 75 degrees), amygdalin is destroyed and cyanic acid is not formed.
Cherry bones against cancer: The myth or reality of Amigdalin, also known as vitamin B17, or laetral, has other interesting properties. It became the subject of heated debate and open war 20 years ago, when some of the world’s leading scientists announced that amygdalin was 100 percent immune to cancer risk.
However, the results of the studies did not support the conclusion about the positive effect of vitamin B17 in the treatment of cancer.
Moreover, the American organization FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has officially banned any use of amygdalin-containing drugs due to their high toxicity to humans.
It would seem that such an expert opinion should have put the final end to the sensational story with vitamin B17, but this was not the case. Representatives of alternative medicine hastened to announce a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies that deliberately hide from the public the whole truth about the miracle cure for cancer.
The effectiveness of the therapeutic properties of vitamin B17 has not been reliably proven. To believe or not to believe the representatives of alternative medicine is a personal matter, but one should not forget about the possible health risks.
Folk healers use drugs prepared on the basis of cherry seeds to treat various diseases. Created according to ancient recipes, such funds have an anti-inflammatory, restorative and diuretic effect, which allows you to recommend them to people suffering from pathologies of the urinary system and metabolic disorders.
The benefits of cherry seeds are invaluable in some pathologies.
Diseases that help cherry bones
Useful cherry seed oil From cherry seeds, healing oil is prepared. It contains many vitamins and minerals that positively affect the condition of the skin.
One of the advantages of cherry seed oil is the presence of eleostearic polyunsaturated acid in it, which, when hitting the surface of the skin, creates a protective barrier that reduces the negative impact of ultraviolet rays on it.
When ingested cherryseed prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, allows you to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is shown in diabetes, pneumonia, cold, flu, gout, as well as in violation of the liver, stomach, intestines.
Due to the presence of iron, folic acid, coumarin and oxycumarine in the composition of cherry oil, it helps to improve the composition of the blood in anemia.
The most common use of cherry seeds both in Russia and in the West is their use as a filler for children's heating pads, toys, pillows.
You can use cherry seeds for children in different ways.
How to use cherry seeds for children
Adults also often use pads with filler of cherry kernels.
How to use cherry seeds for adults
Filler from cherry seeds is a bioproduct, so it does not cause irritation and is suitable for both children and adults, it will last a long time without losing its useful properties.
pillow cherry-seed A great home doctor who will take care of your entire family for decades to come.
The use of cherry seeds for the treatment of
To strengthen immunity, it is enough to do a daily foot massage with the help of cherry seeds. To do this, they need to be scattered on a towel, previously spread on the floor, and walk on them for 10 minutes. This “health path” will be useful for both adults and children who often suffer from colds.
Preserving youth and beauty, preventing aging of the skin and the body as a whole - is this not the dream of any woman? Learn about the properties of the hormone of youth melatonin, which is so rich in fresh cherries.
Melatonin also helps with insomnia. "Site" I have chosen for you the top 8 foods, after which you will sleep like a baby.

Together, this helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of anemia and increases immunity. In folk medicine, not only berries are widely used, but also leaves, twigs, peduncles and bones. We will talk about cherry seeds in more detail.
In cherry seeds, as well as in peach, plum, apricots, apples, cherries contains some amygdalin. It is this glycoside that gives them a bitter taste.

Under the action of gastric juice, amygdalin breaks down into glucose and hydrocyanic acid. The latter causes the toxicity of cherry kernels. As a percentage of the weight of the seeds in the almond contains 3%, apricot 1.5%, peach 2.5%, cherry 0.9% toxic substance.

But if there is a cherry with seeds and at the same time the bone is not broken, then the prussic acid will not enter the human body: in the stomach the cherry bone will not be able to digest, the prussic acid will not be released, and the cherry bone will simply come out almost whole from the body naturally.
Most people are of the opinion that hydrocyanic acid, dangerous for the body, is contained in cherry seeds constantly, regardless of whether the berry was fresh or boiled in jam or compote. Scientists have conducted a number of studies, which proved the opposite.
The content of hydrocyanic acid was tested in compote and in tincture prepared on the basis of fresh berries. In the first case, the dangerous substance could not be detected, since the preparation of compote requires boiling. In tincture, the same hydrocyanic acid is contained in significant quantities.

Thus, cherry seeds are safe for the body if they are in jam or compote. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of high temperature (over 75 degrees), amygdalin is destroyed and cyanic acid is not formed.
Cherry bones against cancer: The myth or reality of Amigdalin, also known as vitamin B17, or laetral, has other interesting properties. It became the subject of heated debate and open war 20 years ago, when some of the world’s leading scientists announced that amygdalin was 100 percent immune to cancer risk.

However, the results of the studies did not support the conclusion about the positive effect of vitamin B17 in the treatment of cancer.
Moreover, the American organization FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has officially banned any use of amygdalin-containing drugs due to their high toxicity to humans.

It would seem that such an expert opinion should have put the final end to the sensational story with vitamin B17, but this was not the case. Representatives of alternative medicine hastened to announce a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies that deliberately hide from the public the whole truth about the miracle cure for cancer.
The effectiveness of the therapeutic properties of vitamin B17 has not been reliably proven. To believe or not to believe the representatives of alternative medicine is a personal matter, but one should not forget about the possible health risks.
Folk healers use drugs prepared on the basis of cherry seeds to treat various diseases. Created according to ancient recipes, such funds have an anti-inflammatory, restorative and diuretic effect, which allows you to recommend them to people suffering from pathologies of the urinary system and metabolic disorders.

The benefits of cherry seeds are invaluable in some pathologies.
Diseases that help cherry bones
- gout
- anemia
- Kidney stone disease
- Joint diseases
- diabetes
- pneumonia
- Vitamin deficiency
Useful cherry seed oil From cherry seeds, healing oil is prepared. It contains many vitamins and minerals that positively affect the condition of the skin.

One of the advantages of cherry seed oil is the presence of eleostearic polyunsaturated acid in it, which, when hitting the surface of the skin, creates a protective barrier that reduces the negative impact of ultraviolet rays on it.
When ingested cherryseed prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, allows you to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is shown in diabetes, pneumonia, cold, flu, gout, as well as in violation of the liver, stomach, intestines.
Due to the presence of iron, folic acid, coumarin and oxycumarine in the composition of cherry oil, it helps to improve the composition of the blood in anemia.
The most common use of cherry seeds both in Russia and in the West is their use as a filler for children's heating pads, toys, pillows.

You can use cherry seeds for children in different ways.
How to use cherry seeds for children
- Directly in the heating pads for colic in newborns.
- Fillers for heating pads - a warm compress when coughing.
- Cold compress for bruises.
- For micromassage for muscle pain.
Adults also often use pads with filler of cherry kernels.
How to use cherry seeds for adults
- Cold or warm compresses to relieve pain, swelling or spasms.
- Orthopedic pillows around the neck to massage the cervical spine to relieve muscle tension.
- Small pads for foot massage (stop) to boost immunity.
Filler from cherry seeds is a bioproduct, so it does not cause irritation and is suitable for both children and adults, it will last a long time without losing its useful properties.
pillow cherry-seed A great home doctor who will take care of your entire family for decades to come.
The use of cherry seeds for the treatment of

- Infusion of cherry seeds kernels with diarrhea
Requires 5 g of cherry seeds, 200 ml of water. Crushed kernels of cherry seeds pour boiling water, insist for 15 minutes, then strain. Ready infusion drink 10 ml 3 times a day. - Infusion of kernels of cherry seeds and aira with gout
Requires 30 g kernels of cherry seeds, 200 g of aira grass, 3 liters of water. Dried and crushed aira grass is combined with crushed into small crumbs kernels of cherry seeds. Stir everything, pour boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain through a frequent sieve. Use the resulting composition for foot baths. Perform the procedure daily. - Infusion of kernels of cherry and fennel seeds in renal stone disease
Take 10 g kernels of cherry seeds, 1 g of fennel seeds, 500 ml of water. Mix the crushed kernels of cherry seeds with powdered fennel seeds, pour boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Ready-made infusion strain through a sieve. The resulting product drink 10-20 ml 3-4 times a day.
To strengthen immunity, it is enough to do a daily foot massage with the help of cherry seeds. To do this, they need to be scattered on a towel, previously spread on the floor, and walk on them for 10 minutes. This “health path” will be useful for both adults and children who often suffer from colds.
Preserving youth and beauty, preventing aging of the skin and the body as a whole - is this not the dream of any woman? Learn about the properties of the hormone of youth melatonin, which is so rich in fresh cherries.
Melatonin also helps with insomnia. "Site" I have chosen for you the top 8 foods, after which you will sleep like a baby.
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